Topic: Religion is Child Abuse? | |
You choosing not to believe it, doesn't make it a delusion. Only from your perspective is it a delusion, and your perspective doesn't constitute it as a fact, just merely an opinion. You have all the right to have an opinion. Cowboy... people do not rise from graves after being dead for three your claim that Jesus rising from the grave after being dead for three days... is not an's a delusion.... Only Jesus has the power to defeat death. I didn't say anyone else could do it. So yes you are absolutely correct "people" do not rise from graves after being dead for three days, but our God did. Your God may have. God did not die. Jesus did. Jesus did not Rise. Christ did. God can not die. You're looking at death from a secular perspective Adventure. Death means to go to Hell. Jesus our God went to hell for each and everyone of us and spent 3 days there. But defeated death in the end and broke free, death could not hold his soul. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. Death is Death and does not kill mankind (for our Image can not die) Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Not one single human has ever gone to hell. GRACE WAS GRANTED by the very Advent of Christ. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. He will not be in you. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. It's not in the sands of a book, it's from the knowledge that the book possess. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on, it's not the paper and ink that is important, it is the knowledge inside that is written as to carry on and not be forgotten or changed. Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Hell is in the heart of the Earth. And this makes sence of the discriptions of Hell. The center of the Earth is molten lava, how would they know this in that day and age? No they don't use the term "lava", they use brimstone and fire. But nevertheless same difference. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. Jesus is Christ eg., Jesus Christ. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. Jesus is in me, he is beside me, he is above me. Jesus is in everyone of us, beside everyone of us, and is above everyone of us. Jesus is Christ. Cowboy there are indeed Sands upon the Book from the lying pens of the multitudes of Scribes that have touched the book between the utterance of the Word and the moment you first saw it... Hell is listed but ONCE in the Word... It is the holding place of satan. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). What does the end time prophesy say about the one that descends in the clouds O' delver in sands and many meanings? does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Quit living in the past and step to the reality of today. Christ has Risen. You confuse the unwary when you send them looking for Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). and does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Jesus is both son of man and son of God. Both titles are used referring to Jesus Christ, and both refer to him as alive, so it's not like while he was in the flesh he was son of man and when he was crucified became son of God. Luke 9:44 44Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. This verse is referring to them coming for Jesus for the crucifixion. There has to be some other meaning of "son of man" then we are looking at though. Ezekial is referred to as "Son of man" as well. That is why it's key to keep what is said in context to really understand exactly what it's meaning. Perhaps more meaning then you are looking at. I know what the meaning is. Yes indeed the journey nears an end. Should you but open your eyes. Isaiah (and many others) were also 'son of man'. Yet Jesus was Son of God (does not your book tell you this). The book tells me nothing. The book is but paper and ink. God tells me that which I speak of. God tells anyone who is willing to lend an ear in search of knowledge. But we are all "children" of God. Jesus is special in this specific aspect in that fact that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. But we are all children of God. Genesis 6:2 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Notice "sons of God". Again, no this knowledge itself doesn't come from the scriptures. Just the scriptures make it easy to relay the message. |
You choosing not to believe it, doesn't make it a delusion. Only from your perspective is it a delusion, and your perspective doesn't constitute it as a fact, just merely an opinion. You have all the right to have an opinion. Cowboy... people do not rise from graves after being dead for three your claim that Jesus rising from the grave after being dead for three days... is not an's a delusion.... Only Jesus has the power to defeat death. I didn't say anyone else could do it. So yes you are absolutely correct "people" do not rise from graves after being dead for three days, but our God did. Your God may have. God did not die. Jesus did. Jesus did not Rise. Christ did. God can not die. You're looking at death from a secular perspective Adventure. Death means to go to Hell. Jesus our God went to hell for each and everyone of us and spent 3 days there. But defeated death in the end and broke free, death could not hold his soul. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. Death is Death and does not kill mankind (for our Image can not die) Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Not one single human has ever gone to hell. GRACE WAS GRANTED by the very Advent of Christ. