Topic: How can this even be a close election?
willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 04:55 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 10/13/12 04:57 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Bush had a degree in business too and he was a dipshyte completely.

He couldn't run this country into the ground, oh wait he

Then, Hussein went and buried it.

SS is correct.
There are more choices than just the two losers MSM is selling.

Barry has already proven his ineptness.

If need be, I will do like the liberals and vote 2 or 3 times.

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:01 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:06 PM
A summarized timeline of Barack Obama's job history:

Student, Occidental College/Columbia University, 1979-1983
Business International Corporation, 1983
New York Public Interest Research Group, 1984
Community Organizer, Developing Communities Project (Chicago), 1985-1988
Student, Harvard Law School, 1988-1991
Editor, Harvard Law Review, 1988-1989
President, Harvard Law Review, 1990-1991
Summer Intern, Sidley & Austin law firm, 1989
Summer Intern, Hopkins & Sutter law firm, 1990
Illinois Project Vote, 1992
Lecturer - Consitutional Law, Chicago Law School, 1992-2004
Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland law firm, 1993-2004
Illinois Senator, 13th District, 1996-2004
U.S. Senator, Illinois, 2005-Present


willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:07 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

His kids will probably want to change their names once they are old enough.

Who could blame 'em?

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:09 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

thats plain false

keeping in mind also that OBama was born in 1961 And Romney in 1947

meaning Romney has had fifty work eligible years to Obamas 35

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:09 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Bush had a degree in business too and he was a dipshyte completely.

He couldn't run this country into the ground, oh wait he

yes.. and the pot smoking constitutional lawyer decided to dig his way out of the Bush hole..

hes brilliant

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:11 PM
I simply cannot imagine how anyone could ever ever vote republican again after 8 years of Bush.

Romney has to be the biggest fraud in republican history, well except for Bush.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:12 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

His kids will probably want to change their names once they are old enough.

Who could blame 'em?

I doubt it,, their fathers name/administration will carry several significant and historical credits

stopping a depression
killing osama
ending DADT
signing lily ledbetter equal pay for women
crippling Al Queda
ending Iraq War
Promoting Healthcare reform/ passing reform reason at all for them to run from who they are or who they came from

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:13 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

thats plain false

keeping in mind also that OBama was born in 1961 And Romney in 1947

meaning Romney has had fifty work eligible years to Obamas 35


position unknown, company unknown..


That is like all the dead people that voted for him in chicago..

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:13 PM
It's not just his giant income or the low tax rates he pays on it. And it's not just the videotape of him berating almost half of America, or his endless gaffes, or his regressive budget policies.

It's something that unites all of this, and connects it to the biggest underlying problem America faces -- the unprecedented concentration of wealth and power at the very top that's undermining our economy and destroying our democracy.

Romney just released his 2011 tax returns, showing he paid $1.9 million in taxes on more than $13 million of income last year -- for an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent. (He released his 2010 return in January, showing he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent.)

American has had hugely wealthy presidents before -- think of Teddy Roosevelt and his distant cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt; or John F. Kennedy, beneficiary of father Joe's fortune.

But here's the difference. These men were champions of the working class and the poor, and were considered traitors to their own class. Teddy Roosevelt railed against the "malefactors of great wealth," and he busted up the oil and railroad trusts.

FDR thundered against the "economic royalists," raised taxes on the wealthy, and gave average working people the right to form unions -- along with Social Security, unemployment insurance, a minimum wage, and a 40-hour workweek.

But Mitt Romney is not a traitor to his class. He is a sponsor of his class. He wants to cut their taxes by $3.7 trillion over the next decade, and hasn't even specified what "loopholes" he'd close to make up for this gigantic giveaway.

And he wants to cut benefits that almost everyone else relies on -- Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and housing assistance.

He's even a warrior for his class, telling his wealthy followers his job isn't to worry about the "47 percent" of Americans who won't vote for him, whom he calls "victims" and he berates for not paying federal incomes taxes and taking federal handouts.

