metalwing's photo
Tue 10/30/12 03:46 PM

I heard of a one man show but a one man audience?

I'm not sure "audience" is the right term!laugh

Prez_21's photo
Wed 10/31/12 03:28 AM
They said me walk in job? And then they asked 4 my Resume

Hikerjohn's photo
Wed 10/31/12 04:56 AM
Your English sentence structure is very poor and that makes it very easy to make fun of you. I am hoping you are still taking English classes.

If you can handle being teased, please continue to post here. Are you learning more about English and sentence structure by communicating here?

Please understand that everyone here teases everyone. That is part of the fun of being here.

Prez_21's photo
Fri 11/02/12 08:07 AM
MOMENT OF THE DAY. : :god hit anther century. Indians knw well 4 that

jacktrades's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:14 PM
I do not really understand what your trying to say, but you definetly have a sense of humor. The world needs more people like you. When your telling your jokes make sure to present them so people can understand my friend.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Fri 11/02/12 01:31 PM
This whole thread is....


SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 11/02/12 02:30 PM

lay off the mescaline and corn flakes for breakfast

So you were my neighbour.

Prez_21's photo
Fri 11/02/12 11:59 PM

if u dnt hv jeluse neighbourhud

U nev try 2 b rich. . . .

Prez_21's photo
Sat 11/03/12 08:02 AM

there is no backspace in life............. there is justtttttttttt enter and Ecp.

Prez_21's photo
Sun 11/04/12 10:52 AM

The best way 2 stay fit. . . . . Eat french fries . . . . Wen u r at terrace with no elavator.

no photo
Sun 11/04/12 04:10 PM
Performing live at Disney World 2moro night. 7p sharp. That's eastern standard for all you Grenwich chums.

Come check this wizard throw down a spell or three. Bring your best pair of Harry Potter glasses!

no photo
Sun 11/04/12 09:11 PM
This whole thread is about NOT posting while intoxicated?...Got it!

Prez_21's photo
Tue 11/06/12 10:46 AM
i thought that i wana carier . . .
but nw I JUST want Payment checks at 1st date

Prez_21's photo
Sat 11/10/12 07:59 AM
if two unsuccesful people cant make couple! Try three

metalwing's photo
Sat 11/10/12 10:26 AM
The World War II buzz bomb flies over the English Channel .....

Bzzzzzz .... Bzzzzzz ..... Bzzzzzzzz

Prez_21's photo
Sat 11/10/12 11:37 PM
IF there ANY AWARD 4 LAZZYNESS. . . . . sumbody take me to the there. . . . >LOL<

Prez_21's photo
Sun 11/11/12 10:03 AM

There is Problem Wid Ladys parking vehicle . . . . . . . . Coz v r continuesly liying abt majorment of 8 inches

Prez_21's photo
Mon 11/12/12 07:41 AM

u R never Get ua x_bck Same as b4 wen u lost. . . . . .

Prez_21's photo
Tue 11/13/12 07:20 AM

i Love That Enemy who Insult me On Ma face Rather than . .those Friend who talk Abt me Secretly

Prez_21's photo
Fri 11/16/12 10:19 AM

A boys cute msg 2 his gf . . To say hw much he lv her. . The msg was . . . In d skull I Risk my Phones lyf to just text u back.