TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/05/07 03:23 PM
Were do we get that love will cure all?
Did someone in the past scribble it on a wall?
Did you read that in a history book?
Or did you even to look?
They say it will happen when you least expect it.
So if this is true no matter were you are it will hit.
Tell me now why we must even look at all.
If it will hit us like a fast ball.
So is it set in time?
And it will hit you when it’s prime.
For if this is all true.
Do we not have a clue?
That when that time comes for us.
It will hit with success.
So then why do we even try?
Just so we can imply.
We had something to do.
With the way things came too.
So again I want to know were.
So others can prepay.
And look for it coming there way.
So they can look for it that day.



HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 03:29 PM
God is Love......will it come our know that unconditional love...the one where they dont judge..but love...where when they lay with you...and become passion when becoming intimate..they give as much as recieves....hours....well....I dont know....will it happen to me....who knows...but i know if i stop.....trying...then i have given up.....not only given up on men...and the existance of real love....but given up on myself to have true experience that true love....

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/05/07 03:37 PM
HappyGirl WOW for yes your words hit the truth very well and very powefull indeed. I thank you for those BEAUTIFUL WORDSflowerforyou bigsmile

pkh's photo
Sun 08/05/07 04:14 PM
HappyGirl,you said it so well.Maybe it won't happen I don't know.But I spent 7 wasted yrs.I will continue to believe it's out there.Very nicely written again TxsGalflowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sun 08/05/07 10:26 PM
(((( Puddin Cup ))))

Once again your words flow from your heart,,,flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 08/07/07 04:45 AM
pkh- thank you but always remember our years are never wasted years we spend them at times not in the ways we should at times but never are they wasted years.

(((((((((Buttercup))))))))flowerforyou always from the heartgirl now just to find my heart.:heart: bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Tue 08/07/07 06:04 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: