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Topic: Obama’s win and what it signifies
Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/15/12 06:29 AM
Florida professor: Obama an 'apostle' sent to create 'heaven here on earth'


According to a book written by longtime Florida A&M University professor Barbara A. Thompson, Barack Obama is no mere mortal. He is, as she wrote, "Apostle Barack," sent to create a “heaven here on earth,” a post at PJ Tatler said Monday.

In her book, "The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as 'Heaven Here on Earth,'" Professor Thompson says she was given this message in her dreams.

"Yes, Barack had worked tirelessly on behalf of the American people, especially those who elected him in 2008. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or heaven here on earth,'” the book description at Amazon says.

"Then, as I began to contemplate ways to assist Barack in his 2012 re-election bid something miraculous happened. I felt God’s (His) Spirit beckoning me in my dreams at night. Listening, cautiously, I learned that Jesus walked the earth to create a more civilized society, Martin (Luther King) walked the earth to create a more justified society, but, Apostle Barack, the name he was called in my dreams, would walk the earth to create a more equalized society, for the middle class and working poor," she added.

"Barack, the next young leader with a new cause, had been taken to the mountaintop and allowed to see over the other side. He had the answers to unlock the kingdom of 'heaven here on earth' for his followers. The answers were repeated - over and over - in speeches Barack had made from his presidential announcement to his inaugural address. Those speeches or his teachings contained the answers to the middle class and working poor people living in a 'heaven here on earth.' For when the answers were unlocked and enacted, Apostle Barack’s vision of America would be realized," Thompson wrote.

"Pity her poor students who are going into hock to attend her classes. Now I fear even more for the future of our nation if this is the kind of manure students are hearing from their professors," PJ Tatler said.

This is not the first time liberals have attempted to deify Barack Obama. In November 2010, Newsweek magazine dubbed him "god of all things" while using a pose reminiscent of a Hindu deity.

A few months after he was first inaugurated, Newsweek's Evan Thomas elevated him to the status of a deity.

"Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama’s had, really, a different task. We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he – he has a very different job from – Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is ‘we are above that now.’ We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something – I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God," he told Chris Matthews.

According to the description at Amazon, the author wants the book to be used "as a means of teaching Apostle Barack's followers about him and guiding them towards understanding 'politics as religion' and 'religion as politics.'"

laugh laugh laugh

TBRich's photo
Thu 11/15/12 06:34 AM
I think too much religion comes from dreams, for example, the movie passion of the christ is not biblical but from some lady's dream. Most of it is a sign of severe mental illness

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/15/12 09:26 AM

You know what I like about that article? That even though it's clearly biased toward the Democrats, there is NO name-calling and very little dancing on the grave of the Tea Party. Just goes to show that it's possible to be both partisan AND respectful.

I think its the classic tale of the tortoise and the hare

romney camp was the confident, shoe in , hare
and the obama camp was the steady, hardworking, tortoise

romney said alot of careless things and I think put the majority of his faith in the money

and I think OBama was more cautious and put his campaign to HARD ground floor work to get out the word and the vote

,,it won him the office in both elections,, HARD WORK,,,

Raven1569's photo
Thu 11/15/12 01:01 PM
Edited by Raven1569 on Thu 11/15/12 01:05 PM

From the time he went into office, Bush pretty much rammed this country's economy to the ground. It is going to take the next 200 years before we will get out of the mess that he helped put us in. I am dumbfounded at how conservatives are quick to throw our current leader into the cauldron, knowing well that eight years of having that goof of a president (Bush) in office is what kept us in this economic downfall in the first place.

Lol thats laughable. The economy was perfectly fine after the first 6 years. What happened after the 6th year? Well the Democrats took control of Congress and went on a spending spree and still are. How exactly does the president control the economy? The congress is in control of the Budget. Lets learn how the system works please.

I suppose it's always easy to blame it on the other party when your leader's an idiot.

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/15/12 01:07 PM

From the time he went into office, Bush pretty much rammed this country's economy to the ground. It is going to take the next 200 years before we will get out of the mess that he helped put us in. I am dumbfounded at how conservatives are quick to throw our current leader into the cauldron, knowing well that eight years of having that goof of a president (Bush) in office is what kept us in this economic downfall in the first place.

