Topic: Be very careful with what you say about Jesus Christ! | |
For the last few days on this site i have been reading thru'different posts in the Christian forums. However it's so unfortunate that some posts overwhelmingly attack Christianity and more specifically Jesus Christ at that. Even if you were an atheist, you gotta learn to respect someone else's faith or religion. I wonder why a person would choose to hurl insults, use derrogative language and even make false accusations on someone's else's faith in order to try to proove a point. I have learnt that many people have said horrible and unpleasant things about Jesus Christ in the forums.
Hey people that's blasphemy!!! Sometimes i wonder whether such people fear the wrath of God. Everytime i think about Judgement day and the wrath of God exerted on un repentant souls, i quiver with fear! Don't you guys fear God? I mean who does that;insulting A God who lovingly created you and still let's you live by His grace!! Here is what the Bible says about the wrath of God: Ephesians 5:6 "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient". Romans 1:18 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,.." So people be very careful with what you say about the Son of God! Jesus Himself says that he who has ears let him listen! |
For the last few days on this site i have been reading thru'different posts in the Christian forums. However it's so unfortunate that some posts overwhelmingly attack Christianity and more specifically Jesus Christ at that. Even if you were an atheist, you gotta learn to respect someone else's faith or religion. I wonder why a person would choose to hurl insults, use derrogative language and even make false accusations on someone's else's faith in order to try to proove a point. I have learnt that many people have said horrible and unpleasant things about Jesus Christ in the forums. Hey people that's blasphemy!!! Sometimes i wonder whether such people fear the wrath of God. Everytime i think about Judgement day and the wrath of God exerted on un repentant souls, i quiver with fear! Don't you guys fear God? I mean who does that;insulting A God who lovingly created you and still let's you live by His grace!! Here is what the Bible says about the wrath of God: Ephesians 5:6 "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient". Romans 1:18 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,.." So people be very careful with what you say about the Son of God! Jesus Himself says that he who has ears let him listen! Amen, God is wrathful and still offers redemption. God is ever loving. |
alot of people just dont understand faith,, forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.
Edited by
Thu 06/07/12 04:08 PM
For the last few days on this site i have been reading thru'different posts in the Christian forums. However it's so unfortunate that some posts overwhelmingly attack Christianity and more specifically Jesus Christ at that. Even if you were an atheist, you gotta learn to respect someone else's faith or religion. I wonder why a person would choose to hurl insults, use derrogative language and even make false accusations on someone's else's faith in order to try to proove a point. I have learnt that many people have said horrible and unpleasant things about Jesus Christ in the forums. Hey people that's blasphemy!!! Sometimes i wonder whether such people fear the wrath of God. Everytime i think about Judgement day and the wrath of God exerted on un repentant souls, i quiver with fear! Don't you guys fear God? I mean who does that;insulting A God who lovingly created you and still let's you live by His grace!! Here is what the Bible says about the wrath of God: Ephesians 5:6 "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient". Romans 1:18 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,.." So people be very careful with what you say about the Son of God! Jesus Himself says that he who has ears let him listen! I Have two answers, one is that people who dont BELIEVE in the message of the bible , be it atheists or more modern 'christians', would naturally not have any reason to feel any need to suppress negative words against Christ or God. two is that, when people are hurting for whatever reason, they lash out at others ,,,sometimes its parents, siblings, lovers,,,sometimes its Christ or God I have been here a while, and I would say a majority of those I hear speak ill of the bible, christ, or God seem to have had or be having very traumatic struggles in their lives at some point if you stick around and learn more about the people who post, you may observe the same thing,,,, ,,,I agree we are to be careful, I also believe only God knows anyones heart and that forgiveness is available when it is sincere and when one chooses to turn away from a sinful/unapproved behavior,,,,,,including speaking ill of Christ |
I was afraid of christians for a long time because I thought all they did was try to push their beleifs on everyone. now that Im a true believer I just want people to understand. And hopefully someone else will see what i have seen and witnessed. faith in God was saved my life and every day i pray that he continues that for me and for the ones who simply have a closed mind like I did
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Thu 06/07/12 04:37 PM
I've always loved, believed, and worshipped God.
But through my tragedy God has always been there for me, he has healed me greatly. Healed me further then the docs thought would happen. When I was dead, they thought that was the end of the line, then I came out of that. When I was in a coma for 4.5 months, they said I may never get out of that and if I did would more then likely be a vegetable. Here I am, a working citizen, doing everything as a "normal" person does, so to speak. The major "free time" I have now, is what has gotten me closer to God, able to give more time towards God. Not specifically the accident itself or the trauma that followed. |
I caint speek for everyone but as for me,, traumatic experiances in my life be it war, or alcoholism, or homelessness, God has given me my life back to me. If it werent for him I would be dead,, and I have been clinicly dead twice, God is the only answer for were I am now
I caint speek for everyone but as for me,, traumatic experiances in my life be it war, or alcoholism, or homelessness, God has given me my life back to me. If it werent for him I would be dead,, and I have been clinicly dead twice, God is the only answer for were I am now IT is a very personal journey, IM glad yours is where it is at this point,,,,, |
and I havent been writing in it for three
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absolutly why wouldnt I be happy for them?all i know is what has been proven to me.yes i am happy for them..truely
I've always loved, believed, and worshipped God. But through my tragedy God has always been there for me, he has healed me greatly. Healed me further then the docs thought would happen. When I was dead, they thought that was the end of the line, then I came out of that. When I was in a coma for 4.5 months, they said I may never get out of that and if I did would more then likely be a vegetable. Here I am, a working citizen, doing everything as a "normal" person does, so to speak. The major "free time" I have now, is what has gotten me closer to God, able to give more time towards God. Not specifically the accident itself or the trauma that followed. Amen! Glory be to God! |
For the last few days on this site i have been reading thru'different posts in the Christian forums. However it's so unfortunate that some posts overwhelmingly attack Christianity and more specifically Jesus Christ at that. Even if you were an atheist, you gotta learn to respect someone else's faith or religion. I wonder why a person would choose to hurl insults, use derrogative language and even make false accusations on someone's else's faith in order to try to proove a point. I have learnt that many people have said horrible and unpleasant things about Jesus Christ in the forums. Hey people that's blasphemy!!! Sometimes i wonder whether such people fear the wrath of God. Everytime i think about Judgement day and the wrath of God exerted on un repentant souls, i quiver with fear! Don't you guys fear God? I mean who does that;insulting A God who lovingly created you and still let's you live by His grace!! Here is what the Bible says about the wrath of God: Ephesians 5:6 "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient". Romans 1:18 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,.." So people be very careful with what you say about the Son of God! Jesus Himself says that he who has ears let him listen! Jesally, Mingle2 acts as an Internet version of an international nightclub, which is full of people who do not believe that God exists. Those particular people are opposed to any standard of morality that would deny them what their flesh wants. Also, in John 6:44 Jesus says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." (ESV) If God the Father isn't drawing a person to Christ, then it is unlikely that person will respect Christ or care at all about the teachings of the Apostles. If we try to (to use an antiquated expression) "put the cart before the horse", then most likely we will not achieve the result that we want. |
Edited by
Sun 06/10/12 07:21 AM
For the last few days on this site i have been reading thru'different posts in the Christian forums. However it's so unfortunate that some posts overwhelmingly attack Christianity and more specifically Jesus Christ at that. Even if you were an atheist, you gotta learn to respect someone else's faith or religion. I wonder why a person would choose to hurl insults, use derrogative language and even make false accusations on someone's else's faith in order to try to proove a point. I have learnt that many people have said horrible and unpleasant things about Jesus Christ in the forums. Hey people that's blasphemy!!! Sometimes i wonder whether such people fear the wrath of God. Everytime i think about Judgement day and the wrath of God exerted on un repentant souls, i quiver with fear! Don't you guys fear God? I mean who does that;insulting A God who lovingly created you and still let's you live by His grace!! Here is what the Bible says about the wrath of God: Ephesians 5:6 "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient". Romans 1:18 "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,.." So people be very careful with what you say about the Son of God! Jesus Himself says that he who has ears let him listen! Jesally, Mingle2 acts as an Internet version of an international nightclub, which is full of people who do not believe that God exists. Those particular people are opposed to any standard of morality that would deny them what their flesh wants. Also, in John 6:44 Jesus says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." (ESV) If God the Father isn't drawing a person to Christ, then it is unlikely that person will respect Christ or care at all about the teachings of the Apostles. If we try to (to use an antiquated expression) "put the cart before the horse", then most likely we will not achieve the result that we want. Yes Dodo_David, you might say this is a dating site; a social network for people of ALL persuasions. Thank God and thank Mingle2 that we have been offered, in this very site, a Christian Singles Forum. Here, we may learn of the faith our potential mates. And share ours according to the Word of God. ><> ><> ><> Yes, in John 6:44 Jesus does say that: 44, No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. 45, It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. He also said: Joh_12:32, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. >>>Key Word: Rejection, Joh_12:4, Joh_12:11, Joh_12:19, Joh_12:38, Joh_12:40, Joh_12:48. >>>Strong Verses: Joh_12:25, Joh_12:26, Joh_12:32, Joh_12:35, Joh_12:46, Joh_12:48. >>>Striking Facts: Joh_12:32. The cross of Jesus is the mightiest magnet in the universe. It is Christ that draws and Christ crucified. The increase of the church was after His death. While He lived we read of thousands miraculously fed, but after His death we read of thousands added to the church through a single sermon. Is there a greater proof of His divine authority today? ><> ><> ><> --- As Peter did on the Day of Pentecost, we must tell the gospel of the Cross of Jesus... which God uses to draw men unto Himself... *whether they remain with him or not. *(Remember the Sower and the Seed Parable) |