Topic: SweetiePieSupreme's house of beauty | |
Hop on the table, the masseuse is waiting.
ok "doughboy" yur in trouble now.!!!! lol
I'm the best there is at rolling and kneading.
No poking.... or else
Step away from the mirror... Oh wait a minute, that's my alter ego, hey there Muffin Me...
hmmm 4 pages later and no massage i want a refund
No refunds, but you are allowed to make one phone call after poking the strudel of your choosing.
omg...this place is being taken over by tummy ticklers
I could use a pedicure manicure massage and a reading...i also need two hot muscluar men to feed me grapes and fan me with palm
Holy Batbuns, I'm multiplying!!! Quick, take me out of the oven, please!!!
see what happens when you get your multiply and i became the evil one
At least I'm not dividing or subtracting or having to find the square root of anything.
oh now you just confuzzled me even more
Oh my God... we're like rabitts, we're multiplying like mad.
see what happens when Mike and Van doesn't offer to pay for all of us to meet in one place???
I've had quite a few drinks today... perhaps I'm seeing triple
nope it's your imagination
It's got to be the imitation butter or maybe the added cheese.
I am NOT made out of imitation anything....