Topic: can our species heal or has it gone to far?
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Mon 10/22/12 04:30 PM
All of life and creation has a structure, an invisible design of how everything is linked together.
Our species is ruled quite surprisingly to me upon our history .(what has been before)
We go about our daily lives influenced and infected by our society and environment around us.
When ever most people talk about what's wrong it's always the surface of this framework with a perspective from within that society and not the multitude of links going back through time which have set these motions into being.
For instance war is the cause of sudden advancements. This is not true, the truth is the amounted mass of the collective working to common goals produces the advancement, war was nothing more than a somewhat negative catalyst giving direction to the many.
We as a human race do not design our society based on solving ANY problems or towards any common goals of which there are many right now that need our attention. the human condition is not taken into account which if wanting to design a better person for a better tommorrow surely planning a basic system to make the most from every individual whilst allowing them to explore not only themselves but anything we have unlocked about creation would be the logical thing to do?
Cause and effect are the 2 most important aspects of our whole existence in so many ways on so many levels, but we are led by the past bringing us to this day with
certain attitudes and beliefs which are going to destroy us in the not too distant future.
pain and suffering in some shape or form everywhere and instead of cure we push the boundaries further into oblivion.
Are we too infected by what has gone to start making the right choices for the right reasons? start using some common sense and logic which are so lacking in modern day society. we are made to believe as a whole race that things will never change? unfortunately to me it seams this way.
bringing me nicely to our title as throughout our history we see man make mistake, put right after , ok well tries too but when man destroys his environment as still not learned ,that is billions of dead and few survivors who would be the leaders and select few who ironically would also be the cause in an indirect way (end level). To put this so you could see in simple terms when this stretch of road see's 2 more deaths it will get speed bumps. save the deaths put speed bumps now? change this flawed and dangerous form of travel? don't be silly!
now you tell me we are not polluted and blind and whether we will push it to far as we do everything waiting till it's too late.
I know how we can start yet no-one is interested and that drains and twists my essence and being and scares the crap out of me thinking about how it will be for my daughter once I'm gone and what horrors she will see and have to endure, not mentioning the millions of lives and souls that could be saved from tomorrow today.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 10/22/12 04:48 PM
Read up on the Wheel of Time (Destiny) and Buddhism! We repeat history a lot. But strangely the Hindu have a Nostradamus like Prophesy that likewise has its moments of fulfillment like Nostradamus.

What is a problem is how many ignorant people there are in this world vs. those who get it. So many people live under the notion we have dominion over this world we forget we are fleas on the back of an Elephant. Well, sometimes the Elephant get rid of the fleas when they become too annoying.

We are annoying the Earth! It is quite possible this planet because of its molten nature might have a consciousness we don't comprehend or understand at all. But that is just a personal hypothesis.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/22/12 05:03 PM

All of life and creation has a structure, an invisible design of how everything is linked together.
Our species is ruled quite surprisingly to me upon our history .(what has been before)
We go about our daily lives influenced and infected by our society and environment around us.
When ever most people talk about what's wrong it's always the surface of this framework with a perspective from within that society and not the multitude of links going back through time which have set these motions into being.
For instance war is the cause of sudden advancements. This is not true, the truth is the amounted mass of the collective working to common goals produces the advancement, war was nothing more than a somewhat negative catalyst giving direction to the many.
We as a human race do not design our society based on solving ANY problems or towards any common goals of which there are many right now that need our attention. the human condition is not taken into account which if wanting to design a better person for a better tommorrow surely planning a basic system to make the most from every individual whilst allowing them to explore not only themselves but anything we have unlocked about creation would be the logical thing to do?
Cause and effect are the 2 most important aspects of our whole existence in so many ways on so many levels, but we are led by the past bringing us to this day with
certain attitudes and beliefs which are going to destroy us in the not too distant future.
pain and suffering in some shape or form everywhere and instead of cure we push the boundaries further into oblivion.
Are we too infected by what has gone to start making the right choices for the right reasons? start using some common sense and logic which are so lacking in modern day society. we are made to believe as a whole race that things will never change? unfortunately to me it seams this way.
bringing me nicely to our title as throughout our history we see man make mistake, put right after , ok well tries too but when man destroys his environment as still not learned ,that is billions of dead and few survivors who would be the leaders and select few who ironically would also be the cause in an indirect way (end level). To put this so you could see in simple terms when this stretch of road see's 2 more deaths it will get speed bumps. save the deaths put speed bumps now? change this flawed and dangerous form of travel? don't be silly!
now you tell me we are not polluted and blind and whether we will push it to far as we do everything waiting till it's too late.
I know how we can start yet no-one is interested and that drains and twists my essence and being and scares the crap out of me thinking about how it will be for my daughter once I'm gone and what horrors she will see and have to endure, not mentioning the millions of lives and souls that could be saved from tomorrow today.


You humans keep complaining about how bad it is for you. At least you still have your planet. Try being a Melmacian. grumble

no photo
Mon 10/22/12 05:48 PM
It's awful thinking about how most don't know they can choose HOW to be, or WHO to be. Apparantely, if you don't act like this, or talk like that, then you shouldn't be equal. In fact, who do people think they are, by being different? There's not enough violence or drugs to ruin life on earth. Food isn't inportant. Having common sense isn't important. Having a roof over your head isn't important. This world constantly being more and more destroyed? Not important. [just being sarcastic. I was joking]. As long as the government keep making up rules that don't make sense whatsoever [Upping poor people's rent], then we will just be [apologies for the disgusting term] pooped out by the time we die. We will be fed up of it all. And rightly so. A human can only do so much. I think many people are tired of it.

metalwing's photo
Mon 10/22/12 06:00 PM
As a society we are in decline.

no photo
Mon 10/22/12 06:09 PM
Edited by DestinedDream on Mon 10/22/12 06:12 PM
I'm sure I would relate to those titles and maybe open my mind further but I'm not a fan of reading and never have been due to frustration within a books limitations and my own reacting with it, i aviod news or end up angry and frustrated :/ Familiarity even though comforting I do not look for although I'm sure it may do wonders for my soul ;)
I dream/see all the possibilities in an instance sometimes as do all I guess who can and as you say "get it." whether by either self exploration of logical thought or an outside influence that sparks it.
Whether fleas or not though and by which of many potential ends we may see what matteres to me most is our apparent feelings and emotions we go through in our journey along this ride. I cling for the hope of the flash of thought I remember seeing as a young child that technology is one of the few things if used as it should be that could heal our little perspective and end level comprehension of existence that we perceive. This does not change the effects of being a for lack of a better expression "on the soft twat that I am". I find it harder to keep a grip of my mind in its reaction to so much illogical behaviour and question everything even down to my own actions which lead me into dilemma whereas my children especially are concerned. My daughter who seams to share my sensitivity too, do I set up for the possibility of coping better with society as it is and brainwashing into the norm and ignorant hoping she wont discover and see on a higher level so she doesn't have to go through the pain and anguish and frustration? I know her path will be different but what little existence on this level she has obviously I want her to be happy and yes to see things clearer but at what cost to her happiness? I feel I all ready try to teach my children the best way i can to structure their thinking yet it scares me how much that damages them living as they do now coping with the dictatorship in which we live.
I have been waiting a long time for someone or thing to sort out these issues we see even questioning should I be pushing this myself as from my very limited world perspective i see no solutions from anywhere, maybe you do? only reason i have not started is the worry too much of consequences of the negative. But all the tools with technology are here now and with facebook and YouTube etc and global togetherness of those that "get it" combined surely it's possible now to let the smart and moral show how it's done?
We could jump our evolutionary time line and as a whole everyone is happier. within a few generations time... wow! unrecognizable if u get me;)

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 10/30/12 05:13 AM
One day we'll be governed by a super computer. No one will be able to be tempt or bribe it. It has no ego to feed and it won't be swayed by emotion. It's only goal will be to provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to all equally.

There will no need to fear it because it will be programed with the three laws of robotics.

We won't have to worry about money or food and can get busy with what we're really good at, making copies of ourselves.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 10/30/12 12:15 PM

Welcome to the machine!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 10/30/12 12:23 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 10/30/12 12:24 PM

Gloom despair and agony on me laugh
I usually take the lighter view!bigsmile