(He mangles these facts, of course. Almost all working Americans pay federal taxes -- and the federal taxes that have been rising fastest for most people are Social Security payroll taxes, which aren't collected on a penny of income over $110,100. Moreover, most of the "47 percent" whom he accuses of taking handouts are on Medicare or Social Security -- the biggest "entitlement" programs -- which, not incidentally, they paid into during their working lives.)

Money means power. Concentrated wealth at the top means extraordinary power at the top. The reason Romney pays a rate of only 14 percent on $13 million of income in 2011 -- a lower rate than many in the middle class -- is because he exploits a loophole that allows private equity managers to treat their income as capital gains, taxed at only 15 percent.

And that loophole exists solely because private equity and hedge fund managers have so much political clout -- as a result of their huge fortunes and the money they've donated to political candidates -- that neither party will remove it.

In other words, everything America is learning about Mitt Romney -- his tax returns, his years at Bain Capital, the video of his speech to high-end donors in which he belittles half of America, his gaffes, the budget policies he promotes -- repeat and reenforce the same underlying reality.

So much wealth and power have accumulated at the top of America that our economy and our democracy are seriously threatened. Romney not only represents this problem. He is the living embodiment of it.
Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:14 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

thats plain false

keeping in mind also that OBama was born in 1961 And Romney in 1947

meaning Romney has had fifty work eligible years to Obamas 35


position unknown, company unknown..


That is like all the dead people that voted for him in chicago..

that is only a few entries before 1984 (when he was 23)

all others have the name of where he worked,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:17 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.
do I note a Touch of Class-Envy?laugh

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:21 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

thats plain false

keeping in mind also that OBama was born in 1961 And Romney in 1947

meaning Romney has had fifty work eligible years to Obamas 35


position unknown, company unknown..


That is like all the dead people that voted for him in chicago..

that is only a few entries before 1984 (when he was 23)

all others have the name of where he worked,,,

any of those jobs he supposedly worked qualify as experience to be president?

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:28 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 10/13/12 05:29 PM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

anyone working as an assistant manager at Mc Donalds has a longer work history than Obama..

Its hard to imagine a man becoming a senator and then president having done so very little..

His record of achievement since 2009 has pretty much exemplified his "experience" of doing nothing..

thats plain false

keeping in mind also that OBama was born in 1961 And Romney in 1947

meaning Romney has had fifty work eligible years to Obamas 35


position unknown, company unknown..


That is like all the dead people that voted for him in chicago..

that is only a few entries before 1984 (when he was 23)

all others have the name of where he worked,,,

any of those jobs he supposedly worked qualify as experience to be president?

u tell me,, some job descriptions

promotes consumer, environmental and government reform. He promoted activism around issues such as mass transit, higher education, tuition, financial aid and recycling.

defended clients ranging from landlords to a securities trader, and handled employment-discrimination and voting-rights cases at this Chicago law firm

Ran a campaign that registered nearly 150,000 black voters for the 1992 elections.

1997-2004 — state senator, Illinois — senator from Illinois' 13th District on Chicago's South Side.

2005-2008 — U.S. Senator — represented Illinois in the U.S. Senate

..seems to me he has a lifetime of giving his time and effort to community services

which I know is belittled by many, but which I think is a fairly big part of being able to represent the entire COMMUNITY of americans and not just special interests and big profts,,,along with being well versed in the constitution and having an eleven year political career

I think the experience that is there is more than sufficient

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 10/14/12 06:14 AM

or maybe since the economy is still in the tank people might want someone that has a degree in economics, actually worked for a living and has some experience other than smoking pot, community organizing and campaigning for president during his 2 years in the senate..

I realize that it couldn't possibly be any of these reasons in the minds of a certain voting block because to them there is only one reason that matters in voting for Obama..

But we won't talk about that..

Its a bit of a stretch to say Romney ever worked for a living. He was after all born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth.

He was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.
do I note a Touch of Class-Envy?laugh

Its more like "class reality" Do I really wish someone who has never been troubled by bills or attempted to cut back on food spending because of medical reasons to understand the challenges faced by the 99%?

