TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 10/27/12 09:44 PM
Ha! I just made yo click on that for NOTHING!

Looks like I got you under my thumb.

no photo
Sat 10/27/12 10:15 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Sat 10/27/12 10:15 PM
glad it was you and not that link to a rick roll that moved everytime you tried to close the window. btw if that one ever comes up on you, use the task manager to end the rick roll
Lala Showers – Tiki Bar TV

willing2's photo
Sun 10/28/12 06:56 AM
That's another lost minute I'll never get back!
What's your address? I'm sending you a Bill or a George, maybe even a Tom.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 10/28/12 07:14 AM
You know, every time I scroll past this and see the view count going up I laugh again.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 10/28/12 09:23 AM
@%$ ^&*&)

Holly4459's photo
Sun 10/28/12 09:53 AM

Ha! I just made yo click on that for NOTHING!

Looks like I got you under my thumb.
I ENJOY being under your thumb!:angel:

no photo
Sun 10/28/12 11:38 AM

Ha! I just made yo click on that for NOTHING!

Looks like I got you under my thumb.

laugh GOOD ONE!! bigsmile

gunny0317's photo
Sun 11/04/12 02:58 PM