Topic: You cannot legislate the poor and lazy....
Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:04 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant

willowdraga's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:04 PM

You do know that even the rich do work at real jobs. Sometimes it is because they just can't get enough money, sometimes it is out of boredom, etc...

Just because Romney worked didn't mean that he had to. Which he didn't have to.

There are a lot of tax breaks for the rich. Even the rich like Buffet have agreed that the average joe is getting shafted by the rich in the tax arena.


Romney is dipshyte if I have ever seen one. And saying what he thinks people want to hear at every turn has ridiculously brought him to where he is. People who want to hear what they want to hear tend to disregard what they don't want to hear and with Romney, they have to shut him down in their mind 47 percent of the time:thumbsup:

willowdraga's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:07 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Romney's parents had the money needed to send Romney to college. However, after graduating from college, Romney had to go out and earn his own money.

Not true for the reasons you are believing. Note my previous post.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:17 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Romney's parents had the money needed to send Romney to college. However, after graduating from college, Romney had to go out and earn his own money.

earn his own money, as the son of an ex automobile exec, governor, turned presidential cabinet member

those connections must have made it pretty hard to get the foot in the door,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:19 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

Id probably elect george romney, from what I have read on him,,he did 'build' that,,,

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 10/21/12 12:47 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

Id probably elect george romney, from what I have read on him,,he did 'build' that,,,


no photo
Sun 10/21/12 02:45 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant


msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 02:57 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant


let me rewrite it and perhaps you will get the 'joke'

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

...the way it was written implied that MItt was the one poor and on public assistance,,,the joke being that I had the wrong impression of his silver spoon status after all,,,

the accurate statement would be
Maybe he is confusing Mitt Romney with George Romney , who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

Bravalady's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:27 PM

LOL.............for one I didn't interject the word "lazy" into this piece, the original, or one who is passing themselves off as original is. Read the EndNote.

Um, aren't you the original poster? Who put the word "lazy" in the title?

I don't get what the fun is in slapping people down and then pretending you didn't do it.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/21/12 07:17 PM

Id probably elect george romney, from what I have read on him,,he did 'build' that,,,

Don't tell that to President Obama. :tongue:

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/21/12 07:26 PM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant


let me rewrite it and perhaps you will get the 'joke'

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

...the way it was written implied that MItt was the one poor and on public assistance,,,the joke being that I had the wrong impression of his silver spoon status after all,,,

the accurate statement would be
Maybe he is confusing Mitt Romney with George Romney , who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

Nope. That's not why alleoops said, "shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this." What he means is this: Don't reveal that a person who is poor and on public assistance can work his/her way to becoming wealthy.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/21/12 07:51 PM
I apologise for not making it clear that I understood they were different taxes. I wasnt suggesting Romney was breaking the law. Im only suggesting that using a 'capital gains' tax as a means to create a separate rate is wrong. It means the wealthy will not contribute the same as the rest of us. We have seen that 'trickle down' does not encourage economic growth.

Radio personality Neal Boortz has a good explanation of the capital gains tax:

The capital gains tax rate – taxes on investment income – are lower than income tax rates. The purpose here is to encourage people to invest their money in business ventures. Remember, returns on those investments are by no means guaranteed, so the theory is that if you tax the profits from those investments at a lower rate, people will be more encouraged to take the chance, make the investment, and see if things work out.

The record clearly shows that when capital gains taxes are increased, investors make the decision that maybe the risk isn’t worth it – not if you have to pay that high a tax rate on your profits – and they put their money into other, more certain investments. Tax-free municipal bonds, for instance. When business investment suffers, jobs and economic growth suffer .. and that’s why we keep capital gains taxes low.

I would add that the income that is invested is income that has already been taxed. For example, Mitt Romney paid an income tax on the salary that he earned. Afterwards, he took a portion of his after-tax salary and invested it in a business venture, risking the possibility that the business venture would fail to be profitable.

Let's look at the change of Facebook from being a private company to being a publicly-traded company.

When the initial stock purchase (IPS) took place, the people who purchased the initial stock did so because they believed that the price of the stock would go up. If it had, then the initial purchasers could have sold the stock for a profit.

However, instead of going up, the price of the stock went down. Thus, any sale of the stock would have resulted in a financial loss for the initial purchaser.

