Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 5 | |
This is not biotchen funny chit. Honest.
Oh biotchy Queen. I am missing in action ASAP so I will take a rain check on the azz router okay? College biotchy calls me.
Say, just do my dear friend boonebasnastard twice instead... |
mummy how do i look ? W.T.F here is a biotchen friend for you bastnastardhippie. he biotchen looks like he could use one. just make sure to hide the bastnasterd from the biotchest queen cause thats her bastnadtard aide slappin him biotchen around. (that biotch. lol) |
Excuse my biiotchen senior moment.
I'm sloshed and can't remember what the biotch I was doing. |
What is that biotchin big cat doing hitting my breakfast? |
It's boonebasnastardly grinder...Let's not be biotchen hasty! I see. So then, we'll biotchy just have to pull it biotchy back out of YOUR basnastardly azz, after we biothcy shove it up your basnastardly azz, and then, shove the biotchy thing up Boonbasnastards basnastardly azz too. Oooooooooo this biotchy day just gets biotchy better and biotchy better! kinda biotchin looks like the bastnasterds azz is getting the biotchin queen quite hot. |
Edited by
Fri 08/24/12 06:26 PM
Muuuuuuuuuuahahhaahha! Thats biotchy right! BIOTCH SLAP THAT BIOTCHY "WANNA BE A BIOTCHY REAL CAT" BIOTCHY PUZZY BIOTCHY HAIRBALL! Oooooooooooo, I biotchy LOATHEEEEEEEEEEEE biotchy kittens, they're so biotchy cute! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!! GUARDSSSSSSSSS! Cook up the biotchy rat, and biotchy serve it to basnastardly Dodobasnastard, as a basnastardly basnastard snack! |
i hope you mean you are biotchen servin up bastnastardhippie on that platter, ii have bastnasterdjarsno in chains till he biotchen accts like a biotchen good boy and learns the first biotchhen rule here heehee. |
i saw yyou bastnastardboondoggy sneakin in the biotchy chambers and talkin to he bastnastardjarsno. do not act so biotchy surprised. if you biotchin try again, you will be in the biotchen chains next to him and then i will get the biotchen biotchest queen to have her way with both you bastnastards and i will biotchen help h er and do everything she biofchy tells me too. biotchy heeheeheeehheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! |
Michelebiotch aint biotchy biotchen around with you basnastardly basnastards, and I biotchy like it!! While the Biotchy Queen is away Michelebiotch will biotchy play, and f**k you biotchy up, so watch your basnastardly basnastard selves, because I have biotchy given her the biotchy key to all of my biotchy torture devices, and biotchy permission to biotchy use ALL OF THEM, as she biotchy sees fit. I WANT TO SEE SOME BASNASTARDLY BLOOD MICHELEBIOTCH! DO ME BIOTCHY PROUD YOU BIOTCH! You wanna see a biotchy biotch, look at Michele biotch...shes such a biotch! |
Oh now biotchy what?? Did I upset biotchy Ladybiotch, by mentioning biotchy Michelebiotch, and not biotchy mentioning what an incredibly big biotchy biotch that Ladybiotch is??? Im sending a biotchy search party out for biotchy Ladybiotch is she doesnt biotchy show up soon, although, knowing biotchy Ladybiotch, SHE WOULD EAT THE BIOTCHY WOLVES, BEFORE THEY WOULD BIOTCHY EAT HER! Carry on.............. |
Edited by
Thu 09/06/12 09:56 PM
Is there a biotchy rodent problem in the biotchy kingdom?? Where are the biotchy biotches and basnastardly basnastards??? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.................. If they are biotchy having a biotchy party without biotchy ME, im having all of their biotchy heads cut off!! *the queen goes down to her chambers* |
Oh biotchen the biotch up!
WOW! I biotchy guess if the biotchy queen isnt constantly biotchy here, no one biotchy wants to biotchy be here. I know im biotchy ALL THAT, but biotchy come on.............. |
I ain't biotchen got biotchy time for nutin, honey.
Well, I can see that it's about time I sneak in here and Biotch a little. And I have reason to biotch I have three weeks until my house is filled from top to bottom with basnastardly and biotchin house guests for my son's wedding and I still don't have the biotchin shower done since I couldn't afford the basnastard tile guy's quote (so I'm doing it myself) If I don't get that done there's going to be a biotchin line for showers the morning of the wedding As mother of the groom.... I need to be shower fresh that day OK, that biotchin felt good to get that off my biotchin chest Now have a biotchin good day guys
Ahhhhhhhh hell just hang the hose in the tree......
Babble babble biotch biotch Rebel rebel party party Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence" Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in: Everybody sing along. Babble babble biotch biotch Rebel rebel party party Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence" Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely Stick your STUPID SLOGAN in: Everybody sing along. Marilyn Manson |