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Topic: Lets Talk about Oil
Optomistic69's photo
Tue 04/10/12 06:58 AM
Will Oil be the cause of another World War?

How much are you prepared to pay?

How much oil is there in the world?

Is it worth killing for?

Is it worth dying for?

InvictusV's photo
Tue 04/10/12 07:33 AM
well.. I say it is more likely that a world war will be fought to reduce population and a perceived benefit of this will be less demand for oil..

but... less demand means lower profits for oil producers.. but.. if they have fewer people then that will be less money they have to dole out in programs for the poor..

yeah.. I see population reduction as the ultimate goal and how they get there is really irrelevant..

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/10/12 07:38 AM
power is usually the cause of wars (wanting to gain it or keep it)

I would pay whatever was consistent with the current wages and gas mileage,,,,

There is plenty of oil but just in limited locations

Its not worth killing for

Its not worth dying for

beachseeker's photo
Tue 04/10/12 10:22 AM
Oil is not responsible for war, people are. Actually, the largest contributor to hate and war in the world is organized religion.

Ideologies which project egocentric attitudes outward towards other nations. No nation mentioned, as I do not wish to get into a debate in this area. But, I will mention the Munroe Doctrine.

Plenty of oil up here in Alberta. If you want to purchase a contract let me know. Maybe I can get you a deal, 60 month term, FOB. Im ready to negotiate anytime you are ready to purchase.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 10:32 AM

Oil is not responsible for war, people are. Actually, the largest contributor to hate and war in the world is organized religion.

Ideologies which project egocentric attitudes outward towards other nations. No nation mentioned, as I do not wish to get into a debate in this area. But, I will mention the Munroe Doctrine.

Plenty of oil up here in Alberta. If you want to purchase a contract let me know. Maybe I can get you a deal, 60 month term, FOB. Im ready to negotiate anytime you are ready to purchase.

we tried to, but obarry shot it down and then blamed it on the repubs...

Chazster's photo
Tue 04/10/12 11:01 AM
Last time i went to the store there was a lot of cooking oil and it was pretty cheap. I don't think its worth killing over.

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 11:34 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 04/10/12 12:03 PM
It's hard to think of a resource that would be more worthwhile to go to war over. How foolish can people be? How does the food get to your local grocery store? How do people get to work? Without oil, millions of people would die of starvation and violence in the first month. Whatever part of society survived would be small, isolated and agrarian. So yes, oil is worth going to war over, if you value human life.

EDIT: This question is just so incredibly stupid. The more I think about it, the more the absolute sophistry of this question becomes clear. It's the same as asking "Is food worth killing over?", "Is clean water worth killing over?" I guess if you are planning to eat or drink EVER, then yes, oil is worth killing over. If you want to watch your children starve to death, then you probably won't want to kill for oil. That could actually work out pretty well, because you could hide from the cannibals (or those who had just been driven mad from hunger) up on your moral high ground.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:14 PM

It's hard to think of a resource that would be more worthwhile to go to war over. How foolish can people be? How does the food get to your local grocery store? How do people get to work? Without oil, millions of people would die of starvation and violence in the first month. Whatever part of society survived would be small, isolated and agrarian. So yes, oil is worth going to war over, if you value human life.

EDIT: This question is just so incredibly stupid. The more I think about it, the more the absolute sophistry of this question becomes clear. It's the same as asking "Is food worth killing over?", "Is clean water worth killing over?" I guess if you are planning to eat or drink EVER, then yes, oil is worth killing over. If you want to watch your children starve to death, then you probably won't want to kill for oil. That could actually work out pretty well, because you could hide from the cannibals (or those who had just been driven mad from hunger) up on your moral high ground.

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it? and yet, we need to kill for it now? we only started using oil in the last 100 years or so. it is never really about oil, it's about control of oil... we can get oil from other countries besides the mid east, but we would rather try to control theirs.

Chazster's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:19 PM
We also have a much larger population than,100 years ago. You cant compare the 2.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:23 PM

We also have a much larger population than,100 years ago. You cant compare the 2.

to me, it's like saying we can't live without cell phones, or computers... it would be hard to live without oil, but we could manage...