That is why an investment in venture capitalism is risky. You risk losing the money that you have invested.

Quote Source:

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/22/12 06:35 AM

Id probably elect george romney, from what I have read on him,,he did 'build' that,,,

Don't tell that to President Obama. :tongue:

lol, I wouldnt choose him over Obama,,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/22/12 06:37 AM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant


let me rewrite it and perhaps you will get the 'joke'

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

...the way it was written implied that MItt was the one poor and on public assistance,,,the joke being that I had the wrong impression of his silver spoon status after all,,,

the accurate statement would be
Maybe he is confusing Mitt Romney with George Romney , who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

Nope. That's not why alleoops said, "shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this." What he means is this: Don't reveal that a person who is poor and on public assistance can work his/her way to becoming wealthy.

lol,, no kidding

Im well aware public assistance temporarily HELPS people so they can go on to be productive and sometimes (but rarely) even WEALTHY,,,,

no secret,,,

Peccy's photo
Mon 10/22/12 07:35 AM

LOL.............for one I didn't interject the word "lazy" into this piece, the original, or one who is passing themselves off as original is. Read the EndNote.

Um, aren't you the original poster? Who put the word "lazy" in the title?

I don't get what the fun is in slapping people down and then pretending you didn't do it.
I didn't "pretend", if you knew me you'd know that I don't pretend anything......especially on a public forum where opinions are as common as leaves in

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:50 AM

It is getting the capital to begin with that is hard. Mitt never had to do that.

That is where you are mistaken. He had to get a job and earn a living. The money that he invested is the money that he earned.

That is not true. He was not poor to start with.

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this.laugh

huh Dude, that was uncalled for. rant


let me rewrite it and perhaps you will get the 'joke'

Maybe he is confusing George Romney with Mitt Romney, who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

...the way it was written implied that MItt was the one poor and on public assistance,,,the joke being that I had the wrong impression of his silver spoon status after all,,,

the accurate statement would be
Maybe he is confusing Mitt Romney with George Romney , who was indeed poor and on public assistance before becoming wealthy.

Nope. That's not why alleoops said, "shhhhh! Don't let MsHarmony know this." What he means is this: Don't reveal that a person who is poor and on public assistance can work his/her way to becoming wealthy.

Don't tell anyone that I personally am barely making ends meet at all and I DON'T Collect public assistance at all in any way shape or form. I am to coin a phrase Disenfranchised by my own country. But I still am chasing the dream of becoming wealthy and it is hard work! Really it is an uphill battle but if and when I make it I don't want to share my fortunes with anyone who did not contribute to my climb directly or indirectly. I feel I share an obligation to share with my fellow tax payers. I do not however feel I should share squat with anyone else just because they are poor or "Immigrated from an impoverished nation." If the person has a job and needs assistance that is one thing. If they lost their job and need help that is the same thing. Someone hurt on the job and cannot work again, that is likewise the same thing. Elderly people who were scammed out of their retirements? Likewise the same thing. THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO NEED AND DESERVE HELP!


You see help should go to the deserving and NOT JUST ANYONE OUT THERE.

If you give a mouse a cookie...

Some people really need help. I sure could use a leg up right now. But I know there are those who are more in need than me and I don't think the assistance comes for free. I have been denied help before anyways. But far too many people capable of doing something productive refuse to on the grounds that they get more from the government than they do working. TO those people I say SCREW YOU! MILKERS!!! IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO RUIN A GOOD THING FOR EVERYONE ELSE!

But keep me working towards a better future and MY OWN RETIREMENT under your hats!!! PLEASE!

I might get ridiculed and be accused of being a Fascist Racist Republican!


willing2's photo
Mon 10/22/12 11:55 AM
Great post, Andy!

Leeches suck.

earth3treeplanet's photo
Tue 10/23/12 04:07 PM
Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/23/12 05:30 PM

Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

whoa ... maybe you should read up more about obama... he is nothing like what you said...

metalwing's photo
Tue 10/23/12 06:03 PM

Obamai s for a future our kids new technology clean energy new jobs to stay ahead of the world in technology help people get ahead who weren't born rich or suffering like like Jesus would do Jesus is someone born 2 thousand years ago god very wise man very wise,someone to look into he done care about the rich getting richer to much to think that obama wants socialism, is dementia psycosis

I really don't know what you said.