Topic: bill nye booed in texas, wacky waco baptists | |
the point i was making is that god (if there is one) is not perfect... if he was, then there would have never been a need for the new testament... he even admitted to one of his mistakes by using the rainbow as a symbol to never kill off the world again... but since there is no god, and it never happened, this whole argument is pointless... God didn't admit to a mistake, God just promised to never flood the world again. Please try to be honest and do your research if you want to debate a subject with someone, you shouldn't just make things up. a mistake is a mistake... deal with should be honest with yourself and admit the bible was written by nothing more than men... so noah and his wife were the new adam and eve? DNA evidence shows this not to be true. It even shows that adam and eve is a myth. science proves most everything the bible says is false, but bible thumpers keep preaching it like it is 100% true. but if your happy believing these myths that the bible teaches you, i'm fine with it. just remember, science can prove (or disprove) most anything, so i will stick with science and you can read and pray to your "god". |
Reporter of Bill Nye, Moonbat story speaks The real story is a bit different from what is presented in the OP. Nobody booed Bill Nye. The woman didn't yell "We believe in God", she whispered it to the guy she was sitting next to as an explanation for why she was leaving, who happened to be the author of the original article. The article is six years old and wasn't taken down, it was moved to the news paper's online archives, because it's hardly news now. Personally, I think the offense wasn't that people didn't believe that the moon was a reflector, the offense was that at a science lecture for adults and children, a beloved entertainer suggested that the Bible was wrong. Any serious student of the Bible knows that ma'owr (light) means simply "light" and doesn't indicate if the object is the source or if the light is reflected. Notice that in Proverbs 15:30 "The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: [and] a good report maketh the bones fat", "light" is used to talk about a twinkle in a person's eyes. I know that atheists love to work themselves into a lather about how violent and ignorant Christians are, but it's just delusions to reassure them of their intellectual superiority to believers. A superiority that only exists in their own desperate minds. I was going to bring up the same thing about the meaning of 'light', wow this is two times in twenty four hours we have agreed,,lol to each his own... the book that bill was referring to was genesis, not proverbs... so, here is more bible thumping and not even talking about the same books, or even the same thing... and genesis says 'let there be light',,,it doesnt specify if the light source is direct or reflextion,,,,, you still didn't read what bill was referring to... |
the point i was making is that god (if there is one) is not perfect... if he was, then there would have never been a need for the new testament... he even admitted to one of his mistakes by using the rainbow as a symbol to never kill off the world again... but since there is no god, and it never happened, this whole argument is pointless... God didn't admit to a mistake, God just promised to never flood the world again. Please try to be honest and do your research if you want to debate a subject with someone, you shouldn't just make things up. a mistake is a mistake... deal with should be honest with yourself and admit the bible was written by nothing more than men... so noah and his wife were the new adam and eve? DNA evidence shows this not to be true. It even shows that adam and eve is a myth. science proves most everything the bible says is false, but bible thumpers keep preaching it like it is 100% true. but if your happy believing these myths that the bible teaches you, i'm fine with it. just remember, science can prove (or disprove) most anything, so i will stick with science and you can read and pray to your "god". Humanities MRCA? What is that? Do you know? MRCA = Most Recent Common Ancestor. These more realistic models estimate that the most recent common ancestor of mankind lived as recently as about 3,000 years ago, and the identical ancestors point was as recent as several thousand years ago. The paper suggests, "No matter the languages we speak or the color of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who labored to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu." Our most recent common ancestor was from no more than 3,000 years ago. That is science, my friend. What you posted was pure BS. |
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning —the fourth day.
