no you don't pay to talk
just saying hello
Hello ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Interacial Relationship
Hi everyone, I'm just an ordinary Asian man but I dream of someday loving and marrying a Caucasian woman. People around me feel I'm just so fly and think I'd better quit the idea. So do you think it's feasible for me, guys? you should be asking the ladies...just saying,lol ![]() |
I totally agree age makes a difference, after the sex with a younger person and after all is done just what does a person 50 have in common with a person 24? NOTHING!!!!!
I am 51 next month. At my age I can not be picky, I am lucky to be in any kind of relationship, young or old lol. I am available tho lol.
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Personal Answer
Spoil sport ![]() ![]() |
make a new word
very true and very nicly written
does anyone here know of me here? would you all please inform missedubeforimetu that im a real person and not a scammer or whoever she thinks i am
say are you still going to report me?
double stuffed oreo cookies
--- Is God real? ---
"What you write takes on a truth of it's own." See here is where the deception is. Thought and words are not truth. At best they are beliefs. If I stated something as true with nothing to back it, its a view. My view. At most it becomes a perceived truth (the world calls it a perceived reality). But its not real or truth that we know for sure. I provided nothing to prove it. But you can chose to believe that there is no real truth. Thats a choice. It is the thoughts of a adolescent fool but we all chose fooling things all the time. There is truth and it is search-able. Be wise. Again to argue this is adolescent. Seek it and stop trying to prove there is or isn't truth. Your only distracting yourself from the journey. Now I will state what I have found to be truth based on proof of testing. I see the Biblical written word prove itself daily now. The foundations are there. Over and Over and Over. I see lives really change. Not band-aids, Not fakers,(they are there too), but real lives that were beyond messed up finding complete peace and lasting joy even in the world they created. And that includes me. And I find most of my friends who are still attempting to argue and avoid seeking answers as broken, laking peace and joyless. Having momentary happiness at the most. Usually followed by dread shortly after what ever they did to feel happy at that moment. I don't need to test if there is a God anymore. I don't need blind faith. I have proof. Every day now. And when my peace is broken, it wasn't anyone else or God that caused it. It was always me who broke it. Choosing to do something harmful to me. Sometimes hidden as something fun or erotic or daring. I cannot convince you to believe in God. That's actually not my job. I can only encourage you to seek truth and express and witness what I have found to be true. It's your job to do the work. |
--- Is God real? ---
Indeed the word "truth" is already a part of language. However so is "brain" "thought" and "reality". So, as we can see, just because we have a name for a thing it does not mean that that which is being named requires language for it's existence. Correspondence to fact/reality is one such thing. Not sure what you're asking about in the end. Can you rephrase you questions, or perhaps put them into some context? The appreciation is shared. |
--- Is God real? ---
On a more serious note, perhaps a better question would be "what is God" As everyone here most likely assigns a different meaning to that word. |
--- Is God real? ---
Wow. Such an interesting thread. So many stating there opinions as facts. When one does this then their own reality is based on there own wants of what is true. This is not the truth but a 'perceived reality'. But in the end there is truth. 1 + 1 = 2. Sun rays will warm the earth. Clouds will block the sun. And somehow the spark of life started on this earth. All theories aside there is a truth. You are all right in that faith alone does not prove there is a God. But choosing to not seek truth is foolish. And deciding there isn't a God without seeking truth is foolish. May no-one believe in God just because I do. So go back and read how many people state this or that as fact when it really is just an opinion. In the end, go seek the answers yourself. They are there. Open your heart to seeking truth not trying to make the facts fit what you want to be the truth. My faith is not blind. It is based on seeking answers. Testing everything in the pursuit of finding the truth. Watching those who are at peace and those who are not. It is a waist of time to try and convince anyone who doesn't really want to know the truth. Good luck. God bless. |
--- Is God real? ---
Gods word is spiritual and prophetic and parabolic and allegorical using paralellisms in figurative metaphors that only Gods people understand....The spiritual Followers of Jesus Christ only the people walking in the Light can feed the bible it is impossible to feed it without being spiritually a part of it The words gentile and Christian not interchangable Gentile = heathen so non who are heathen follow Christ Go not in the way of the Gentiles once u become Christian u are no longer heathen then you are no longer gentile only trying to show you that if your not Christian how can you feed the bible? Jesus is a spirit not book he is written in a book that devils have tried to mutalate 2000 yrs so the devils have good reason to be mad at him Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah............who brought forth the gospel Jesus is king of all israel ( not that physical land ) the only true God The rest of the so called gods are fallen evils Nephilim are not men and they have no resurrection they are brute beast meant to be destroyed and whoever are linked inside those people are wicked spiritually and physically God gave a good command when he sent out the death sentence for he had did before at the flood and he will do again No where did it say angels mated it said they {Made} daughters and sons |
--- Is God real? ---
Where on my profile does it say I am a Christian? This is a secular site, so with that, it asks your religious beliefs. In secular terms my religious beliefs are of the Christian faith. Again, context funches. the site doesn't ask your religious beliefs because that would be vague.....which is why it ask for your "religion"...and you checked "Christian" Doesn't ask for your religious beliefs, but it asks for your religion... hmmm, hate to you Funches, but that is the exact same thing lol. And yes, in secular terms my religious beliefs are of the Christian faith. And in secular terms I am a "Christian". But you did not specify, you merely asked if I was a Christian or not. And no I am not a Christian, being a Christian places your knowledge on a mere faith based level. In my heart I know God is real, so to me it's not based on faith, it's based on knowledge. When you boil it down, all knowledge not seen first hand is based off faith. |
--- Is God real? ---
Where on my profile does it say I am a Christian? This is a secular site, so with that, it asks your religious beliefs. In secular terms my religious beliefs are of the Christian faith. Again, context funches. the site doesn't ask your religious beliefs because that would be vague.....which is why it ask for your "religion"...and you checked "Christian" Doesn't ask for your religious beliefs, but it asks for your religion... hmmm, hate to you Funches, but that is the exact same thing lol. And yes, in secular terms my religious beliefs are of the Christian faith. And in secular terms I am a "Christian". But you did not specify, you merely asked if I was a Christian or not. And no I am not a Christian, being a Christian places your knowledge on a mere faith based level. In my heart I know God is real, so to me it's not based on faith, it's based on knowledge. When you boil it down, all knowledge not seen first hand is based off faith. |
--- Is God real? ---
Who's talking about "Christians"? I am a child of God, call that what you will. to be a Christian or not to be a Christian ..that is thine question for if thou are a Christian then thee are Commanded by thine Lord to Love, and thee has "no choice" but to do-it so so which is it Cowboy are thou a Christian? or Heathen? |
--- Is God real? ---
Heaven is paved in gold because of it's beauty, not it's financial value we have placed on it. Cowboy...your God have secular items like Gold and stones in Heaven ??? Gold is not "secular". What are you talking about? so Gold is spiritual? Gold is neither. Gold is an object God created. So if God created it, why would it not possibly be in Heaven in which he also created? Cowboy...Gold is either secular or spiritual ...which one is it |