Lol thats laughable. The economy was perfectly fine after the first 6 years. What happened after the 6th year? Well the Democrats took control of Congress and went on a spending spree and still are. How exactly does the president control the economy? The congress is in control of the Budget. Lets learn how the system works please.

I suppose it's always easy to blame it on the other party when your leader's an idiot.

more of what I dong get

why is it easy to blame a 'party' when the congress consists of BOTH PARTIES,,,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 11/15/12 01:12 PM

From the time he went into office, Bush pretty much rammed this country's economy to the ground. It is going to take the next 200 years before we will get out of the mess that he helped put us in. I am dumbfounded at how conservatives are quick to throw our current leader into the cauldron, knowing well that eight years of having that goof of a president (Bush) in office is what kept us in this economic downfall in the first place.

Lol thats laughable. The economy was perfectly fine after the first 6 years. What happened after the 6th year? Well the Democrats took control of Congress and went on a spending spree and still are. How exactly does the president control the economy? The congress is in control of the Budget. Lets learn how the system works please.

I suppose it's always easy to blame it on the other party when your leader's an idiot.
yep,we have heard for four Years now!

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 11/15/12 05:01 PM

I'll tell you what a Obama win means. It means we are going to be the next Greece! You think the "Poor" are entitled now, just wait! Kiss income jobs for America goodbye. Government jobs do not make America money. Manufacture does. Selling Ag and all our resources for the cheap? Who the fuqq are we kidding. Do any of you liberals remember the greatest lesson of the Civil War? The North had all the Industry. The South had all the farmland. The SOUTH HAD TO IMPORT WEAPONS TO FIGHT THE NORTH, The SOUTH had the better rifles but that war and WWII proved two things most of you Libs just don't want to understand! And look back on Germany during WWII when a German general boasted that a Tiger tank was worth ten allied tanks. Rommel's replay was that we always seemed to have an eleventh tank! Like the Civil War's GREATEST LESSON YOU SEEM TO FORGET IS WITHOUT INDUSTRY AND THE CAPACITY TO MAKE STUFF FOR YOURSELF YOU ARE GOING TO LOOSE! PERIOD! The South had to buy French rifles and uniforms and other stuff because they had no industry. They had a lot of Tobacco and cotton but soldiers don't and cannot eat tobacco and Cotton! You cannot shoot with Cotton and Tobacco. You cannot defend yourself with either! Another lesson is the South got hammered economically. THEY TRULY COULD NOT AFFORD TO PAY FOR THE WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES THEY NEEDED AND FRANCE SURE WAS NOT SHOWING THEM ANY LOVE PRICE WISE FOR SUPPLYING THEM! the South was BROKE at the end of the Civil War! The North was in a depression thanks to it! Europe got RICH FROM IT!

Rifles trade more for wheat than wheat for rifles... So about our capacity to manufacture weapons... Who would we be buying weapons from otherwise if we didn't make our own? And that is just discussing the defense end of things! Now for our economy... W all Street has taken completely over. We are screwed!

I just hope there is enough of America left after this disaster is over to get our ship back to port for repairs. Otherwise better find your a $$es a life boat now! I see things like the Titanic now. America is supposed to have an unsinkable economy. We just hit an Iceberg and our ship is listing! I bet Obama is first to the lifeboats!
Wow after reading all this I sure am glad Obama bailed out the auto industry.


Well now, how about tech? We sure seem to be on the cutting edge these days. But does America make any TVs any more?

How about Medical? Why is it Stem Cell medical is being done in other countries yet here they STILL restrict SCR to DEATH! We are not even doing clinical trials here legally!

How much Furniture does America make these days?




So shall I keep goin g on? Propping up a defunct industry that is so behind the times constitutes what? one small act of good does nothing when the scope of all his actions have done nothing to really save us from anything!

