Topic: Do we have to pay Income Tax?
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Sun 07/29/07 07:45 PM
you should work for snapple Alanna

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Sun 07/29/07 07:47 PM
the juice company

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Sun 07/29/07 07:49 PM
haven't you ever read the stuff on their caps?

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Sun 07/29/07 07:52 PM
no i don't like snapple

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Sun 07/29/07 07:54 PM
i don't drink it either but i have read some of them, you'd be perfect.

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Sun 07/29/07 07:55 PM
lol what do they say

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Sun 07/29/07 08:02 PM
just off the wall and absurd stuff like can you smell reality or get your water wings, i love nerds, i love cats...they taste like chicken.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 07/29/07 08:53 PM
Some tax protesters, conspiracy investigators, and others opposed to income taxes cite what they contend is evidence that the Sixteenth Amendment was never "properly ratified." One such argument is that because the legislatures of various states passed resolutions of ratification with different capitalization, spelling of words, or punctuation marks (e.g., semi-colons instead of commas) from the text proposed by Congress, those states' ratifications were invalid. A related argument is that various states illegally violated procedural requirements of their constitutions when passing their ratification resolutions. Another argument made by some tax protesters regards Ohio, one of the states listed as ratifying the amendment. They contend that because Congress did not pass an official proclamation recognizing Ohio's date of admission (1803) to statehood until 1953 (see Ohio Constitution), Ohio was not a state until 1953 (and, therefore, could not have ratified the Sixteenth Amendment). These and similar arguments have been universally rejected by the courts.

I fiqure you could still try to get the amendment removed, like prohibition was.
I doubt that will happen, but even if you did, you can not remove the original Article I, section 8, clause 1, and subsequent articles which are part of the original constitution. And then, they would still collect their money one way or the other.
In the original articles of the constitution, direct, and indirect taxes are legal. Income falls in the indirect tax category, but is taxable only on a proportionate level. This means according to population of a given area, or state, and would make the residents of the more populated states required to pay a higher income tax.
Taxes when used for what they are meant are a good thing.
Problem is many times they are not. What we need is greater accountability, and reform. No income tax, would mean no welfare (a good thing when not abused,) no child health care for children from poor families (another good cause,) no medicine for people who cant afford it, etc., etc., etc..
I myself am ready to pay more taxes, so we can have universal health care.

Belushi's photo
Sun 07/29/07 11:30 PM
Dont pay taxes .... if you are happy playing Mommas and Pappas with Bubba!

what is the difference between o and O ...

Its the size of your .... after playing with Bubba!

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 02:56 AM
>> i think when you make the phone call you are basically asking to give the pizza man tips it's just how it is

Alanna, I am dying to know what you had in mind when you said this.

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Mon 07/30/07 06:20 AM
belushi... i sent the IRS packin 12 years ago and havent heard from them since. I was sent the standard issue letter which says that you will be assimilated and resistance ius futile. we have assesed and you owe this much with interest ect.
my reply was a four page letter which said in effect just let me know how muh i owe and ill pay today. ( you cant refuse to pay) Oh by the way please show me the contract i signed that gives you jurisdiction over me and also cite the law that gives you authority over me. Havent head from them since. Mabe if im being defrauded and i become aware of the fraud its my patriotic duty NOT to pay a tax i dont know.

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 06:28 AM
More taxes Fanta?
If you add up all the taxes we pay now it will come to over 60 percent of your wage. God only wants 10 percent. Typically anything over 20 percent has historically been considered tyranny. The Abuse will continue until everyone stands up in one loud voice and says ENOUGH, and decides that they have been defrauded long enough. Then the Govt would have to make thier money the old fashioned way, from Tarriffs, Taxing Govt employees and theres one other that i cant think of, which are thier constitutional constraints.
aS I SAID BEFORE, the 16th Andmendment has no force of effect under Law because it was never ratified. Has nothing to do with wording, procedures, ect. The Fact is that noone has been able to find any state where the minutes to the ratification process can be found. It just laid there on the table for a few years and one day was made a law at the national level.

RandomX's photo
Mon 07/30/07 08:40 AM
Google Ed and Elain Brown thats what happens when taxes arent paid LOL gonna be trouble there

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Mon 07/30/07 08:49 AM
that's where this whole topic stems from random. it's buried by now but there was a thread about the standoff posted here a couple days ago.

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Mon 07/30/07 10:21 AM
they didnt have all thier ducks in order, obviously. YOU HAVE TO BE OUT OF ALL THIER CONTRACTS.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 07/30/07 11:39 AM
OK lets make it simple.

Do you have to pay income tax? No you don't but be willing to suffer the consequences of your actions.

Will the IRS make your life a living hell and take most of what you have? Probably when they finally get around to you or if you draw enough media attention to yourself and perk their interest.

Will you win in a court case? Perhaps you you can afford the right lawyer and get the right 12 people on the jury and win the case but if the IRS is smart they will only file charges for the year that the statue of limitations is about to run out. that way they can file additional charges for the suceeding years. You may win but the lawyer costs will be more than the taxes you didn't pay.

Your call

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 11:45 AM
why would you expect justice in an injust court system, garden, you cant use the system to get to them you have to go around them. that is the real secret. There are too many frauds out there in this situation. Go with the info you find on the internet and you will end up in prison. Youy must be willing to spend the time in the Law library, and weeding thru mountains of documents at the courthouse, ect. also what you fear will come upon you. IF YOU GO INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS and are afraid of the consequences youll fall hard every time. The first step and the biggest step is to not fear them at all. They will go away.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 07/30/07 12:48 PM
Thank you forge!drinker drinker

You could change your address every time they start calling, live off an honest woman, or mom and dad, but you wont own anything in your name. If you do they will just take it.

What would you call a person that doesnt vote, and doesnt pay taxes?................................

An illegal immigrant!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
No wait,,,,some of them do pay taxes!!!grumble grumble bigsmile

Belushi's photo
Mon 07/30/07 01:26 PM
Rambill ... do you have a thing about ducks?

In this thread you mention them not being in a row, and in another you start on about them quacking and swimming.

Guy, you really need to expand your bird base!!

Ducks are really getting a lot of bad press right now!

no photo
Mon 07/30/07 01:27 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh