Topic: You may be an Obama Hater if,,, | |
You think "proletariat" is a type of cheese.
You've named your kids "Deduction one" and "Deduction two" You've ever referred to someone as "my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend" You're a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty. You think you might remember laughing once as a kid. You've ever referred to the moral fiber of something. You've ever uttered the phrase, "Why don't we just bomb the sons of *******." You've ever called a secretary or waitress "Tootsie." You fax the FBI a list of "Commies in my Neighborhood." You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a bear ever attacks your home. You point to Hootie and the Blowfish as evidence of the end of racism in America. You've ever said civil liberties, schmivil schmiberties. You've ever said "Clean air? Looks clean to me." You've ever called education a luxury. You own a vehicle with an "Ollie North: American Hero" sticker. You're afraid of the liberal media." You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn't want to contribute to society." You've ever urged someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when they don't even have shoes. (referenced from a longer list at |
Now that's good.
Turn about is fair play. From
Yesterday, the country of Kosovo unveiled an 11-foot tall statue of former President Clinton. Yeah. That’s right. The Clinton statue is so life-like, it’s already been slapped 12 times.” —Conan O’Brien ”A new study shows that the phrase most often used by President Obama is, ‘Let me be clear.’ The phrase he uses the least often? ‘Let me be specific.”’ —Jay Leno ”After Joe Wilson’s outburst, everyone was shocked. Because usually when a politician shoots off his mouth and makes a fool of himself, his name is Joe Biden. … But even Biden said he was embarrassed by Wilson’s behavior. This is Joe Biden we’re talking about. Joe Biden saying it’s embarrassing is like an Australian bartender saying you’ve had too much to drink.” —Craig Ferguson ”A man in Washington, D.C., was apprehended by Secret Service yesterday for taking off his clothes and jogging naked near the White House. In related news, I say that’s probably the last time Biden ever takes Ambien.” —Jimmy Fallon ”Police in Texas seized a shipment of ecstasy pills this week shaped like President Obama’s face. The drug is characterized by a brief powerful high followed by a long, slow comedown.” —Seth Meyers ”In Austin, Texas, President Obama told an audience, ‘If you want to go forward you put your car in ‘D.’ If you want to go backward, you put your car in ‘R.” But you know something? Either way, the economy is still F’d.” —Jay Leno ”President Obama and the first lady say they will not be exchanging gifts this Christmas. Mrs. Obama says they used to, but she got tired of Barack promising big things and not delivering.” —Conan O’Brien ”A new poll shows that Tiger Woods’ popularity has dropped from 85 percent to 33 percent. President Obama’s popularity is also at 33 percent, but Tiger had more fun getting there.” —Conan O’Brien ”Bill Clinton revealed that he now supports same-sex marriage, even though he opposed it during his presidency. To be fair, during his presidency, he also opposed his own marriage.” —Jimmy Fallon ”The birthers believe that the president was secretly born in Kenya. … I always thought he was born in a manger in Jerusalem.” —Jimmy Kimmel ”Due to an explosive interview in Rolling Stone magazine, our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has been ordered home to explain why he criticized the president, made fun of Joe Biden, and called the White House staff a bunch of clowns. He should be called home. That’s not the general’s job. That is my job.” —Jay Leno ”It looks like the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich will continue, due to a strong Republican leader, Barack Obama. Today Obama changed his slogan from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Yes, we caved.’ It’s so bad for him, now Democrats want to see his birth certificate.” —Jay Leno |
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans?
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? Shame on you Rich.... Skin color has nothing to do with why I don't like the man...In fact, I'm not even sure what color (race) he is...are you? |
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? Obama doesn't use Republican ideas! He's a straight up socialist. |
Edited by
Fri 07/06/12 07:04 AM
Edited by
Fri 07/06/12 07:53 AM
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? you mean like healthcare reform, proposed by republicans before like Mitt Romney, and the war on terror implemented by and promoted by republicans like Bush and Cheney, that are now being plugged when he proposes them as INJUSTICES And Destroying america? great question TB,, but its a JOKE thread my friend,,,lol |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar...
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? Shame on you Rich.... Skin color has nothing to do with why I don't like the man...In fact, I'm not even sure what color (race) he is...are you? The Human Race. |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar... its a JOKE thread (ps, racism, particularly the subconscious kind, is alive and well, checkout impicit association studies ) |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar... Lotta cards being played around here lately ...You'd think there was an election coming up in the near future, wouldn't you.. |
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? Shame on you Rich.... Skin color has nothing to do with why I don't like the man...In fact, I'm not even sure what color (race) he is...are you? The Human Race. Exactly.....but I still don't like him |
If you look at it statistically, you know the same statistics that show that the crime rate drop in the 1990's was due to Roe v. Wade, the dislike of Obama is basically due to racial prejudice. How else to explain how someone who uses Republican ideas, be so hated by Republicans? you mean like healthcare reform, proposed by republicans before like Mitt Romney, and the war on terror implemented by and promoted by republicans like Bush and Cheney, that are now being plugged when he proposes them as INJUSTICES And Destroying america? great question TB,, but its a JOKE thread my friend,,,lol |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar... its a JOKE thread (ps, racism, particularly the subconscious kind, is alive and well, checkout impicit association studies ) Not everyone has a sense of humor. |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar... its a JOKE thread (ps, racism, particularly the subconscious kind, is alive and well, checkout impicit association studies ) Not everyone has a sense of humor. A joke must be built around a kernel of truth. The truth is that most people don't like Obama's policies. I wouldn't like them from a white man either. We opposed Clinton's healthcare takeover too. So there is no truth in the jokes that anyone who doesn't like Obama's policies hates him or that anyone who hates Obama must be a racist. |
race card being played again... makes me hate him more when i hear that crap... did it ever occur to anyone that all dems are hated by repubs, and vice versa? but no, it has to be about obama being black, or half black, or muslim, or what ever the hell he is... to me, he's just a liar... its a JOKE thread (ps, racism, particularly the subconscious kind, is alive and well, checkout impicit association studies ) Not everyone has a sense of humor. A joke must be built around a kernel of truth. The truth is that most people don't like Obama's policies. I wouldn't like them from a white man either. We opposed Clinton's healthcare takeover too. So there is no truth in the jokes that anyone who doesn't like Obama's policies hates him or that anyone who hates Obama must be a racist. A person is racist because they've done/said racist things. |