Topic: I HATE labor scenes in movies!!! | |
Ok, mister! It's a deal!
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my oldest kid wasn't so bad during delivery..i felt nothing
But my 2 others...OMG.....I felt like someone was trying to shove a car out of my ...well you know |
you think it would be the other way, right Katertots37,lol. |
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Is there any kind of voice chat on JSH?
I had C-sections, so I have no clue whats going on during delivery!!
I was in the room with my friend when she had her son. All I can say is that it happened very fast. It was so so so breath taking!! I got to cut the cord and OMG I did start crying, I think you bond with that baby!! When it was all over, I was like, can we please stick the baby back in there and do it again? My friend said...can you kiss my arse!! |
thank you autumn_queen for your kind words. Between the autism and the CP he has had it ruff BUT is overcoming both. He really IS my hero.
![]() Like lulu I did not want to put out that much extra strength screaming but then again i had no clue my baby was HERE. I meditate alot and that had much to do with the labor pains and the ability to block them mentally. They put me all the way under for that emergency c-section so I never did experience the joy of the birth. I do remember leaving the hospital and NOT being able to take my baby with me. It was the worst feeling in the world for any new mother. |
with my first, she had to stay in the hospital for nine days...i know, that's not that long. however, they didn't have a day nursery, so the mother automatically had to stay in the room with the babe. meaning...nine days of hospital food for ME, too.
but at least i didn't have to leave. ![]() |
So they do show you how to breast feed the baby in the hospital, right? What do they tell you?
i cry every time i see the women in pain during labor.. I NEVER GOT TO DO THAT.. i had an emergency c-section and have to have another c-section... its like a right of passage into mother hood you know? it still hasnt hit me that i had this beautiful baby in my tummy and out the next... I KNOW I'MA DORK
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breastfeeding is SUPPOSED to be taught, to all mothers that wish to know. sadly, this often doesn't happen...
la leche league is great, any many places have classes for breastfeeding mothers. i left my daughter at the hospital, sleeping soundly with her little one...when i returned the next morning, she already had blisters. nobody took the time to show her, and she had the nipple placement wrong. i literally grasped her breast and guided it into cole's mouth, aiding in let-down and helping her learn the ins and outs. it might have been uncomfortable, but it wasn't...and she benefited. as did he. eight months later, she was still nursing...and he was all good and healthy and stuff, heh. |