MANDATORY INSURANCE??? MANDATORY??? What was so wrong with Germany's model? Making insurance of all kinds and Health Care NOT FOR PROFIT over your head? please tell me why Germany's model doesn't fit or work here? A 3000 page Health Care insurance plan that does nothing to solve the issues of cost? We just force the costs on to everyone else who CAN AFFORD TO PAY?

Liberals have their heads too far u p their a$$es to understand this is a total SHELL GAME!

This is Obama...

I guess it is easy to bend over when someone has their hand right up your BACKSIDE!

I wanted to say !!!

I didn't though...
You mean that it took until Obamas election for you to see everything you just posted? Did all that start four years ago? Or did you ignore it until now? What fool thinks that the fact that we dont make things anymore are the fault of a four year span. Outsourcing started decades ago for cheap labor. We can blame one man or liberals all you want, but to ignore greedy manufacterers who move industries overseas is foolish. You are right, we dont produce, we are consumers. That fault can go around many times over. All of a sudden you are aware of these facts. But it didnt seem to bother anyone under former presidents. In fact Reagan is a "god" to many, as is Clinton, however the conditions you discribe went on during and before them. Decline is just as much a process as progress is. We will blame anyone and everyone but ourselves. In 1979 it was the Japanese and their cheap productions, today we blame the Chinese. Our decline stem from lack of consciousness. Now we blame liberals, and select to ignore corporate banksters, wall st. crooks, multinational corporations, we blame liberals, yet there is plenty of blame to go around, start with all politicians and the vested interests they support by way of major corps.

K, You want facts????

You DARED to bring up Japanese cars. Allow me to illustrate why your thinking is so effing flawed here... bear with me...

1972, OPEC embargoed oil exports to America. Now ever since the 1930s cars in America got larger. Look it up. I know of a place that restores OLD Cadillacs (PRE 1940s ONLY!). The 1920 Caddies are smaller than the 1930s ones. I have seen three 1920s era and two 1930s era Caddilacs side by side and frankly a 1935 Cadillac Limousine is bigger all the way around than a HUM VEE! The point is all the way up until the Embargo American cars got bigger, heavier, and consumed a lot of gas! So all these a$4holes who laughed at the econobuckets japan was making just happily drove along when gas was about 35 cents a gallon! But then came the Embargo guess who was not laughing at the econobuckets any more as people like my parents had to sit it out in gas lines. Oh but this gets better. When gas prices went up people started looking at VWs and TOYOTAS AND DATSUNS more seriously when THEIR OWNERS SWORE BY THESE CARS. Why? Japan in the late 1950s made up their minds that they were not going to produce crap goods anymore. They adopted standards of quality we didn't! Japan successfully reinvented the wheel while we just went for size and style. WE FORGOT ECONOMY!

So now here we are in the Auto game and why did GM need to be bailed out? They are too far behind the times...

Now for outsourcing... Guess when that began... POST WWII! Your logic is so based on flawed information. What YOU are missing here is that GLOBAL BUSINESS HAS INFILTRATED OUR GOVERNMENT AND IS TRYING TO STRIP US DOWN OF OUR RIGHTS AND SOVEREIGNTY AS A NATION! Big banking is only part of this mess as is the MIC. Sadly the MIC is SUPPOSED to belong to America. Come on, who rebuilt Germany and Japan? Not the UN. Not England. Especially NOT RUSSIA! Not China either? Nixon (A REPUBLICAN) "opened China's door" to us. But WHO WAS PRESIDENT AFTER HIM? Eisenhower, the very man who warned us of the curse of the MIC. (Just in case MIC means Military Industrial Complex).

Now just after Eisenhower took office after Nixon's Impeachment for Watergate JIMMY CARTER CAME ONTO THE SCENE! A peanut farmer and a democrat. Remember the recession Iran caused our economy thanks to his handling of the situation there and our economy domestically? he tried to use government jobs and that lead to a screwed up welfare system and HUD shuttling people around in cities making nice neighborhoods into ghettos! I lived that one. Inglewood my geshniggie! that is where I grew up in the 1970s... I LIVED IN THE WOOD! You think a lot of businesses didn't start going to other nations like Taiwan eager to get a chunk of any industry they could get their hands on? Back then a lot of "Made in Taiwan" was more prevalent than "Made in Japan."