the light itself was actually created and referred to earlier in genesis the two GREAT lights were markers to discern the day from the night,,, |
the point i was making is that god (if there is one) is not perfect... if he was, then there would have never been a need for the new testament... he even admitted to one of his mistakes by using the rainbow as a symbol to never kill off the world again... but since there is no god, and it never happened, this whole argument is pointless... God didn't admit to a mistake, God just promised to never flood the world again. Please try to be honest and do your research if you want to debate a subject with someone, you shouldn't just make things up. a mistake is a mistake... deal with should be honest with yourself and admit the bible was written by nothing more than men... so noah and his wife were the new adam and eve? DNA evidence shows this not to be true. It even shows that adam and eve is a myth. science proves most everything the bible says is false, but bible thumpers keep preaching it like it is 100% true. but if your happy believing these myths that the bible teaches you, i'm fine with it. just remember, science can prove (or disprove) most anything, so i will stick with science and you can read and pray to your "god". Humanities MRCA? What is that? Do you know? MRCA = Most Recent Common Ancestor. These more realistic models estimate that the most recent common ancestor of mankind lived as recently as about 3,000 years ago, and the identical ancestors point was as recent as several thousand years ago. The paper suggests, "No matter the languages we speak or the color of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who labored to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu." Our most recent common ancestor was from no more than 3,000 years ago. That is science, my friend. What you posted was pure BS. i would expect a fanatic to believe something that ridicules... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 05/03/12 05:47 PM
i would expect a fanatic to believe something that ridicules... ![]() ![]() ![]() It does not surprise me that a dogmatic atheist would reject any science, even peer reviewed science published in a national journal, that lends credibility to the Bible. |
Many experts, as mentioned above, believe that Mesopotamia being located in the Fertile Crescent, is the oldest civilization in the world. The reason for this is that Mesopotamia is where the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers converge, making the area extremely suitable for agriculture. Many agrarian societies are therefore believed to have been established here. Also since the Ubaid, Sumerian, Akkad, Babylon, and Assyrian civilizations are all located in this area, Mesopotamia is widely considered to be the oldest civilization in the world. Settlements can be traced in Mesopotamia to the start of the Early Bronze age, which is much before 7000 BC. The earliest sites were in Jarmo, and the earliest cities were established in Sumer under the Uruk period. Mesopotamia, over the years, has been ruled by the Hellenists, Persians, Mongols, and Turks. Mesopotamia is the area that we now identify as Iraq. Egypt One of the oldest civilizations in the world, there is archaeological and anthropological evidence that points towards the existence of a settlement in the area as early as 10000 BC, but there is no definite evidence to determine the time period. The settlement then took to farming as their main source of sustenance, but remains of another settlement found in the area, that can be dated back to the same period, shows practice of hunting and fishing. It is indicated by studies that the land around Sahara was not as arid as it is today and was perfect for grazing ground. It was around 2500 BC that the settlements moved towards the Nile due to change in climate and inhospitable conditions, where the civilization was established as a more complex society. The civilization of Ancient Egypt has been responsible for several lasting legacies for humankind as a whole, including pyramids, mathematical systems, practice of medicine, glass making techniques, and also paper, in its earliest form. Ancient India Settlements have known to exist in the area since before 6000 BC, as there is evidence that has been found that dates back to this period. Studying the history of the Indus valley civilization tells us that this was a well-developed society. These settlements were very self sufficient with remains of granaries, burial tombs, drills for stones and copper, etc., found in the area near present day Balochistan in Pakistan. The Indus Valley Civilization, which saw complex societal structures, have known to exist since 4000 BC, with the major cities being Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Both these cities have been discovered to be large cities with many structures of great magnitude inside city limits. The decimal fraction system is one of the gifts of the Indus Valley Civilization to the modern-day world. Excavation of the sites that are believed to be a part of the civilization have been on since 1920 and the most recent discovery was in 1999. |
i would expect a fanatic to believe something that ridicules... ![]() ![]() ![]() It does not surprise me that a dogmatic atheist would reject any science, even peer reviewed science published in a national journal, that lends credibility to the Bible. there is no credibility to the bible... to you 1+2=1. to me, i know better. keep reading the bible, i can already see how it has made you such a smart person... |
Explosive hypothesis about humans' lack of genetic diversity
People are surprisingly similar at a genetic level. For example, any two people from anywhere on Earth are more similar than two chimps from the same troop. Why are we all so alike? One possible explanation is that something in our collective past nearly wiped us all out. And we all come from the few survivors who were left. Science is to dogmatic atheists, what holy water is to vampires. |
