Topic: Pick Up Lines dont work on ladies no more
Hemmy1991's photo
Thu 04/12/12 05:57 AM
Pick up lines are the lamest word a guy can think of using on a hottie...they get approached everyday and so they know it sure the ladies will agree with me on that ladies,what often do u expect a guy to say when he approachs you without sounding like the other loser that left you minutes ago....

soufiehere's photo
Thu 04/12/12 06:04 AM
He can use words.
That beckon.
That are unique to him.

Anything I have heard
before gets filed..away.

So, the tackiest come-on
line in the world would
work on me, if new.

pyxxie13's photo
Thu 04/12/12 08:49 AM
You are right. You can almost smell the pathetic line coming as they approach.
For example ..just here on mingle....
Emails that say " you sure are cute and I just wanted to tell you" . that suppose to send me into a frenzy of love? or "Is your name beautiful? "
It is so much nicer if they just approach with normal conversation. I had a guy once get out of line from the post office, which was full by the way, and walk up to me and point at my shirt and say "is that a gorilla on your shirt?"...
Cheesy lines blow.noway

no photo
Thu 04/12/12 08:57 AM

You are right. You can almost smell the pathetic line coming as they approach.
For example ..just here on mingle....
Emails that say " you sure are cute and I just wanted to tell you" . that suppose to send me into a frenzy of love? or "Is your name beautiful? "
It is so much nicer if they just approach with normal conversation. I had a guy once get out of line from the post office, which was full by the way, and walk up to me and point at my shirt and say "is that a gorilla on your shirt?"...
Cheesy lines blow.noway

Would you like to come back to my place for a scotch and sofa?

newarkjw's photo
Thu 04/12/12 09:46 AM
Nice legs! What time do they open? Works everytime.......smokin

no photo
Thu 04/12/12 10:26 AM

Nice legs! What time do they open? Works everytime.......smokin

One that doesn't work- "Get in the trunk!"

mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/12/12 12:45 PM
the one i found that doesn't work very well is "you look rich... how much money do you make?"

no photo
Thu 04/12/12 12:51 PM
The problem with pickup lines is that most men can't use them well.

josie68's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:50 PM
I liked honesty, or humour, not something you just said to the last person you talked to and the 500 before that.

no photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:56 PM

You are right. You can almost smell the pathetic line coming as they approach.
For example ..just here on mingle....
Emails that say " you sure are cute and I just wanted to tell you" . that suppose to send me into a frenzy of love? or "Is your name beautiful? "
It is so much nicer if they just approach with normal conversation. I had a guy once get out of line from the post office, which was full by the way, and walk up to me and point at my shirt and say "is that a gorilla on your shirt?"...
Cheesy lines blow.noway

"Could have been worse. He could have said "That shirt’s very becoming on you. Of course, if I were on you I’d be coming too."

One that doesn't work- "Get in the trunk!"

I can top it.

"I have been watching you through your window for awhile now..."

I think I know someone who might use that particular pick up line.

boonedoggy61's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:57 PM
I haven't found that any women on here responds to any lines except how fat yer wallet is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh laugh laugh

Hemmy1991's photo
Thu 04/12/12 02:57 PM

The problem with pickup lines is that most men can't use them well.
How do i use a cheesy line i probably parroted from a teammate(losers) very well?

ScreVio's photo
Fri 04/13/12 12:56 AM
Maybe it's because I am super Naive, but they still work on me at times.

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 01:07 AM
I was reading somewhere a few ones that actually worked for the guy. Because they were orginal
Like " Excuse me You are a beautiful woman, Your sexier than a rooster wearing knee socks"

Walking up and asking " Blueberries or Strawberries?"
When you asked why do you have to choose or why? he answers "SoI know what to add to your pancakes int he morning."

They may be cheesy But they are kinda cute, AND he was brave enough to try them.

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 04:40 AM
Yes, comparing a woman to a rooster, how can it fail?

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 07:06 AM

The problem with pickup lines is that most men can't use them well.
How do i use a cheesy line i probably parroted from a teammate(losers) very well?

Only you can figure out what works well for you.

Hemmy1991's photo
Fri 04/13/12 03:19 PM
A friend of mine read this in a book and decided to use it on a 7.....just last week we went out...he met this girl and there he goes....
Him:remember me?
Her:{suprised..she said}....No
Him:oh,u name is chuks..
Her:Tosin here
Him:hey Tosin...remember me now...
Her:{still looking confused}....????
Him:from now.
When the girl finally understood the message...she was like...oh from now...yeah...are you trying to get a conversation started with me?....After this series of statement from the girl,my friend unceremoniously withdrew to his shell after logging into wuss mode completely.....lost the girl at the end of the day....very sad

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/13/12 03:26 PM
how about " lets play furniture... you be the dresser and let me get in your drawers?"