Topic: 911 WTC1 - New video shows explosions. This was a planned de
HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 07/22/12 04:06 PM

You are either a kind and considerate person who really cares about me, or you are just being insulting and condescending.

I am neither, just calling it as I see it.

What ever the case may be, I do not know you and you do not know me and so you should not worry your head about what you think is sad or not sad.

It is not personal, just situational.

Your opinion of me is irrelevant and off topic (not to mention totally misinformed.)

You give me no reason to believe otherwise.

I think your are just trolling.

Odd, because I feel the same about your threads.

So from this point forward, don't even try to make any of this personal. Besides, it is against the rules.

I'm not insulting you, merely making observations regarding your posts.

Stick to the actual topic.

I am. What part of 'nonsense' don't you understand?

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 04:14 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 04:23 PM
911 WTC1 - New video shows explosions. This was a planned demolition.

This was a terrorists attack, but most people still don't know who the real terrorists are.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 04:22 PM
In the last part of this video, you can see the tower, smoke coming out of it, then suddenly explosions with fire, just before it starts to collapse.

These links are for people interested in them. This thread is not for argument or personal remarks.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 07/22/12 04:29 PM

In the last part of this video, you can see the tower, smoke coming out of it, then suddenly explosions with fire, just before it starts to collapse.

These links are for people interested in them. This thread is not for argument or personal remarks.

So, what evidence do you have that these are the result of demolition charges, instead of combustible materials within the building?

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/22/12 05:48 PM

ahhhhhh... I don't want you to be sad. Poor thing.

There is no such thing as "your truth" and "my truth"

There is only the truth.

You are either right or you are wrong.
Same goes for me. I am either right or I am wrong.

I wish I were wrong. I wish you or anyone could PROVE to me that I am wrong without any doubts.

However, there is no evidence that 16 Islamic terrorists/highjackers (or anyone at all) even boarded the planes on 9-11.

And there is tons of evidence and motives and opportunity
that points to the guilty parties and a cover-up.

So keep your head in the sand if you like your "own truth."

I'm not sad, rather I meant the fact that only your 'truth' is real. That is what I find sad and you seem to have trouble separating fact from fantasy. You clearly lack the education and the ability to think laterally regarding this material, therefore you follow any crap put in front of you, blindly believing in anything that supports your myopic prejudice. You can't prove the specious material you prate endlessly on about, for you lack the education required to explain your contentions, so you merely resort to ad hominem toward those who disagree, as evinced by your above response.

That is what is sad.

You are either a kind and considerate person who really cares about me, or you are just being insulting and condescending.

What ever the case may be, I do not know you and you do not know me and so you should not worry your head about what you think is sad or not sad.

Your opinion of me is irrelevant and off topic (not to mention totally misinformed.) I think your are just trolling.

So from this point forward, don't even try to make any of this personal. Besides, it is against the rules.

Stick to the actual topic.

JB has accused someone of trolling??!!! shocked

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 05:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 05:57 PM
Another video to watch:

9/11 Absolute Evidence Of Massive Explosions in Basement of WTC Long Before Collapse MUST

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 05:50 PM
This thread is basically for posting video links concerning the explosives used on the Twin Towers.

I'm not here to argue nonsense with trolls.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 05:57 PM

Another video to watch:

9/11 Absolute Evidence Of Massive Explosions in Basement of WTC Long Before Collapse MUST

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/22/12 05:57 PM

This thread is basically for posting video links concerning the explosives used on the Twin Towers.

I'm not here to argue nonsense with trolls.

There weren't any explosives used on the Twin Towers. That is what is so really sad.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 06:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 06:03 PM

This thread is basically for posting video links concerning the explosives used on the Twin Towers.

I'm not here to argue nonsense with trolls.

There weren't any explosives used on the Twin Towers. That is what is so really sad.

What is so sad is that you have not watched the videos and listened to the witnesses that disagree with you.

And you were not there.

What you are is in denial and you are calling these witnesses WHO WERE THERE liars.

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/22/12 06:06 PM

This thread is basically for posting video links concerning the explosives used on the Twin Towers.

I'm not here to argue nonsense with trolls.

There weren't any explosives used on the Twin Towers. That is what is so really sad.

What is so sad is that you have not watched the videos and listened to the witnesses that disagree with you.

And you were not there.

What you are is in denial and you are calling these witnesses WHO WERE THERE liars.

No, I am calling you one for presenting garbage as fact. There is no new source of information on the event and, unlike you, I have the education and background to understand the reality of the event. You can't even tell a fire from an explosion. Sad.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 06:23 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 06:25 PM
I will tell you the same thing I told the other guy. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself.

I present a link to the video, where you can see and hear events of 9-11 and decide for yourself. I present a link to a video where real people and real witnesses tell you what they experienced and saw.

These are not Hollywood productions. I am not asking anyone to believe me. I am only providing the links to the videos so that those who are interested, can view them and make up their own minds.

There is no need to get insulting and hostile towards me. There is no need to even click on the link or read any of my threads.

People can make up their own minds without your help.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 06:35 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 06:37 PM
Any person who would attempt to silence, critisize or belittle me for posting links to videos and then for some reason feel the need to repeatedly make claims about how educated they are and yet refuse to reveal who they are, have no authority or credibility to make personal judgments or declarations about me, on this forum.

Besides, that is not what this thread is about. If you don't like what I post then you don't have to read my posts. Go away.