I am sure Mr Romney has no idea what a gallon of milk costs or a pound of ground beef.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 10/14/12 06:17 AM

Morman is not the issue. JFK was catholic but he did not impose Catholic on others. His values are the PROBLEM. All of them.:angry:
to me Morman is an issue being it has to be one of the wackiest religions out there, right up there with scientology.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 10/14/12 06:20 AM

I simply cannot imagine how anyone could ever ever vote republican again after 8 years of Bush.

Romney has to be the biggest fraud in republican history, well except for Bush.
laugh lots of Can't Imagine and Must Bees,ha?laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 10/14/12 06:22 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 10/14/12 06:33 AM

It's not just his giant income or the low tax rates he pays on it. And it's not just the videotape of him berating almost half of America, or his endless gaffes, or his regressive budget policies.

It's something that unites all of this, and connects it to the biggest underlying problem America faces -- the unprecedented concentration of wealth and power at the very top that's undermining our economy and destroying our democracy.

Romney just released his 2011 tax returns, showing he paid $1.9 million in taxes on more than $13 million of income last year -- for an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent. (He released his 2010 return in January, showing he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9 percent.)

American has had hugely wealthy presidents before -- think of Teddy Roosevelt and his distant cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt; or John F. Kennedy, beneficiary of father Joe's fortune.

But here's the difference. These men were champions of the working class and the poor, and were considered traitors to their own class. Teddy Roosevelt railed against the "malefactors of great wealth," and he busted up the oil and railroad trusts.

FDR thundered against the "economic royalists," raised taxes on the wealthy, and gave average working people the right to form unions -- along with Social Security, unemployment insurance, a minimum wage, and a 40-hour workweek.

But Mitt Romney is not a traitor to his class. He is a sponsor of his class. He wants to cut their taxes by $3.7 trillion over the next decade, and hasn't even specified what "loopholes" he'd close to make up for this gigantic giveaway.

And he wants to cut benefits that almost everyone else relies on -- Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps, unemployment insurance, and housing assistance.

He's even a warrior for his class, telling his wealthy followers his job isn't to worry about the "47 percent" of Americans who won't vote for him, whom he calls "victims" and he berates for not paying federal incomes taxes and taking federal handouts.

(He mangles these facts, of course. Almost all working Americans pay federal taxes -- and the federal taxes that have been rising fastest for most people are Social Security payroll taxes, which aren't collected on a penny of income over $110,100. Moreover, most of the "47 percent" whom he accuses of taking handouts are on Medicare or Social Security -- the biggest "entitlement" programs -- which, not incidentally, they paid into during their working lives.)

Money means power. Concentrated wealth at the top means extraordinary power at the top. The reason Romney pays a rate of only 14 percent on $13 million of income in 2011 -- a lower rate than many in the middle class -- is because he exploits a loophole that allows private equity managers to treat their income as capital gains, taxed at only 15 percent.

And that loophole exists solely because private equity and hedge fund managers have so much political clout -- as a result of their huge fortunes and the money they've donated to political candidates -- that neither party will remove it.

In other words, everything America is learning about Mitt Romney -- his tax returns, his years at Bain Capital, the video of his speech to high-end donors in which he belittles half of America, his gaffes, the budget policies he promotes -- repeat and reenforce the same underlying reality.

So much wealth and power have accumulated at the top of America that our economy and our democracy are seriously threatened. Romney not only represents this problem. He is the living embodiment of it.
Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century.
Robert Reich,the Poor Guy!
Teaching at Berkeley,getting his Fame off Magazine-Covers!And BrainBrother of Krugman,Arch-Keynesian!

USmale47374's photo
Sun 10/14/12 09:40 AM
Interesting chatter. I already cast my vote to reelect President Obama because I believe he's the candidate best suited for the job. I remember what the economy was like when he took offce. It's a far sight better now, and contintuing to improved. Socially, I believe his views to be far superior to Mr. Romney's. Y'all do as you wish, but be prepared for the consequences.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/14/12 09:58 AM

Interesting chatter. I already cast my vote to reelect President Obama because I believe he's the candidate best suited for the job. I remember what the economy was like when he took offce. It's a far sight better now, and contintuing to improved. Socially, I believe his views to be far superior to Mr. Romney's. Y'all do as you wish, but be prepared for the consequences.

ELECTION 2012:banana: :banana: