Topic: Recovery from religion... | |
We don't use use God as basically a fear tactic saying if you don't things exactly right you'll burn or you'll be extinguished eternally. Religious do, that's the difference. Do we think your lives may be better if you let go of some of the ideas you have? Yes. But do we believe God will punish you if you don't? No. Therein lies the separation. I dont use God as a fear tactic either, all religious cant be painted with one brush. So what if atheists dont use God as their fear of choice? ,, its not like there arent atheists guilty of using other fear tactics on people fear of stigmatism, being labeled bigoted, fear of expressing or practicing what is important to them, far of having to 'conform, or be an outcast,fear of impending doom from other humans, fear of political conspiracies, fear of losing 'freedom',,etc,,, Well maybe sometimes you ought to take the criticisms to heart. Instead of looking at it strictly from your particularly colored glasses, maybe look outside it for once. Maybe then you'd understand why we are so vehemantly opposed to what you believe or at the least how you express that. And before you even try to say I should do the same, save it. I did this a long time ago, and it's exactly why I left religion behind, and why others left it as well. Just because you have believed something all your life, doesn't mean it is necessarily true. Assuming in effect you know all there is to know is a really bad assumption. When you stop learning, you stop growing. And religion can stunt one's growth because it discourages any ideas that may go against it, and closes the mind. Having said all that, if you wanna believe something you can, but when you start to judge others in how they are living based on YOUR belief, (ie: Homosexuality), don't be surprised when people are gonna come against you. You cross a line at that point. If it works for you, fine, but just because others subscribe to different beliefs doesn't make them wrong, and doesn't make it right for you to tell them they are wrong just because of what YOU believe. To love is to accept someone as they are, for who they are, not try to mold them into what you want them to be. Having said all that, if you wanna believe something you can, but when you start to judge others in how they are living based on YOUR belief, (ie: Homosexuality), don't be surprised when people are gonna come against you. A "Christian" or well a follower of Jesus would not do as you mention. Doesn't matter if the person is Homosexual, bisexual, tall, short, fat, or ugly, we are not to judge another. We are to treat everyone with the same respect, love, caring, ect. There is no "greater then thou art" with a true follower of Jesus. By telling them to deny who they are, you judge them. Can't escape that. we are who we decide to be,,,there is nothing in stone that keeps us from becoming whoever we 'wish' to be,,,, there are influences, but no truly 'universal' equation that decides it for us,,, This is true, but this isn't my point. By telling them that what they feel is wrong, even when they are happy and at peace with themselves as that person, you are still judging them. Sometimes you have to learn to mind your own business. Unless it's clear it's needed, and not just to you either, let them be who they are. as a parent, I dont discuss the 'wrongness' of feelings, I discuss the 'why' of feelings and I discuss the healthy ways to deal with or express the feelings Im not concerned as much about feelings, I have hundreds of feelings a day,,, IM more concerned with how feelings are dealt with and what action they manifest into,,, |
Kleisto, back off on msharmony a bit. If she's gonna make ridiculous arguments, I'm gonna call her on them. I don't care who likes it, I'm going to say what I think. Yes, speaking of ridiculous... You basically accused her of holding homophobic viewpoints. What was the basis of that exactly? |
I can answer that. I am opposed to same sex marriage and I have said I dont feel same sex sex is healthy or natural.
Never said I was 'scared' of anyone though,, not sure where the phobia part comes in,,,lol |
Ah. I mostly take back from my most recent response to Kleisto then.
Just don't rub it my face man. ![]() |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc.
Why am i picking on Judaism?Simple it started the abrahamic religion saga.Christianity and islam are meaningless because they used Hebrew scripture for the foundation of their writings.Just like hebrews used greek,sumerian and babylonian myth to begin their writings.
I can answer that. I am opposed to same sex marriage and I have said I dont feel same sex sex is healthy or natural. Never said I was 'scared' of anyone though,, not sure where the phobia part comes in,,,lol Regular sex is not healthy either. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. |
You also can't prove that the flying spaghetti monster is fiction.
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. |
You also can't prove that the flying spaghetti monster is fiction. No I can't, nor do I care if it is or isn't lol. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. There are many parts of the bible that have been proven true. You're just in denial... |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. This is where faith plays a huge part and why we will be judge on our faith and not just our actions. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. There are many parts of the bible that have been proven true. You're just in denial... Yes there are many external sources of the same information that is in the scriptures. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. There are many parts of the bible that have been proven true. You're just in denial... Oh really? Like what? Besides, I am specifically talking about the story of Kind David, and the Exodus, the chosen people, Joshua, Moses, etc. --->All fiction. Why would I be in denial of fiction? ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 03/30/12 12:18 PM
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. This is where faith plays a huge part and why we will be judge on our faith and not just our actions. I have no faith in fiction or the authors of it. Why should I? |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. This is where faith plays a huge part and why we will be judge on our faith and not just our actions. I have no faith in fiction or the authors of it. Why should I? Sure you do, you have faith they are fiction. There is absolutely no way for you to know that for a fact as in through physical evidence as I have no way to prove it to be true through physical evidence. It's only by faith you believe it to be false. |
See my thing about the Hyksos is that kids are being tought that the hebrews were slaves to the egyptians,which there is no evidence of this besides what the hebrews authors wrote in Exodus.The hebrews lay claim to alot of things that can't be proven,actually most of the things they claim can't be supported through actual evidence at all.Like King David,King Solomon,Moses etc etc. Right. All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. But it also can not be proven false. It is false until you can prove that it is true. Otherwise there is little reason to believe it, especially when it has a huge effect on people's lives, politics etc. You simply cannot go around calling something true, or the gospel if you cannot prove it and don't even have valid evidence to support the claims. So it is fiction. Fiction fiction fiction. This is where faith plays a huge part and why we will be judge on our faith and not just our actions. I have no faith in fiction or the authors of it. Why should I? Sure you do, you have faith they are fiction. There is absolutely no way for you to know that for a fact as in through physical evidence as I have no way to prove it to be true through physical evidence. It's only by faith you believe it to be false. That is not faith. I have faith in the law of cause and effect. As far as unproven stories, they are fiction by default until they are proven to be true. They have already pretty much investigated and no evidence has been found that supports them as being anything but fiction. Jewish historians KNOW THIS. |