Explosive hypothesis about humans' lack of genetic diversity People are surprisingly similar at a genetic level. For example, any two people from anywhere on Earth are more similar than two chimps from the same troop. Why are we all so alike? One possible explanation is that something in our collective past nearly wiped us all out. And we all come from the few survivors who were left. Science is to dogmatic atheists, what holy water is to vampires. they have known that for years now... it was an ice age about 12,000 years ago... like i said, keep reading the bible, you are sure to learn more... |
1+2=1 No, 1 + 2 = 3. You should have learned that in the first grade. See, that is why you are on the wrong side of science, you can't even do addition. |
1+2=1 No, 1 + 2 = 3. You should have learned that in the first grade. See, that is why you are on the wrong side of science, you can't even do addition. is this what you are resorting to now? how quaint... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Explosive hypothesis about humans' lack of genetic diversity People are surprisingly similar at a genetic level. For example, any two people from anywhere on Earth are more similar than two chimps from the same troop. Why are we all so alike? One possible explanation is that something in our collective past nearly wiped us all out. And we all come from the few survivors who were left. Science is to dogmatic atheists, what holy water is to vampires. they have known that for years now... it was an ice age about 12,000 years ago... like i said, keep reading the bible, you are sure to learn more... That was a hypothesis. What don't you understand about science? As new data is discovered, new hypothesis are formed. Aren't you supposed to know a bit about the scientific process? Shouldn't you? Since you put all of your trust into it? Here's the deal: The MRCA was between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago. That's what the current scientific research is indicating. This isn't Christian science or creation scientists, it's just plain old scientists. |
Explosive hypothesis about humans' lack of genetic diversity People are surprisingly similar at a genetic level. For example, any two people from anywhere on Earth are more similar than two chimps from the same troop. Why are we all so alike? One possible explanation is that something in our collective past nearly wiped us all out. And we all come from the few survivors who were left. Science is to dogmatic atheists, what holy water is to vampires. they have known that for years now... it was an ice age about 12,000 years ago... like i said, keep reading the bible, you are sure to learn more... That was a hypothesis. What don't you understand about science? As new data is discovered, new hypothesis are formed. Aren't you supposed to know a bit about the scientific process? Shouldn't you? Since you put all of your trust into it? Here's the deal: The MRCA was between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago. That's what the current scientific research is indicating. This isn't Christian science or creation scientists, it's just plain old scientists. i hear ya talking, but i haven't seen any evidence of this... can you post a website please? i posted the articles about cities being about 7-8 thousand years old. that kind of refutes everything your saying, doesn't it? |
i hear ya talking, but i haven't seen any evidence of this... can you post a website please? i posted the articles about cities being about 7-8 thousand years old. that kind of refutes everything your saying, doesn't it? 'Most recent common ancestor' of all living humans surprisingly recent |
thank you, that was a nice article. but as you know, things of mathematical probabilities are only as good as the people doing the math. for starters, has he checked the DNA of every person alive? does that include dead people also? from what reference point is he using? how much DNA material does he have from 3000 years ago? while his math may be correct, he may not have enough evidence from the past to go by. thats why the whole article is using words like "possibly", or "might, could be, may.
thank you, that was a nice article. but as you know, things of mathematical probabilities are only as good as the people doing the math. for starters, has he checked the DNA of every person alive? does that include dead people also? from what reference point is he using? how much DNA material does he have from 3000 years ago? while his math may be correct, he may not have enough evidence from the past to go by. thats why the whole article is using words like "possibly", or "might, could be, may. wouldnt that be true of all proposed explanations concerning original dna ,,,? |
thank you, that was a nice article. but as you know, things of mathematical probabilities are only as good as the people doing the math. for starters, has he checked the DNA of every person alive? does that include dead people also? from what reference point is he using? how much DNA material does he have from 3000 years ago? while his math may be correct, he may not have enough evidence from the past to go by. thats why the whole article is using words like "possibly", or "might, could be, may. wouldnt that be true of all proposed explanations concerning original dna ,,,? yes, but you combine knowledge of different factions of science, a picture starts to come out. for one, there is no evidence of a world wide flood. there are civilizations that predate the 3000 year mark that spider is saying, that have never been underwater. there is more scientific evidence that shows this not to be true. i will say that that noahs story does have some evidence to it, like the red sea and the villages they found under the water. some scientists say it was flooded as little as 3-5 thousand years ago. |