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. He will not be in you. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. It's not in the sands of a book, it's from the knowledge that the book possess. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on, it's not the paper and ink that is important, it is the knowledge inside that is written as to carry on and not be forgotten or changed. Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Hell is in the heart of the Earth. And this makes sence of the discriptions of Hell. The center of the Earth is molten lava, how would they know this in that day and age? No they don't use the term "lava", they use brimstone and fire. But nevertheless same difference. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. Jesus is Christ eg., Jesus Christ. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. Jesus is in me, he is beside me, he is above me. Jesus is in everyone of us, beside everyone of us, and is above everyone of us. Jesus is Christ. Cowboy there are indeed Sands upon the Book from the lying pens of the multitudes of Scribes that have touched the book between the utterance of the Word and the moment you first saw it... Hell is listed but ONCE in the Word... It is the holding place of satan. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). What does the end time prophesy say about the one that descends in the clouds O' delver in sands and many meanings? does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Quit living in the past and step to the reality of today. Christ has Risen. You confuse the unwary when you send them looking for Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). and does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Jesus is both son of man and son of God. Both titles are used referring to Jesus Christ, and both refer to him as alive, so it's not like while he was in the flesh he was son of man and when he was crucified became son of God. Luke 9:44 44Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. This verse is referring to them coming for Jesus for the crucifixion. There has to be some other meaning of "son of man" then we are looking at though. Ezekial is referred to as "Son of man" as well. That is why it's key to keep what is said in context to really understand exactly what it's meaning. Perhaps more meaning then you are looking at. I know what the meaning is. Yes indeed the journey nears an end. Should you but open your eyes. Isaiah (and many others) were also 'son of man'. Yet Jesus was Son of God (does not your book tell you this). The book tells me nothing. The book is but paper and ink. God tells me that which I speak of. God tells anyone who is willing to lend an ear in search of knowledge. But we are all "children" of God. Jesus is special in this specific aspect in that fact that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. But we are all children of God. Genesis 6:2 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Notice "sons of God". Again, no this knowledge itself doesn't come from the scriptures. Just the scriptures make it easy to relay the message. And now we see the truth of clinging to the feet of Jesus as though he was god. You have circled again to Adam so that you may prove again that Jesus was as Jesus is to you... God.(and so once again Yahweh looks through your eyes and weeps that you hear him not though he witness each time you look into the book) Why... Because the Book tells you nothing. You claim it to be but paper and ink. I say to you that it is inspired. If you let it tell you, then moves the Breath of God. |
You choosing not to believe it, doesn't make it a delusion. Only from your perspective is it a delusion, and your perspective doesn't constitute it as a fact, just merely an opinion. You have all the right to have an opinion. Cowboy... people do not rise from graves after being dead for three your claim that Jesus rising from the grave after being dead for three days... is not an's a delusion.... Only Jesus has the power to defeat death. I didn't say anyone else could do it. So yes you are absolutely correct "people" do not rise from graves after being dead for three days, but our God did. Your God may have. God did not die. Jesus did. Jesus did not Rise. Christ did. God can not die. You're looking at death from a secular perspective Adventure. Death means to go to Hell. Jesus our God went to hell for each and everyone of us and spent 3 days there. But defeated death in the end and broke free, death could not hold his soul. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. Death is Death and does not kill mankind (for our Image can not die) Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Not one single human has ever gone to hell. GRACE WAS GRANTED by the very Advent of Christ. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. He will not be in you. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. It's not in the sands of a book, it's from the knowledge that the book possess. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on, it's not the paper and ink that is important, it is the knowledge inside that is written as to carry on and not be forgotten or changed. Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Hell is in the heart of the Earth. And this makes sence of the discriptions of Hell. The center of the Earth is molten lava, how would they know this in that day and age? No they don't use the term "lava", they use brimstone and fire. But nevertheless same difference. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. Jesus is Christ eg., Jesus Christ. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. Jesus is in me, he is beside me, he is above me. Jesus is in everyone of us, beside everyone of us, and is above everyone of us. Jesus is Christ. Cowboy there are indeed Sands upon the Book from the lying pens of the multitudes of Scribes that have touched the book between the utterance of the Word and the moment you first saw it... Hell is listed but ONCE in the Word... It is the holding place of satan. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). What does the end time prophesy say about the one that descends in the clouds O' delver in sands and many meanings? does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Quit living in the past and step to the reality of today. Christ has Risen. You confuse the unwary when you send them looking for Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). and does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Jesus is both son of man and son of God. Both titles are used referring to Jesus Christ, and both refer to him as alive, so it's not like while he was in the flesh he was son of man and when he was crucified became son of God. Luke 9:44 44Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. This verse is referring to them coming for Jesus for the crucifixion. There has to be some other meaning of "son of man" then we are looking at though. Ezekial is referred to as "Son of man" as well. That is why it's key to keep what is said in context to really understand exactly what it's meaning. Perhaps more meaning then you are looking at. I know what the meaning is. Yes indeed the journey nears an end. Should you but open your eyes. Isaiah (and many others) were also 'son of man'. Yet Jesus was Son of God (does not your book tell you this). The book tells me nothing. The book is but paper and ink. God tells me that which I speak of. God tells anyone who is willing to lend an ear in search of knowledge. But we are all "children" of God. Jesus is special in this specific aspect in that fact that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. But we are all children of God. Genesis 6:2 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Notice "sons of God". Again, no this knowledge itself doesn't come from the scriptures. Just the scriptures make it easy to relay the message. And now we see the truth of clinging to the feet of Jesus as though he was god. You have circled again to Adam so that you may prove again that Jesus was as Jesus is to you... God.(and so once again Yahweh looks through your eyes and weeps that you hear him not though he witness each time you look into the book) Why... Because the Book tells you nothing. You claim it to be but paper and ink. I say to you that it is inspired. If you let it tell you, then moves the Breath of God. Yes it is inspired, thus the message is what is important, not the paper and ink itself, not the book itself. Never said any different. And Jesus is God, he is our God. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. |
You choosing not to believe it, doesn't make it a delusion. Only from your perspective is it a delusion, and your perspective doesn't constitute it as a fact, just merely an opinion. You have all the right to have an opinion. Cowboy... people do not rise from graves after being dead for three your claim that Jesus rising from the grave after being dead for three days... is not an's a delusion.... Only Jesus has the power to defeat death. I didn't say anyone else could do it. So yes you are absolutely correct "people" do not rise from graves after being dead for three days, but our God did. Your God may have. God did not die. Jesus did. Jesus did not Rise. Christ did. God can not die. You're looking at death from a secular perspective Adventure. Death means to go to Hell. Jesus our God went to hell for each and everyone of us and spent 3 days there. But defeated death in the end and broke free, death could not hold his soul. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. Death is Death and does not kill mankind (for our Image can not die) Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Not one single human has ever gone to hell. GRACE WAS GRANTED by the very Advent of Christ. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. He will not be in you. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. It's not in the sands of a book, it's from the knowledge that the book possess. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on, it's not the paper and ink that is important, it is the knowledge inside that is written as to carry on and not be forgotten or changed. Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Hell is in the heart of the Earth. And this makes sence of the discriptions of Hell. The center of the Earth is molten lava, how would they know this in that day and age? No they don't use the term "lava", they use brimstone and fire. But nevertheless same difference. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. Jesus is Christ eg., Jesus Christ. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. Jesus is in me, he is beside me, he is above me. Jesus is in everyone of us, beside everyone of us, and is above everyone of us. Jesus is Christ. Cowboy there are indeed Sands upon the Book from the lying pens of the multitudes of Scribes that have touched the book between the utterance of the Word and the moment you first saw it... Hell is listed but ONCE in the Word... It is the holding place of satan. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). What does the end time prophesy say about the one that descends in the clouds O' delver in sands and many meanings? does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Quit living in the past and step to the reality of today. Christ has Risen. You confuse the unwary when you send them looking for Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). and does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Jesus is both son of man and son of God. Both titles are used referring to Jesus Christ, and both refer to him as alive, so it's not like while he was in the flesh he was son of man and when he was crucified became son of God. Luke 9:44 44Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. This verse is referring to them coming for Jesus for the crucifixion. There has to be some other meaning of "son of man" then we are looking at though. Ezekial is referred to as "Son of man" as well. That is why it's key to keep what is said in context to really understand exactly what it's meaning. Perhaps more meaning then you are looking at. I know what the meaning is. Yes indeed the journey nears an end. Should you but open your eyes. Isaiah (and many others) were also 'son of man'. Yet Jesus was Son of God (does not your book tell you this). The book tells me nothing. The book is but paper and ink. God tells me that which I speak of. God tells anyone who is willing to lend an ear in search of knowledge. But we are all "children" of God. Jesus is special in this specific aspect in that fact that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. But we are all children of God. Genesis 6:2 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Notice "sons of God". Again, no this knowledge itself doesn't come from the scriptures. Just the scriptures make it easy to relay the message. And now we see the truth of clinging to the feet of Jesus as though he was god. You have circled again to Adam so that you may prove again that Jesus was as Jesus is to you... God.(and so once again Yahweh looks through your eyes and weeps that you hear him not though he witness each time you look into the book) Why... Because the Book tells you nothing. You claim it to be but paper and ink. I say to you that it is inspired. If you let it tell you, then moves the Breath of God. Yes it is inspired, thus the message is what is important, not the paper and ink itself, not the book itself. Never said any different. And Jesus is God, he is our God. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. So be it. When you reach Heaven then you may sit at the feet of Jesus. Perhaps this is your measure. It is not mine to Judge. Be at peace then brother. |
You choosing not to believe it, doesn't make it a delusion. Only from your perspective is it a delusion, and your perspective doesn't constitute it as a fact, just merely an opinion. You have all the right to have an opinion. Cowboy... people do not rise from graves after being dead for three your claim that Jesus rising from the grave after being dead for three days... is not an's a delusion.... Only Jesus has the power to defeat death. I didn't say anyone else could do it. So yes you are absolutely correct "people" do not rise from graves after being dead for three days, but our God did. Your God may have. God did not die. Jesus did. Jesus did not Rise. Christ did. God can not die. You're looking at death from a secular perspective Adventure. Death means to go to Hell. Jesus our God went to hell for each and everyone of us and spent 3 days there. But defeated death in the end and broke free, death could not hold his soul. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. Death is Death and does not kill mankind (for our Image can not die) Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Not one single human has ever gone to hell. GRACE WAS GRANTED by the very Advent of Christ. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. He will not be in you. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. O' Wandering seeker... Why do you dig so furiously in the Sands upon the Book? I look upon death from the perspective of Reality. When the body dies it rots. Yet the spirit does not die it rises to God. It's not in the sands of a book, it's from the knowledge that the book possess. The book itself is only as valuable as the paper it's written on, it's not the paper and ink that is important, it is the knowledge inside that is written as to carry on and not be forgotten or changed. Hell is within the Valley of the Damnd and there is but one name upon the Stone Tablet that marks the way(Satan). Hell is in the heart of the Earth. And this makes sence of the discriptions of Hell. The center of the Earth is molten lava, how would they know this in that day and age? No they don't use the term "lava", they use brimstone and fire. But nevertheless same difference. Ye if you cling to the shadow of Jesus you will be unable to Rise as did Christ. Jesus is Christ eg., Jesus Christ. You have stated many times that Jesus walks beside you. (indeed he does). Listen to him. God walks IN you. Christ is Risen. Jesus is in me, he is beside me, he is above me. Jesus is in everyone of us, beside everyone of us, and is above everyone of us. Jesus is Christ. Cowboy there are indeed Sands upon the Book from the lying pens of the multitudes of Scribes that have touched the book between the utterance of the Word and the moment you first saw it... Hell is listed but ONCE in the Word... It is the holding place of satan. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). What does the end time prophesy say about the one that descends in the clouds O' delver in sands and many meanings? does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Quit living in the past and step to the reality of today. Christ has Risen. You confuse the unwary when you send them looking for Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God (the Lamb given for the Sins of Man). and does it say Son of God or Son of Man? Jesus is both son of man and son of God. Both titles are used referring to Jesus Christ, and both refer to him as alive, so it's not like while he was in the flesh he was son of man and when he was crucified became son of God. Luke 9:44 44Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men. This verse is referring to them coming for Jesus for the crucifixion. There has to be some other meaning of "son of man" then we are looking at though. Ezekial is referred to as "Son of man" as well. That is why it's key to keep what is said in context to really understand exactly what it's meaning. Perhaps more meaning then you are looking at. I know what the meaning is. Yes indeed the journey nears an end. Should you but open your eyes. Isaiah (and many others) were also 'son of man'. Yet Jesus was Son of God (does not your book tell you this). The book tells me nothing. The book is but paper and ink. God tells me that which I speak of. God tells anyone who is willing to lend an ear in search of knowledge. But we are all "children" of God. Jesus is special in this specific aspect in that fact that Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN child of God. But we are all children of God. Genesis 6:2 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Notice "sons of God". Again, no this knowledge itself doesn't come from the scriptures. Just the scriptures make it easy to relay the message. And now we see the truth of clinging to the feet of Jesus as though he was god. You have circled again to Adam so that you may prove again that Jesus was as Jesus is to you... God.(and so once again Yahweh looks through your eyes and weeps that you hear him not though he witness each time you look into the book) Why... Because the Book tells you nothing. You claim it to be but paper and ink. I say to you that it is inspired. If you let it tell you, then moves the Breath of God. Yes it is inspired, thus the message is what is important, not the paper and ink itself, not the book itself. Never said any different. And Jesus is God, he is our God. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. So be it. When you reach Heaven then you may sit at the feet of Jesus. Perhaps this is your measure. It is not mine to Judge. Be at peace then brother. Just the chance to be at the feet of Jesus would fulfill any wish or desire I have ever had or ever will. I would have no need of anything else but to be at the feet of Jesus to praise and worship God for all eternity. Be at peace to brother. |
explain something you KNOW but dont believe,,,, the question is about your existence MsHarmony let's try again do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? both |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out |
explain something you KNOW but dont believe,,,, the question is about your existence MsHarmony let's try again do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? both were asked to pick either "Know" or "Believe" to answer the question...and this was specifically told to you ....or perhaps you became confused so let's try again for the Trinity time.....oops... I meant let's try again for the third time you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out Again, because the second coming hasn't happened yet. lol you and your belittling makes me giggle. |
explain something you KNOW but dont believe,,,, the question is about your existence MsHarmony let's try again do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? both were asked to pick either "Know" or "Believe" to answer the question...and this was specifically told to you ....or perhaps you became confused so let's try again for the Trinity time.....oops... I meant let's try again for the third time you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? There is no difference between knowing something and believing something. For example - when you went through school, things you were taught in say history, where you present at these events they taught you? If you were not, you just BELIEVE those things to be true. You have absolutely no where to know for sure if they were true or not. In science, have you personally tested each thing you've been told? Even down to a molecular level? Of course not, again so these things you only believe to be true. This can go on and on. |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out Again, because the second coming hasn't happened yet. lol you and your belittling makes me giggle. if he haven't come back in over two thousands years...perhaps you should use that as a clue |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out Again, because the second coming hasn't happened yet. lol you and your belittling makes me giggle. if he haven't come back in over two thousands years...perhaps you should use that as a clue two thousand years is not that long at all. |
