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Topic: They bombed many churches today
uche9aa's photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:26 AM
They bombed many churches today in Nigeria,what is the meaning of this killing of innocent christians worshiping in their churches??.Over 50 died today

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:34 AM

They bombed many churches today in Nigeria,what is the meaning of this killing of innocent christians worshiping in their churches??.Over 50 died today

Terrible. Who did the bombing Muslims or those killer Jews?

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:41 AM
Edited by alleoops on Sun 06/17/12 09:46 AM

They bombed many churches today in Nigeria,what is the meaning of this killing of innocent christians worshiping in their churches??.Over 50 died today

Terrible. Who did the bombing Muslims or those killer Jews?

It was, Islam, the religion of peace.
The group also refers to itself as the "Nigerian Taliban" and seeks to overthrow the government and replace it with a regime based on Islamic law.

What a wonderful world it will be then.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:45 AM

A victim of a bombing at Shalom Church awaits treatment in a hospital, in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna June 17, 2012. ...

Joelcool7's photo
Sun 06/17/12 09:59 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with those poor victims. Boko Haram needs to be put down, this is what the 10th attack on two months. Though most of the other attacks haven't been this bad!

willing2's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:18 AM
All hail MoHamed.
It's holy war.
Alibaba scoobydo allieoop.
No offence to allieoop.smokin

Diverted's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:23 AM
What is wrong with these people!!??????!!!!!

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:38 AM

All hail MoHamed.
It's holy war.
Alibaba scoobydo allieoop.
No offence to allieoop.smokin

scoobydo? laugh

RKISIT's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:41 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sun 06/17/12 10:42 AM
Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:51 AM

Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

The last time I checked Oil was the fuel of choice in the US.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:54 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sun 06/17/12 10:56 AM

Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

The last time I checked Oil was the fuel of choice in the US.
I know and the oil companies and US gov will get involved in the Nigeria dispute if one of the groups start messing around with the oil fields there.The US gets alot of oil from Nigeria.In other words that would be the reason for the US to even care about the Nigerian conflict is if the oil is endangered.

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:58 AM

Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

I'm with you on that one. If MSM publishes something, I assume it's a lie and ultimately get proven right on the subject. Neither the CIA nor anything FEDeral gives a flying **** about humanity, just power and control.

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/17/12 10:59 AM
power struggles are so ugly

what a shame we havent evolved a bit more,,,,

Winx's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:06 AM
I'm so very sorry.flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:07 AM

Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

The last time I checked Oil was the fuel of choice in the US.
I know and the oil companies and US gov will get involved in the Nigeria dispute if one of the groups start messing around with the oil fields there.The US gets alot of oil from Nigeria.In other words that would be the reason for the US to even care about the Nigerian conflict is if the oil is endangered.

I know, and they don't give a d*m about us neither. Big deal. whoa

RKISIT's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:34 AM

Sad to see this muslims are the aggressors it seems but the christians have their part in this too they aren't innocent.Don't worry though if the oil fields look like they might be endangered the CIA will do some drone drops on "militants" when it comes to oil the US doesn't give a s h i t what faith you are.

The last time I checked Oil was the fuel of choice in the US.
I know and the oil companies and US gov will get involved in the Nigeria dispute if one of the groups start messing around with the oil fields there.The US gets alot of oil from Nigeria.In other words that would be the reason for the US to even care about the Nigerian conflict is if the oil is endangered.

I know, and they don't give a d*m about us neither. Big deal. whoa
Why should they since the discovery of oil 45 years ago the country hasn't changed in 45 years it's still poverty.The embassy ambassadors there know of the corruption by the Nigerian government but they rather sit in front of their laptops and jerkoff to internet porn.

willing2's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:48 AM
They been fighting each other how long?
This is just the Muslim version of a revival. They reported how many were killed but, no mention of how many chose to convert instead.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 06/17/12 11:55 AM
Convert or Die!
Convert and Re-Convert ad infinitum!slaphead

Religionists must really be as insecure as could be the way they have to force others to convert to their Dogma!

uche9aa's photo
Sun 06/17/12 12:11 PM
Edited by uche9aa on Sun 06/17/12 12:13 PM
It has degenerated to religious battle now.over hundred dead by 7pm here.many churches and houses burnt,hundreds wounded

no photo
Sun 06/17/12 12:59 PM

It has degenerated to religious battle now.over hundred dead by 7pm here.many churches and houses burnt,hundreds wounded

Hopefully they will do the world a favor and bomb some of the Nigerian internet scamming places.

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