Now for the division of America. About those POOR people we keep hearing about. Who are they again? What makes then think they are entitled to a free hand out? What makes anyone think the world owes them a living? I sure in the hell ain't entitling these bastards to anything! POOR PEOPLE ARE MILKERS! THEY ARE WORTHLESS PEOPLE. Poor people make Ghettos and Slums. People make neighborhoods into Ghettos and Slums. Poor is a way of life and a way of thinking. You are not poor if you wish to work and when given the chance do so! Poor are those losers with signs that say "Homeless and hungry, will work for food." Um, THAT IS EXACTLY WHY I WORK! The thing with these looser is that when you offer them work they have every excuse in the world why they can't or they get mad and ask for money. Poor people are those a$$holes on the street hitting me up for fitty cents. They are always at bus stops and liquor stores here! And it is always "can you loan me..." or "can I borrow..." I just tell them NO and GET A JOB!

Now remember Bush Sr and Jr are OIL MOGULS! TEXAS OIL! Look at how behind the times our energy policy is and how hard we leaned towards the most dangerous possible power generation system possible. how many environmental time bombs do we have across this nation alone threatening to pollute America with something detergent will not get rid of? Radiation last millions of years my friend when uranium is involved! And guess what they have fortunes wrapped up in. Bush Sr was Navy back in WWII. Oil, Navy, Military connections... Come on. I can smell the god damn coffee!

Now for Regan. Please listen to this song so you know where I stand where Regan was concerned...


Now he was better than the other choice for sure and he did get Iran back in place kind of. BUT he sold out to the religious set way too much for my taste. The economy was artificially on the rise. Property in Los Angeles was appreciating in cost exponentially. But then came the crash in the late 1980s when all these greedy developers over extended themselves just like recently!

The real sell out was Clinton. Let's see, deregulation of lending...

Deregulation of Media... That happened under him too did it not?

So let us be fair here. The roots of this problem are deeper. Maybe you should verse yourself in the history of the East India Trading Company. You may see a lot of Parallels to the way global business is handled.

Now back to Obama. incompetent is incompetent and this man wrote a lot of checks WE HAVE TO CASH. NOT HIM.

not like Mitt was any better. I voted for Johnson. So what I threw my vote away! At least I got a clear Conscious and didn't sell out on vanity or ego! I voted for the man who made the most sense to me! It would have been vanity if I did toss my vote to Roseanne!

You seem to forget it is Wall Street America NEEDS TO FEAR JUST LIKE THE FEDERAL RESERVE! We also have need to fear the 534 circus chimps dicing this nation up and selling out from under us!

Like the Frank Zappa song the Meek Shall Inherit Nothing says...

Some people take the bible for what it's worth
where it says that the meek shall inherit the earth...
Well I heard that some Sheik has bought New Jersey last week,

Come on. Are you calling me a Social Conservative and a Republican in the same sentence???

I'm a Fiscal Conservative and a Centrist Moderate! FUQQ both sides of the political fence! They are both lame and too focused on serving themselves LONG before they serve any of us!

Again, Frank Zappa the Meek Shall Inherit Nothing...

You say your lifes' a bum deal
and your against the wall
you ain't even got no deal at all
you know the sheet they be doing in Washing-ton
they just takes' care of #1,
and #1 ain't you!
you ain't even #2

huh so reallyhuh

us and them again?


I am uninformed??? Maybe not as completely as I would like to be but more than enough to know when I smell poo poo and am smart enough to try not to step in it! I don't walk on water at least yet!
and what the hekl does this have to do with Obama, liberals and the topic of this thread?

Tisk tisk tisk, you cast the first stones. You were the one who brought up REPUBLICANS again.... And you called me uninformed. And now "what the hell... huh ?

It has everything to do with the fact OBAMA IS A TOOL! He is PUPPET MAN! If it isn't strings attacked to this man it HAS to be a hand up his azz unless we have us an ANDROID ON OUR HANDS!

So what does this have to do with this topic, like Regan and others OBAMA IS JUST A FACE!

Did I splain myself better?

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