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:26 PM

It's hard to think of a resource that would be more worthwhile to go to war over. How foolish can people be? How does the food get to your local grocery store? How do people get to work? Without oil, millions of people would die of starvation and violence in the first month. Whatever part of society survived would be small, isolated and agrarian. So yes, oil is worth going to war over, if you value human life.

EDIT: This question is just so incredibly stupid. The more I think about it, the more the absolute sophistry of this question becomes clear. It's the same as asking "Is food worth killing over?", "Is clean water worth killing over?" I guess if you are planning to eat or drink EVER, then yes, oil is worth killing over. If you want to watch your children starve to death, then you probably won't want to kill for oil. That could actually work out pretty well, because you could hide from the cannibals (or those who had just been driven mad from hunger) up on your moral high ground.

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it? and yet, we need to kill for it now? we only started using oil in the last 100 years or so. it is never really about oil, it's about control of oil... we can get oil from other countries besides the mid east, but we would rather try to control theirs.

We are DEPENDENT on oil. Most of the produce at my local grocery stores was grown in Mexico. The meat...who knows? Texas? Kansas? Doesn't matter, it's going to be rotted before it gets to Ohio. So where is your food going to come from? How about your neighbors? How about every other person in every industrialized nation? Could we live without oil? Yes, if we took the next 40+ years dismantling our entire economy. But why would we do that when it would cost us millions of human lives due to disease, drought and famine?

This isn't about the middle east. The question was very clear "Is it (oil) worth killing for?" The answer for any human with a brain is YES. Brain dead people might come up with a different answer, but the law of averages says they should still be right 50% of the time.

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:29 PM

We also have a much larger population than,100 years ago. You cant compare the 2.

Population size isn't the only major issue. Don't forget distribution. Most people live in cities far away from agriculture. That means no food for the majority of people. What about clean water? What about electricity? Coal fire plants would run until they were out of coal and then most of the country would be without electricity. It would be only a matter of time until the Nuclear, hydro and alternative energy plants went down due to lack of maintenance.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:32 PM

It's hard to think of a resource that would be more worthwhile to go to war over. How foolish can people be? How does the food get to your local grocery store? How do people get to work? Without oil, millions of people would die of starvation and violence in the first month. Whatever part of society survived would be small, isolated and agrarian. So yes, oil is worth going to war over, if you value human life.

EDIT: This question is just so incredibly stupid. The more I think about it, the more the absolute sophistry of this question becomes clear. It's the same as asking "Is food worth killing over?", "Is clean water worth killing over?" I guess if you are planning to eat or drink EVER, then yes, oil is worth killing over. If you want to watch your children starve to death, then you probably won't want to kill for oil. That could actually work out pretty well, because you could hide from the cannibals (or those who had just been driven mad from hunger) up on your moral high ground.

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it? and yet, we need to kill for it now? we only started using oil in the last 100 years or so. it is never really about oil, it's about control of oil... we can get oil from other countries besides the mid east, but we would rather try to control theirs.

We are DEPENDENT on oil. Most of the produce at my local grocery stores was grown in Mexico. The meat...who knows? Texas? Kansas? Doesn't matter, it's going to be rotted before it gets to Ohio. So where is your food going to come from? How about your neighbors? How about every other person in every industrialized nation? Could we live without oil? Yes, if we took the next 40+ years dismantling our entire economy. But why would we do that when it would cost us millions of human lives due to disease, drought and famine?

This isn't about the middle east. The question was very clear "Is it (oil) worth killing for?" The answer for any human with a brain is YES. Brain dead people might come up with a different answer, but the law of averages says they should still be right 50% of the time.

i guess it doesn't really matter how you die, whether you kill millions of people in a war, or millions die from not having a war... dead is dead, regardless...

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:34 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 04/10/12 12:51 PM

i guess it doesn't really matter how you die, whether you kill millions of people in a war, or millions die from not having a war... dead is dead, regardless...

Or we could drill for oil in Alaska, California and the Gulf Coast...whoa

EDIT: Millions would die in the first month without oil. Most of the people living in industrialized nations would die in the first year. We simply don't have the skills to live without clean water, electricity and available food.

