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Topic: Against marriage and divorce.
styk's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:53 AM
i been married twice also and i still want to get married. i love mariage its beautiful to the right one

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:55 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/07/12 09:56 AM

I seriously do not understand the point of marriage. You don't need to get married to be committed or be in love. Marriage exists only to set certain legal rules in place and weddings are just ridiculously long, expensive religious ceremonies. I do like hearing about unique weddings and people who simply get their marriage licenses at City Hall because THEY ARE NOT SHOWOFFS. But since people choose to get married, they must believe in it a little. Of course, this excludes people who marry for status and money. Married people are the ones showing off and saying how they are going to be toegether forever. They should stand by their words. There should be a rule that if you get divorced you cannot remarry. You are obviously incapable of whatever marriage is in your head. Divorce should not be legal!!! Seriously, if people want to become rich they should just become divorce lawyers. It is better just to stay a common-law couple. I don't understand why when one spouse dies, the other gets re-married or enters a new relationship. It's just stupid, especially if there are children involved. If your spouse didn't die, would you be with this person? Not unless you're a cheater. If you truly loved them, you would respect them and not be selfish.

for me, marriage is more complex than just showing off, or setting rules

it is a UNION of more than two individuals, but two families and two lives

and potentially the creation of a ROOT for a future family of new lives,,,

I got married, for Gods blessing and to start down the road to a united FAMILY, I enjoyed having all of our friends and loved ones there as witness to our vows of commitment

I dont however believe people should be expected to commit physical or emotional suicide for marriage sake

and when one spouse creates dangerous (spiritually or physically) environment for the other or for the children, it is time to prioritize and let that relationship go,,,,

and I dont think that the decision of one spouse to create that risk should doom the other spouse to a life alone

,,,just my opinion

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:55 AM
Do you people think it's right that young girls and boys around the world are married off???

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:56 AM
I've been married and divorced once. My ex became very controlling after we got married (something he didn't show while we dated)

Getting divorced was actually best for us and my son. My ex and I are good friends now and my son (who is 21) is a great kid

Even though we didn't fight in front of my son, he could tell we weren't happy and therapy didn't work for us

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:57 AM

Do you people think it's right that young girls and boys around the world are married off???

I dont think its 'wrong'

marriage to the right person is not wrong, rather we pick that person ourselves(which we seem to have difficulty doing) or someone else picks them (Which appears to end with better odds of commitment on both parts)

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/07/12 09:59 AM

Do you people think it's right that young girls and boys around the world are married off???

You are asking about an issue pertaining to other cultures.

However, I am against anything that would physically harm a boy or girl.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:00 AM
Why does it matter that it's about other cultures? Things that we think only happen in third-world countries are in fact happening right here at home; such as child sex trafficking.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:11 AM
The minimum marrying age has varied from culture to culture and from century to century. What we would consider to be inappropriate now was considered to be acceptable 200 years ago.

However, marrying at a young age isn't the same thing as child sex trafficking, which is something that I am definitely opposed to.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:13 AM

The minimum marrying age has varied from culture to culture and from century to century. What we would consider to be inappropriate now was considered to be acceptable 200 years ago.

However, marrying at a young age isn't the same thing as child sex trafficking, which is something that I am definitely opposed to.

very well said oh hairy one :tongue:

willing2's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:29 AM

I know! But at least mine is logical and makes sense. NOT being married has more benefits than anything.

Very valid point.
Folks just living together get more feebies for their rugrats than married ones.

Marriage should cost a half a million dollars and divorces should be free.

Abortions and teen hysterectomies encouraged and pay them an incintive to do so.


msharmony's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:32 AM

I know! But at least mine is logical and makes sense. NOT being married has more benefits than anything.

Very valid point.
Folks just living together get more feebies for their rugrats than married ones.

Marriage should cost a half a million dollars and divorces should be free.

Abortions and teen hysterectomies encouraged and pay them an incintive to do so.



yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:39 AM

I know! But at least mine is logical and makes sense. NOT being married has more benefits than anything.

Very valid point.
Folks just living together get more feebies for their rugrats than married ones.

Marriage should cost a half a million dollars and divorces should be free.

Abortions and teen hysterectomies encouraged and pay them an incintive to do so.


says the man in the pink tutu laugh

willing2's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:42 AM

I know! But at least mine is logical and makes sense. NOT being married has more benefits than anything.

Very valid point.
Folks just living together get more feebies for their rugrats than married ones.

Marriage should cost a half a million dollars and divorces should be free.

Abortions and teen hysterectomies encouraged and pay them an incintive to do so.


says the man in the pink tutu laugh

Good thing I'm not king, yeah?smokin

pennyg281's photo
Sun 10/07/12 11:08 AM
JMO . .

Your right . . .You don't need to get married to be committed or in love.
But you do need to get married in order to have coverage on your S.O. insurance or them on yours. You also need to get married in order to recieve any retirement/death benefits form your S.O. Also some places don't recognize common law and wouldn't consider you next if kin so if something bad were to happen you would have no say in how the drs proceeded.

no photo
Sun 10/07/12 11:08 AM
You seem to constantly bring up child molester statements, which just makes me wonder if you need an outlet for some emotional/physical trauma that you may have experienced. Sorry if you take any offense at this opinion. I agree that love shouldn't have to require a certificate, or piece of jewellery, etc. However, I am happy for whoever wants to marry. As long as their relationship is solid. I don't so much like how in other countries, people have their future lovers picked for them. I find some laws ridiculous to the point I could puke. laugh. Only the really weird laws.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Sun 10/07/12 11:14 AM
No, thankfully I was never molested or anything like that. I am not offended.

navygirl's photo
Mon 10/08/12 03:10 PM

Do you people think it's right that young girls and boys around the world are married off???

Interesting that you should mention that. I am working with a girl from India and she thinks arranged marriages are a great idea. Me, I couldn't imagine doing that but listening to her certainly made me think. She sees if from a different perspective; that the parents would make a wiser choice and its better than going out in the world and hoping to meet someone as its risky not having a full background check. So, now I don't know how to answer the question of arranged marriages. Even at my age; I find myself learning new things and questioning what I once believed.

jaded72's photo
Mon 10/08/12 05:49 PM
I am married, and have been married for twenty years. We got married young, and do not regret that at all. We have had rocky times and really great times. Is marriage for everyone? Absolutely not. Is it right for me? Yes. If my husband were to die, and my heart was broken, and then a few years later I happened to find someone who I could laugh with, again, and loved me, and we could make a life together, why would you begrudge me getting married again?

garylsch's photo
Mon 10/08/12 06:39 PM
Marriage hmm once bitten twice shy!

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