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Topic: You cannot legislate the poor and lazy....
willing2's photo
Tue 10/23/12 06:05 PM

Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

I really don't know what you said.

I think he's saying oBamao is Jesus reborn.

Wonder if he drives a Volt.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 10/23/12 06:53 PM

Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

I didn't want to touch this. Just the Grammar alone is atrocious!

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 10/23/12 06:59 PM

Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

I didn't want to touch this. Just the Grammar alone is atrocious!


msharmony's photo
Wed 10/24/12 04:51 PM

. . . I rarely hear about the RICH and lazy . . .

That is because they are rare.

In general, people become rich by working their butts off while taking risks and making wise decisions. Often, the difference between a wealthy person and a poor person is that the wealthy person made wise decisions and took risks that others were not willing to take.

Even people who benefited from attending good colleges (such Governor Mitt Romney) work long hours and take risks in order to earn what they have.

Granted, there are people who inherit their wealth (such as the late U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy) and people who marry into wealth (such as U.S. Senator John Kerry). However, those people aren't necessarily lazy.

If it is wrong to accuse poor people of being lazy without supporting such an accusation with evidence, then it is wrong to accuse rich people of being lazy without supporting such an accusation with evidence.

If it is wrong to "look down one's nose" at poor people, then it is wrong to covet what wealthy people have to the point that one makes unproven negative claims about wealthy people.

As it is written in the Tanak book of Psalms, "There is none who does good, not even one."* Every time that you point an accusing finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you.

[*Psalms 14:3 (ESV)]

I dont know where the evidence is that rich are 'rarely' lazy, any more than I know about evidence that poor are

my point was that POOR people often get labeled lazy with no information besides that they are poor or in need of assistance

with the rich people 'rarely' being believed to be lazy because their income makes people assume they must have 'worked their ***** off'

I suspect, much of the wealth in the country is from people who worked hard,, just like much of the poverty is amongst those who work hard

the difference is in who you know, and not how 'hard' you work or are willing to work,,,

Romney didnt necessarily work any harder than many of those impoverished work today,, but he was afforded a better start in a better network of opportunities due to who his father was and due to his church

the majority of those who are rich, do come from money,, even though its not inherited

and that makes a much larger difference than any fantasy level of 'hard work' that is allegedly more present in their demographic than in others,,,

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