There is no difference between knowing something and believing something. For example - when you went through school, things you were taught in say history, where you present at these events they taught you? If you were not, you just BELIEVE those things to be true. You have absolutely no where to know for sure if they were true or not. In science, have you personally tested each thing you've been told? Even down to a molecular level? Of course not, again so these things you only believe to be true. This can go on and on. Cowboy...all that babbling but yet you still fail to answer the question Msharmony failure to answer it in the context it was presented perhaps displays why women can't be "Pope" but clearly you as a dude will lead by example and will answer the question without deception so here's the question again...and just like I asked MsHarmony...use either "know" or "believe" when answering the question THE QUESTION do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? |
There is no difference between knowing something and believing something. For example - when you went through school, things you were taught in say history, where you present at these events they taught you? If you were not, you just BELIEVE those things to be true. You have absolutely no where to know for sure if they were true or not. In science, have you personally tested each thing you've been told? Even down to a molecular level? Of course not, again so these things you only believe to be true. This can go on and on. Cowboy...all that babbling but yet you still fail to answer the question Msharmony failure to answer it in the context it was presented perhaps displays why women can't be "Pope" but clearly you as a dude will lead by example and will answer the question without deception so here's the question again...and just like I asked MsHarmony...use either "know" or "believe" when answering the question THE QUESTION do you "know" that you yourself exist or do you "believe" that you yourself exist? I believe I exist. Believing something and knowing something is the same difference on a personal level. If you "believe" something, then to yourself you "know" something. You "believe" what they have told you about history... or atleast some to most of what is said in history, so therefore it is looked at as "knowing" something factual from history. Because you could not truly KNOW anything about say Billy The Kid. You were not there to witness it first hand. So any knowledge presented you would only "believe" to be true, thus then you know something about Billy The Kid. |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out Again, because the second coming hasn't happened yet. lol you and your belittling makes me giggle. if he haven't come back in over two thousands years...perhaps you should use that as a clue two thousand years is not that long at all. let's test that by you holding your breath for 2,000 seconds |
I believe I exist. wow are you saying that you don't "know" if you exist or not? |
It's only delusional from your perspective because you lack the faith it happened. It's your opinion that it's delusional, not a fact.'s a fact that as of now people that been dead and buried for three days do not rise up on their own power out of the grave.... do you know any dead people this has happen to that exist beyond a character in a book? None yet, Christ has not come back. Only Jesus can defeat death for anyone. No one else is great, strong enough, or perfect enough to do such a thing. so the answer is no, that you don't know any dead people that rose from the grave that exist beyond a character in a book .....that's why you might be should get that checked out Again, because the second coming hasn't happened yet. lol you and your belittling makes me giggle. if he haven't come back in over two thousands years...perhaps you should use that as a clue two thousand years is not that long at all. let's test that by you holding your breath for 2,000 seconds Again the two have absolutely nothing to do with one another and again reason to keep things in context. Yes holding your breath for that long would be a long time "to hold your breath". But we were not talking about holding your breath. Heck just look at science claiming the world has been here for many of million of years. So if this was true, again 2,000 years of those millions would not be long at all. |
I believe I exist. wow are you saying not? Nope not saying not. You keep editing my posts, I will do the same to yours. |
Nope not saying not. You keep editing my posts, I will do the same to yours. the question asked you to pick one...either "know" or "believe" picked "believe" which mean you don't know that you exist ..... that's points to delusion |
Nope not saying not. You keep editing my posts, I will do the same to yours. the question asked you to pick one...either "know" or "believe" picked "believe" which mean you don't know that you exist ..... that's points to delusion What do you know Funches? Do you not know what you believe? Or believe what you know? Or are you going to tell me you can know something, but not believe it's true. If you know it, how then would you not believe it's true? And if you believe something is true, how then do you not know it? |