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Topic: Rejection
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Sun 11/18/12 05:14 PM

Years ago I came to terms with the fact that I'm just not a "normal person." (Or woman!)...I accepted that I'll never be every man's "dream woman" or "cup of tea" due to the fact that I'm so "different."...So I stopped competing and entering into "races" for "normal guys." (Since I'm not "normal" myself!)...I accepted that it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack to find a man who would be a good "match" for me!...Eventually I found a "non-normal man" who was a great "match" for me. And we had a happy life together and a 24 year marriage. (Until he passed away. Sad!)...One "size" doesn't really "fit" everyone! We don't "say yes" to every salesperson who comes knocking at our door. Most of us are selective when it comes to deciding what we want to buy. (Or not!) And I feel the same way about relationships...I'd rather "hold-out" and "go without" than settle for a "bad fit" or "match!"

19Kate79's photo
Sun 11/18/12 05:38 PM

Years ago I came to terms with the fact that I'm just not a "normal person." (Or woman!)...I accepted that I'll never be every man's "dream woman" or "cup of tea" due to the fact that I'm so "different."...So I stopped competing and entering into "races" for "normal guys." (Since I'm not "normal" myself!)...I accepted that it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack to find a man who would be a good "match" for me!...Eventually I found a "non-normal man" who was a great "match" for me. And we had a happy life together and a 24 year marriage. (Until he passed away. Sad!)...One "size" doesn't really "fit" everyone! We don't "say yes" to every salesperson who comes knocking at our door. Most of us are selective when it comes to deciding what we want to buy. (Or not!) And I feel the same way about relationships...I'd rather "hold-out" and "go without" than settle for a "bad fit" or "match!"

+1000 Amen to that sister!

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sun 11/18/12 10:15 PM

Why some people are afraid or intimidated by rejection? We probably could come up with a million things.
Some people play it safe because they are afraid of rejection. Some people don’t try new things because they are afraid things may not turn out the way they want. Females don’t approach guys because they are afraid of rejection. I am old skool, I think a man supposes to approach a female in public places not the other way around. Dating sites makes it easier for people to communicate or approach opposite sex. Just my opinion.

Because when you actually get rejected its because the person doing the dumping got exactly what they want from you: to lead you on. Not getting accepted is/feels rough. It's part of the wheel of life though.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:11 PM
I don't know if I am so much afraid of rejection as I have come to expect it and just stopped seeking to even be recognized. Feel more invisable than anything.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:12 PM

Tattooeddude81, is it your look? Or any childhood memory? Trauma? What makes you feel so selfconscious? What is the reason behind your anxiety?
From my experience, finding n analysing the reasons wont do much! It is a responce that somehow got programmed in you and you just need to overwrite it ! Medication is not a cure either! Take up yoga n force yourself into situations you don't like. Could we talk more on this?

What are you, a doctor? Let him handle it the best way he knows how. I'm sure you mean well, but you don't know him or his circumstances. Some people do have extreme anxiety and sometimes it is best treated with medication. In other circumstances, behavioral change or analysis may be what's required. You have to know the personal circumstances.

As someone who also has a form of social anxiety, I can tell you that simply forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations isn't the solution. You have to know WHAT to do when you're there.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 11/18/12 11:51 PM

I simply don't approach anyone anymore. Rejection always damn near happens everytime, so F*** it. Plus, I have social anxiety, so that makes it hard to even approach anyone nowadays. I'm trying to tell myself I'll die alone, I'm almost halfway there.

Having anxiety is really tough. A lot of people don't understand it and will say a bunch of stupid things that make it even harder. There are things that can help; some different for different folks, so I would not give up if the first things you try don't work but not let too many who say they know what is right are.

It is a great comfort to have friends who have similiar problems so I would urge you to go to some kind of peer support group. Sounds dreary but really they aren't. DateHookUp,com has and on line community for People with Disabilities in their groups that is pretty good. Among other groupes on line. All states and many cities have Independent Living Center's that are Peer Services I would encourage anyone to look into. Give you a new lease on life.

no photo
Tue 11/20/12 09:47 AM

Tattooeddude81, is it your look? Or any childhood memory? Trauma? What makes you feel so selfconscious? What is the reason behind your anxiety?
From my experience, finding n analysing the reasons wont do much! It is a responce that somehow got programmed in you and you just need to overwrite it ! Medication is not a cure either! Take up yoga n force yourself into situations you don't like. Could we talk more on this?

What are you, a doctor? Let him handle it the best way he knows how. I'm sure you mean well, but you don't know him or his circumstances. Some people do have extreme anxiety and sometimes it is best treated with medication. In other circumstances, behavioral change or analysis may be what's required. You have to know the personal circumstances.

As someone who also has a form of social anxiety, I can tell you that simply forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations isn't the solution. You have to know WHAT to do when you're there.

that was awesome start for a change! But i guess you have never heard of 'peer support' ! But you must be better at all these. Thanks for opening my eyes!

no photo
Tue 11/20/12 05:17 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments and providing us with your thoughts on this subject. Some of you guys made very good points.

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