Topic: I HATE labor scenes in movies!!!
cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:04 PM
i had my daughter natural,no drugs..i would rather be hit by a car.21 hours of labor.
16 yrs later i had my son ,epidural and ceasarean after 40 hrs of hard labor left me too exhausted to push.

I'm adopting next time..laugh

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:07 PM
Oh my goodness.
So what was worse

Out the drugs?


Brake through the windows...with drugs?

lulu24's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:09 PM
and...the garage is just fine. believe it or not, the skin there is made to be super-stretchy and resilient. after a few weeks, it pretty much heals back to normal.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:11 PM
A few WEEKS?
So is it numb durring the labor? with or without drugs?

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:18 PM
if you have an epidural it is numb...natural they had to cut me from stem to stern so my daughters head could come only stretches so far dontcha know.laugh
as for the ceasarean that took a couple weeks to come back from and i still have a scar but hey kids are a great thing to have.

lulu24's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:23 PM
well...depends on the woman, and the experience.

they'll give you a shot in the perineum, to numb the area, should you require it. episiotomies are easier then, if even needed. the hormones coursing through your blood are also natural pain-killers...

um...think about it. your body took nine MONTHS to get to the point where labor is possible. it's NOT just building that baby, it's preparing YOU. your skin becomes more elastic, your cartilage stretches...these things help your body expand, and then contract. nursing lets out a hormone called oxytocin that causes cervical contractions and tightens the body back to shape.

will you ever be the same? no...but it's acceptable. my rib-cage, for stretched at the bottom. those bones will never tighten back down.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:23 PM
oh ok, hehe.

Okay......i still feel kicked in the crotch,lol.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:26 PM
Another Question:

Anyone have sex while they were pregnant?

I don't expect a lot of responses for this question though..but i had to ask :P

Cali66's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:31 PM

I watch discovery health (a baby story)occasionally, shows it all.. :tongue:

I like all that stuff...... Its life how can you not be intrigued by life??

lulu24's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:32 PM
of course.

unless there's something wrong...then it's absolutely an awesome experience.

think about worries about GETTING pregnant, no menstruation, and the hormones raise your libido. and, if you happen to be in love with the father...then knowing that your love has created this little an INCREDIBLE aphrodisiac.

sex is generally fine up to delivery. hell, i banged my hubby before heading to the hospital. literally. you might have to switch positions around to make room for your belly...and there can be dryness issues...but go for it.

note of caution: when pregnant, do NOT allow nipple-stimulation. this gives off the hormone oxytocin, which can cause uterine contractions...

Cali66's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:35 PM
oh and let me not forget to mention me on the job "women in labor",or the rare times having to go in while a C-section was going on to do a cross match... :tongue:

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 09:48 PM

right before the hospital?!
Oh my! I would probably do the same thing myself, all that healing time would seem like forever!

lulu24's photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:03 PM
hell, yeah...if i have to wait six whole weeks, you betcha i'm taking care of business while i can, lol.

wasn't trying to make you blush, hun...just being informative.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:07 PM
best sex ever !! both kids have little penis sized divets in their heads...

just kidding...laugh

Autumn_queen's photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:08 PM
You are being very informative, thanks.

All though I am sure you are used to a bunch of random questions being asked, it comes with being a parent ;)

no photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:13 PM
God i know i remember once in health class they showed this film showing woman giving birth didnt block anything out and i remember looking away disgusted that my teacher would show a bunch of immature teenage boys this type of graphic footage i thought child birth is personal not meant to be exposed on TV like a soap opera it is special should not be public plus extremely embarrassing

lulu24's photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:15 PM
really? it doesn't embarrass me in the least.

my children all have watched births since they were little...jordan, who is now nine, is fascinated. we tape "a baby story" every day, just so she can see it.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:17 PM
i love that show but can't watch anymore as I'm at work.i always cry the stories are so moving.

no photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:17 PM
i don't know i just think so i'd kill anyone with a camera like i would love to if they ever tried to tape it guess I'm just different in my opinions whatever floats your boat as they say!

no photo
Sat 08/04/07 10:18 PM
i just think it is personal beautiful thing just personal in my opinion :)