I do not need or require your agreement or approval.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 07/22/12 07:03 PM

Any person who would attempt to silence, critisize or belittle me for posting links to videos and then for some reason feel the need to repeatedly make claims about how educated they are and yet refuse to reveal who they are, have no authority or credibility to make personal judgments or declarations about me, on this forum.

And yet, you are the first to do such a thing (cf 'Sheeple', 'denial etc...). Furthermore, only a fool would reveal their true identity on a public forum on the internet.

Besides, that is not what this thread is about. If you don't like what I post then you don't have to read my posts. Go away.

I do not need or require your agreement or approval.

I thought this was a public forum. Obviously not.

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Sun 07/22/12 07:04 PM
I'll try this again:

So, what evidence do you have that these are the result of demolition charges, instead of combustible materials within the building?

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 07:26 PM
I'll try this again.

This thread is not for you.

metalwing's photo
Sun 07/22/12 07:39 PM

Any person who would attempt to silence, critisize or belittle me for posting links to videos and then for some reason feel the need to repeatedly make claims about how educated they are and yet refuse to reveal who they are, have no authority or credibility to make personal judgments or declarations about me, on this forum.

Besides, that is not what this thread is about. If you don't like what I post then you don't have to read my posts. Go away.

I do not need or require your agreement or approval.

You misunderstand, as usual. You can post all the videos you want. But if the videos are garbage, everyone has the right to post and point that out. You state that they are "proof" of explosives, which they definitely are not. The whole process appears to be typical "troll attention getting technique" to make the conversation about you and your supposed knowledge of 9/11.

You attack anyone who points out the obvious ridiculous nature of your proofs. You can't even tell explosives from fire. Sad.

Your alien ray guns were more entertaining.:smile:

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 07:52 PM
Of course everyone, including you, are entitled to voice your opinions.

no photo
Sun 07/22/12 08:00 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/22/12 08:01 PM
You can post all the videos you want. But if the videos are garbage, everyone has the right to post and point that out.

And yet you do not get at all specific why you think the videos are "garbage" -- but instead you attack the messenger (me) with remarks like:

"unlike you, I have the education and background to understand the reality of the event."

and you make statements like:

"There weren't any explosives used on the Twin Towers."

When you are NOT qualified to know that, and you were not there.

What I see in the videos were people who heard and saw and were injured by explosions before the towers fell.

These are not Hollywood productions. All of those people ... who were there.... who got injured... I would like to see you tell them that there were no explosions.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/23/12 12:31 AM
I like the nano thermite theory!
'hundreds of tons!' and then, we learn it can be mixed with regular explosive and painted onto beams but of course, CTs can't decide if it was melting steel or exploding it.

Hundreds of tons, painted onto beams. Mixed with regular everyday corner store C4 and brought up in lunch buckets, five pounds at a time for ............... let's see ......... five pounds, and a hundred tons ...................... that's two hundred thousand pounds ................... five pounds for forty thousand trips with the thermite not to mention the C4.

Or, Jeb Bush helping (Cheney's heart wouldn't take the strain), that's only twenty thousand trips a piece just to get the stuff there.

Ok, so, is there any record of workers all over the place with buckets of slop bringing hundreds of tons into the access panels to paint this crap onto the beams and pillars? And, when working with slop, it doesn't all go where you want it to, is there any record of people over the months/weeks/years whatever getting sick from having a strange substance (which explosives do to people) getting sick from contact their skin and even their food or drink? That is probably the main evidence that there was an inside job is the sickness rate of the people who worked in the WTC.

And, now we have to get the charges up there remembering that every place there was this 'special' material sloped on, it has to blow as the evidence can't remain as some shmuck worker on the ground might pull up a fragment of metal with a piece of det cord, remote det or whatever on it attatched to some painted on explosive thermite which didn't go off.

So, that's a lot of stuff to get done. Lot of people. Lot of construction people with passes, excuses, paychecks etc. All without being noticed by the union who took care of the buildings.

How did they do it? And, without anybody getting sick, spilling one once of this stuff onto the carpets, clothes, into the air ducts, and without being noticed? And the unions had no problem i with these non union guys just doing all this work too.

And ... everything hinges on the planes hitting the buildings. If they don't hit, the explosives will be discovered and the guys that put it all there (100 - 1000 non union guys) will get lethal injections. They have no problem doing this work over weeks or months knowing that their *** is covered by dirty terrorists living in caves in Afghanistan so, are in like a dirty shirt. on the big day, they're nervous, they have to have the explosive evidence all destroyed or their *** is toast in Terra Haute so they're anxious yet, once the planes hit, they wait ............ calmly waiting ........ they need all the evidence to go up. They can't have any inspector see the explosives, wires, detonators, remote devices whatever yet they wait ....... and wait ........ long after they could logically blow the building .........

with the WT7 just sitting there with anybody who wants to find the explosives there about to expose the whole thing sending them all to the injection chamber and then ........

They blow it.

Nothing far fetched going on there. Union guys risking their lives on the promise that some dudes living in a cave will come through with an elaborate plan kept secret for years and on four separate planes. And nobody has said a word, nobody has had any seocnd thoughts of guilt, nobody has found religion or guilt in all this time. Nobody has gotten murdered, none of the people who are exposing this conspiracy are being silenced.

The entire government of the USA wants them dead and here they are, just targets for a poisoning, letter bomb, faulty ground in a hot tub, a heart attack and ......... they're all still spewing the nonsense. laugh