Topic: Sexual assault hypocrisy
Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:54 AM

Well it's just plain sexist and degrading. What's the point of women existing, then?

huh You sure do have a way of making a mountain out of a mole hill.

If there is a risk of being attacked for any reason, then it would be better to have a traveling companion than to travel alone if a traveling companion is available. That rule applies to men as well as to women. What kind of clothes that people wear is immaterial.

no photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:54 AM

Well it's just plain sexist and degrading. What's the point of women existing, then?

I don't find the not walking alone at night part degrading at all. It's common sense. However, I do find the part where they tell women not to dress like sluts degrading.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:56 AM
Whenever I show any skin, I get looks and comments. So anyone who says it 100% has nothing to do with sexual assault EVER is trying to unvalidate my experiences. I mean, I haven't been touched, but it shouldn't reach that point anyways. And I am not challenging what you are saying, singmesweet. I am simply trying to let people know that it is not okay for them to feel one way about the way women dress and not apply those same opinions to women walking alone.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:57 AM

Mandy, I'm totally aware of what this thread is about... Plz allow me to fill in the Minglers.

There has been a rash of sexual assaults in a specific area up here... first the police chief or RCMP(not sure) says publicly a while back: Women should not dress like sluts(or something or rather)... Then, the mayors daughter says the same... Both got public smackdowns for it.

It was the way it was delivered I believe... Because "the suggestion" was sound as is "the suggestion" to not walk alone at this time. Their delivery made it sound as though only "slutty" dressed women got sexually assaulted... and they must have deserved it somehow.

This could not be further from the truth IMO, the message was simple, they meant, do not draw attention to yourselves... AT THIS TIME. But of course, the media jumped all over it.

Both are legit "suggestions"... Ladies should not walk alone AT THIS TIME! And should not draw attention to themselves... AT THIS TIME!

Now I'm ready, let me have it! smokin

Where is the line drawn at dressing like sluts, though? How much do we need to cover up not to look like a slut?

I understand that people are trying to be helpful and protect women, however rape is about violence and control, rather than about sex and sexual attraction. Clothes don't factor in, according to many statistics. Blaming women for what they're wearing doesn't work.

It's not blaming the victim. It's just good personal safety advice.

Oy vey. whoa

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:58 AM

Nobody answered my question: If two women walk together somewhere and one is dropped off, what happens to the woman who is now alone?

Then she should be aware of her surroundings, the same way that a man should. There is nothing gender-specific about self-preservation.

Totage's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:58 AM

Nobody answered my question: If two women walk together somewhere and one is dropped off, what happens to the woman who is now alone?

What do you mean? She could be safe, depending on the environment and such. She could be in danger as well though.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:01 PM
Women have the right not to be assaulted regardless of what they are wearing. People will FIGHT this belief to death. I am the only one sticking up for women's right to walk alone and live their lives.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:02 PM

I am simply trying to let people know that it is not okay for them to feel one way about the way women dress and not apply those same opinions to women walking alone.

Apples and oranges are both fruit, but one doesn't have to have the same opinion about both of them.

A person's opinion about a woman's attire doesn't have to be the same as that person's opinion about traveling alone.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:04 PM
But it's about the values they claim to have behind their opinions. I don't know how much more clear I can be and why people are having such a difficult time understanding.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:04 PM

Women have the right not to be assaulted regardless of what they are wearing. People will FIGHT this belief to death. I am the only one sticking up for women's right to walk alone and live their lives.

huh Nobody here is denying a woman her right to walk alone.

no photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:05 PM

Mandy, I'm totally aware of what this thread is about... Plz allow me to fill in the Minglers.

There has been a rash of sexual assaults in a specific area up here... first the police chief or RCMP(not sure) says publicly a while back: Women should not dress like sluts(or something or rather)... Then, the mayors daughter says the same... Both got public smackdowns for it.

It was the way it was delivered I believe... Because "the suggestion" was sound as is "the suggestion" to not walk alone at this time. Their delivery made it sound as though only "slutty" dressed women got sexually assaulted... and they must have deserved it somehow.

This could not be further from the truth IMO, the message was simple, they meant, do not draw attention to yourselves... AT THIS TIME. But of course, the media jumped all over it.

Both are legit "suggestions"... Ladies should not walk alone AT THIS TIME! And should not draw attention to themselves... AT THIS TIME!

Now I'm ready, let me have it! smokin

Where is the line drawn at dressing like sluts, though? How much do we need to cover up not to look like a slut?

I understand that people are trying to be helpful and protect women, however rape is about violence and control, rather than about sex and sexual attraction. Clothes don't factor in, according to many statistics. Blaming women for what they're wearing doesn't work.

It's not blaming the victim. It's just good personal safety advice.

Oy vey. whoa

Sure, but that doesn't answer my questions. How much does someone have to cover up not to be considered as dressing like a slut? What's safe to wear out so you won't get raped?

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:07 PM
But they're suggesting she shouldn't. Yet, they would have no problem if she were to be next to naked and literally yelling "RAPE ME!" They would defend that woman, but not one who is innocently walking alone. It's really disgusting.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:08 PM
Singmesweet there's no set amount of skin showing that would make someone be considered a slut. To me, things are a case-by-case basis.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:12 PM
People are making suggestions about how to minimize risk.
You have a right to ignore the suggestions.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:12 PM
I have a right to walk alone at night and not be sexually assaulted.

Totage's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:15 PM

Women have the right not to be assaulted regardless of what they are wearing. People will FIGHT this belief to death. I am the only one sticking up for women's right to walk alone and live their lives.

Well, you also have the right to walk barefoot, but stores will deny you service if you do so.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:17 PM
And they will lose money, so it's all good.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:19 PM
I was sexually assaulted by a friend when I was 12. I fought back kicked him in the throat and bit him. I did whatever it took to get out of that situation. My friend was in the other room and luckily we ran out of the house and rode our bikes home frantically. Any person could be taken advantage of. You have to learn to defend yourself because the world is full of sick people. Rape is all about having complete power over an individual. If you are ever in a situation like that yell fire, fire, fire because a person who hears someone screaming rape will be scared to do something. I would carry pepper spray around if I was a woman.

MindfreakMandy's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:28 PM
I'm sorry you had to go through that, Andrew. YES, anyone can be assaulted. It angers me that people focus so much on women and not men. Society sickens me.

andrewzooms's photo
Tue 09/04/12 12:34 PM
I agree with should focus on the children first. They have no way of defending themselves.