I get the impression that this was a "trap" topic. You guys have your panties in a bunch because of something...Iran? Iraq? I sure as hell don't care. I just answered the question. You replied that you would rather that 300+ million Americans (not to mention the rest of the industrialized world) die than we go to war for oil. How's the air up there on your moral high ground?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:37 PM

It's hard to think of a resource that would be more worthwhile to go to war over. How foolish can people be? How does the food get to your local grocery store? How do people get to work? Without oil, millions of people would die of starvation and violence in the first month. Whatever part of society survived would be small, isolated and agrarian. So yes, oil is worth going to war over, if you value human life.

EDIT: This question is just so incredibly stupid. The more I think about it, the more the absolute sophistry of this question becomes clear. It's the same as asking "Is food worth killing over?", "Is clean water worth killing over?" I guess if you are planning to eat or drink EVER, then yes, oil is worth killing over. If you want to watch your children starve to death, then you probably won't want to kill for oil. That could actually work out pretty well, because you could hide from the cannibals (or those who had just been driven mad from hunger) up on your moral high ground.

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it? and yet, we need to kill for it now? we only started using oil in the last 100 years or so. it is never really about oil, it's about control of oil... we can get oil from other countries besides the mid east, but we would rather try to control theirs.

We are DEPENDENT on oil. Most of the produce at my local grocery stores was grown in Mexico. The meat...who knows? Texas? Kansas? Doesn't matter, it's going to be rotted before it gets to Ohio. So where is your food going to come from? How about your neighbors? How about every other person in every industrialized nation? Could we live without oil? Yes, if we took the next 40+ years dismantling our entire economy. But why would we do that when it would cost us millions of human lives due to disease, drought and famine?

This isn't about the middle east. The question was very clear "Is it (oil) worth killing for?" The answer for any human with a brain is YES. Brain dead people might come up with a different answer, but the law of averages says they should still be right 50% of the time.

i guess it doesn't really matter how you die, whether you kill millions of people in a war, or millions die from not having a war... dead is dead, regardless...

Or we could drill for oil in Alaska, California and the Gulf Coast...whoa

yea, well... but barry put a stop to all that...

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:50 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 04/10/12 12:50 PM
and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it?

I dont know about you, but I have not been around that long. Neither has the population which is now entirely supported by the ability our modern culture has to make use of fossil fuels.

In fact it is highly doubtful either me or you would exist if oil had never been used my human's.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:51 PM
another loaded question!laugh

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/10/12 12:54 PM

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it?

I dont know about you, but I have not been around that long. Neither has the population which is now entirely supported by the ability our modern culture has to make use of fossil fuels.

In fact it is highly doubtful either me or you would exist if oil had never been used my human's.

we, as in humans... if they didn't survive, "we" wouldn't be here now....and yes, we would exist without oil... humans have been around for about 50,000 years before we figured out what oil was...

no photo
Tue 04/10/12 01:23 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 04/10/12 01:24 PM

and how many 1000's of years did we survive without it?

I dont know about you, but I have not been around that long. Neither has the population which is now entirely supported by the ability our modern culture has to make use of fossil fuels.

In fact it is highly doubtful either me or you would exist if oil had never been used my human's.

we, as in humans... if they didn't survive, "we" wouldn't be here now....and yes, we would exist without oil... humans have been around for about 50,000 years before we figured out what oil was...
Your not following my train of thought.

7 Billion people never existed all at the same time prior to fossil fuel usage, and without it never would have.

Its the quantity that is the problem . . . hence the word . . . population . . .

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 04/10/12 01:36 PM

Oil has become a tool in which to control the population, the oil barons have made sure through buying off out congress that we are dependent on oil. Oil prices are as they are in this country because the oil industry wants it this way. We have too few refineries in this country to refine our domestic oil as it is and the industry pays their lobbyists too buy off congress so that new refinery permits are denied and refineries that need simple repairs are shut down, this way there is high demand but little gas in the pipeline thus they can charge what they want because the demand outweighs the supply. There is a lot of talk about drilling more in this country because it will reduce gasoline prices (refer back to deliberately limited refineries) which is an out and out lie, what it will do is make the oil man richer. As it is about 60% of our domestic we produce in this country is shipped over seas so drilling for more is not going to make a difference. As far as killing for oil, that probably seems to be good business for big oil.

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