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Topic: favorite weapon during a zombie apocalypse
ajhagena's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:37 AM
Please tell me I'm not the only person who daydreams about this daily. There are so many awesome ways to kill zombies. I'd seriously be excited if one day I woke up to find that almost everyone was a zombie.

Man, that would be so much fun.

Anyway, chainsaws are classic, but a simple hatchet could do wonders (providing you don't get it stuck in zombie torsos!). Aluminum baseball bats provide a satisfying yet sicking *thud*, but they lack the dismembering power that other weapons have.

A shotgun is another classic, but I think people overestimate their effectiveness. Remember, zombies know no pain or fear, nor do they have vital organs to take out. To stop a zombie, you must destroy the body completely.

soundedmind's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:41 AM
No no no no!

To destroy a zombie you only need to destroy the brain because that's what keeps the body animated.

Basic motor skills still take place even though the "person" is dead.

A nice WOODEN baseball bat would be ideal.

and yes I have thought about it a lot.

I would also like to beat them to death with a golf club.

Guts are nice and fast BUT you have to reload. So it would be best to have an automatic with some magazines handy. And you'd have to be a good shot so that way you don't waste bullets.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:41 AM
I only saw this once during the movie "Dead Alive" but I think my favorite Zombie Fighting weapon is a Lawn-Mower!

joshyfox's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:42 AM
And in "Dead Alive" you could take out the head and the Zombie still live. Mostly in just the Romero-style Zombies do you have to take out the head.

soundedmind's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:42 AM
And I would also like to say that I don't believe it could ever happen because zombies are deteriorating and they're going so slow. Even if there was some kind of outbreak we should still have no problem killing them.

And to get away from them... All you really have to do is walk fast. LOL.

soundedmind's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:43 AM
I think it would be stupid to kill the whole body. The brain controls the body. Without the brain telling it what to do... it shouldn't move.

Lawnmowers do seem fun, though. :D

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:44 AM
pickle juice kills everything .........I know this from experience!!!!laugh :tongue:

Katertots37's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:45 AM
Gypsy's monkey with the fork will kill anything too

joshyfox's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:46 AM
Sound Sound Sound... someone doesn't get the terror of Zombie outbreaks. The power of surprise and pure numbers swarming you is enough to take you down even if they are slow...Keep in mind they lack muscle fatigue anymore, so they can do far more than we can longer, they don't need sleep, plus in some Zombie movies they stop rotting once they live again.

no photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:47 AM
Can't we just send in BUffy the vampire slayer????huh

ajhagena's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:47 AM
"To destroy a zombie you only need to destroy the brain because that's what keeps the body animated. "

That's a myth! Zombies animate themselves by eating other organisms' brains! Thus they can construct a neural network throughout their torso, making their own brain useful but unnecessary!

Trust me, I saw it on mythbusters.

And yeah, golf clubs are awesome, but sometimes the head can become detached in the zombie's head if you're not careful.

The problem with guns is that ammo is always limited! And zombies are never limited. Thus a gun should never be a primary weapon, but rather an emergency weapon to be used as a last resort.

ajhagena's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:48 AM
"And to get away from them... All you really have to do is walk fast. LOL."

That's what you think.

We'll see what happens when your brains are eaten.

joshyfox's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:48 AM
If we are dealing with an outbreak of Romero Zombies (Night of the Living dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead)Or Zombies in that style, then the God Weapon is a Rifle... Long distance Head shots and when you are out of bullets it can still be used as a club.

Heart_Break_Kid's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:50 AM
my personal favourite is the chain saw....effective and gory

ajhagena's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:50 AM
Those are good movies, but don't portray zombies accurately at all.

Trust me on this one. I've done extensive research.

soundedmind's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:52 AM
Even if there was a sudden outbreak, the more alive of us would survive.

They may not tire but the way they are in movies is stupid.

With better organization and less wussy peoples, there wouldn't be a problem.

we could even train them to work at the post office!

I say we simply poke their eyes out and throw them in a pit of manikins soaked in pigs blood.

And I like George Romero's zombies!
They're my favorite ones!

Heart_Break_Kid's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:52 AM
oh and also must say the double barrel shotgun

joshyfox's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:52 AM
So have I... The Dead seires doesn't Depict Zombies well? George A. Romero INVENTED the Zombie culture in Night of the Living Dead!

As for real-life Zombies, they are ever so boring, not dead at all, just brainwashed and drugged slaves of a Voodoo Priest.

soundedmind's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:53 AM
Or politicians....

ajhagena's photo
Sun 08/05/07 02:54 AM
Ooh, I just remember the Ninja Gaiden zombies. Those guys were a pain in the ass. Espeically the bow ones.

But that also brings up more effective killing techniques! Katanas (especially the ONE TRUE DRAGON SWORD) work well. But VIGORIAN FLAILS work even better, and are perfect when coupled with incediary shuriken!

Unfortunately, I'm not a ninja, so I can't get my hands on such priceless weapons.

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