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Topic: How can this even be a close election?
Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 02:49 PM
Are republicans really going to hold there nose and vote for that Mormon?

Are they going to vote for the guy who strapped his dog to the roof of his car for a twelve hour drive?

Will they actually vote for this plutocrat who will only make things much much worse for us all?

I sometimes think the media plays along with this close race thing to drum up viewership.

Regardless no matter who wins America will continue its creep to fascism be it the democratic type or republican type.

The rich will get richer and the poor poorer.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 02:52 PM

Are republicans really going to hold there nose and vote for that Mormon?

Are they going to vote for the guy who strapped his dog to the roof of his car for a twelve hour drive?

Will they actually vote for this plutocrat who will only make things much much worse for us all?

I sometimes think the media plays along with this close race thing to drum up viewership.

Regardless no matter who wins America will continue its creep to fascism be it the democratic type or republican type.

The rich will get richer and the poor poorer.

its tricky

many share his views, which matter more than his religious title
many will vote for him just to vote AGAINST OBama

many are in his , social status, and will vote for him
many wish they were in his status, and will vote for him
many are likewise mormons (an extremely loyal community) and will vote for him,,,,

there are plenty of demographics who will clearly prefer what he pitches in his campaign

there are voters who see more of themself and their own interests in Romney than they do in OBama and vice versa

willowdraga's photo
Sat 10/13/12 02:58 PM
Hey ya'll.:wink:

It is mind boggling that there would even be this close of a split in favor of Romney. Romney can't stand straight on one issue, not one. He is even fighting against his own healthcare bill. It is ridiculous.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:01 PM
on the plus side, it will be another record breaking voter turnout,,,,

s1owhand's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:02 PM

That's what y'all said before George W Bush was elected....


BOTH times!


joyfuljourney's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:06 PM

Morman is not the issue. JFK was catholic but he did not impose Catholic on others. His values are the PROBLEM. All of them.:angry:

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:23 PM
or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:34 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:34 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 10/13/12 03:36 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

both have degrees in different areas, one business admin and law and the other political science, international relations, and constitutional law,,,(all fairly important skill sets for the office)

both worked through their adult lives after graduating,,although people keep trying to spin it otherwise

I do concede though that many will believe Mitt to be a stronger economic president because of his career as an investment consultant at Bain,,,

davidcg1967's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:36 PM
It is a simple choice, if you believe in irresponsibility, dependence, and socialism vote for Obama. If you believe in responsibility, independence , and capitalism vote Romney.

davidcg1967's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:36 PM
Edited by davidcg1967 on Sat 10/13/12 03:38 PM

lilott's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:38 PM

Are republicans really going to hold there nose and vote for that Mormon?

Are they going to vote for the guy who strapped his dog to the roof of his car for a twelve hour drive?

Will they actually vote for this plutocrat who will only make things much much worse for us all?

I sometimes think the media plays along with this close race thing to drum up viewership.

Regardless no matter who wins America will continue its creep to fascism be it the democratic type or republican type.

The rich will get richer and the poor poorer.

its tricky

many share his views, which matter more than his religious title
many will vote for him just to vote AGAINST OBama

many are in his , social status, and will vote for him
many wish they were in his status, and will vote for him
many are likewise mormons (an extremely loyal community) and will vote for him,,,,

there are plenty of demographics who will clearly prefer what he pitches in his campaign

there are voters who see more of themself and their own interests in Romney than they do in OBama and vice versa

I'm an agnostic so the religion thing is out the window.I'n not in his social status nor do I wish to be. The reason I'm voting for him is because he can get this country out of the hole that Obummer has put us in.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:40 PM

It is a simple choice, if you believe in irresponsibility, dependence, and socialism vote for Obama. If you believe in responsibility, independence , and capitalism vote Romney.

not such a simple choice, slavery was successfully maintained for centuries due to capitalism/states rights, and hitler was a staunch communist

the labels just dont make it any simpler, any EXTREME ideology isnt going to work,, whether its extreme capitalism or extreme socialism

there is a choice for those of us who believe in a BALANCE of both social obligation and personal rights,,,

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:44 PM

Everyone complains there is no real choice, that either will destroy the economy or take us to war....

Wise up America! slaphead

"3rd Party" Presidential Debate to be Broadcast Worldwide on Al Jazeera, Link TV, and Free & Equal!

Free and Equal Elections Foundation today announced more media and grassroots organizations that have signed on as sponsors for the 2012 Presidential debate.

Hosted by Free and Equal, the debate will take place at the University Club of Chicago on October 23. Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson have all confirmed their participation in the debate.

This debate is the only 2012 Presidential Debate featuring four candidates. The top six candidates were invited to participate. Democratic Party candidate and incumbent Barack Obama and Republican Party candidate Mitt Romney are welcome to participate in this historic debate. The moderator will be announced shortly.

Free and Equal’s 2012 Presidential Debate sponsors span the political spectrum and the globe of grassroots organizations and media who are uniting to solve our nation’s problems. Current sponsors include: The Nation, Link TV, Fair Tax Nation, Humboldt Sentinel, Before It’s News, The Josh Tolley Show, Ballot Access News, Come Home America, Owl Creek Gazette, Free Talk Live, Securing Liberty Radio, 1787 Network, Voice of Russia, Freedom’s Phoenix, Muslims for Liberty, National Constitution Party, The Justice Party, Blue Republicans, Restore the Republic, Re-Tea Party, Free the Vote NC, We the People, Grassroots for Liberty, New Progressive Alliance, Libertarian Party of Illinois, Liberty Candidates, Liberty Avengers, Liberty Chat, Cook County Green Party, Marin Libertarian Party, Rockford Tea Party, Dangerous Conversation, End the Lie, Wide Awake News, Freedom Files, Kelly Truth Squad, 1787 Flags, The Liberty ViewsLetter, Liberty Hour, Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution. , Through the Mirror with Larry Sinclair, ROJS Radio Live, The Drudge Retort, Freedom Informant Network, Gadsden Rising on Freedomize, and Irregular Times.

“Questions will include foreign policy, the economy, civil rights, and other critical policy issues that affect not only Americans, but the rest of the world as well,” stated Christina Tobin, founder and chair of Free & Equal. “We are honored to have Al Jazeera and Link TV broadcast this historic event.”

The debate will be broadcast live at, Link TV, and Al Jazeera. And more to come! I'm asking everybody I can think of to sponsor and broadcast this debate!

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:47 PM
there are always choices

even deciding not to choose is a choice

the 'no choice' cliche is false logic

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/13/12 03:49 PM

there are always choices

even deciding not to choose is a choice

the 'no choice' cliche is false logic

I think you mean MSM logic.....they're about as false as anything gets!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 10/13/12 04:06 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 10/13/12 04:08 PM

davidcg1967's photo
Sat 10/13/12 04:36 PM

there are always choices

even deciding not to choose is a choice

the 'no choice' cliche is false logic

I agree with you, surprisingly, there are many candidates running on state, regional and national ballots, and about 25 political parties have a presidential candidate, I have voted Constitution Party ticket in the past, your candidate probably won't win but if enough people vote against the 2 parties the others parties will adapt, lose elections, dissolve or merge. The tea party movement has caused the GOP to put forth more conservatives and fewer moderates.. The main problem is that 2/3rds of the electorate know little or are misinformed of the issues, history, economics, foreign policy, etc,. and the swing voters are in that 2/3ds, and they will not govern true to their party's platform because they know their base will always vote for them anyway.

willowdraga's photo
Sat 10/13/12 04:41 PM
Edited by willowdraga on Sat 10/13/12 04:42 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Bush had a degree in business too and he was a dipshyte completely.

He couldn't run this country into the ground, oh wait he

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 04:55 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Bush had a degree in business too and he was a dipshyte completely.

He couldn't run this country into the ground, oh wait he
I know what short memories we americans have. It took 8 years of Bush to destroy america( was he really some type of Manchurian candidate?) :wink:

In four years Obama has at least stabilized the free fall Bush put us in.

The republicans crow about the deficit but it was created by the wars and tax cuts to the rich and those tax cuts did nothing to improve our country except for those who have the most.

The republican solution?

Take more from those who have less.

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