Topic: Recovery from religion... | |
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Sat 03/31/12 01:16 AM
god didn`t want purity, else, he would not have loosed the devil on us, amen. Sure God wanted purity. Reason the world is the way it is, is because Adam/Eve screwed up big time in the beginning. And God plans to not do this same exact mistake over again. Adam/Eve was handed everything on a silver platter moreorless, they were spoiled so to speak. They didn't know what they had, they thought they could have more when Satan told them they could have more. So they obeyed Satan in an attempts to know everything and be as God is. The only one's to blame there are them that ate of the fruit. You can not blame Satan, he only can tempt someone, he does not and can not force someone to do something or not do something. god made adam and eve. let the devil reside in eden. tell me this,,,how could their new/naive brains compete with Lucifers? he was how aged by this time? who can account. no one. one could say, god did this for pure amusement. and later, sorry for it, had to sacrifice his son for it. Who's competing? It's not about who's better or greater, us or Satan. It's about obedience and obeying our Father. No competition with Satan. And God the father sacrificed nothing. Jesus sacrificed himself, he died so we would not have to. no, no, brother, i am not TALKING ABOUT COMPETITION NOW. i say this, adam and eve, they were born innocent, right? and I say this, god let satan chill in the garden of eden to tempt them,,,which is fkkkn unfair fwor the reasons i stated (he`s how many aeons old in comparison???) No it is not unfair. We know not the exact time span between when they were first made to when they were tempted to eat of the tree. God forwarned them not to eat of the tree, so how exactly is it unfair? REGARDLESS if they comprehended what a punishment was or not, the punishment matters not. They were told not to eat of the tree, the why's, howcome's, what will happen if they do's, don't matter. so, do you believe that it is possible that adam and eve were created at the same time Lucifer was? Lucifer was created long while before Adam and Eve. Lucifer was God's arch angel. He was the most beautiful, strongest angel God had. So great, he grew an ego and thought himself greater then God. Thus the reason he was booted from Heaven. well, no wonder he was able to trick the simple Eve,,,,and Adam. maybe lucifer was so wonderfully created that he seemed like god himself. perhaps god reproduced himself evilly. or else, why would he not have killed off lucifer long ago???????????????????? why would he not? for the fun of watching humankind grow crueler and crueler? nice plan, eh?? |
god didn`t want purity, else, he would not have loosed the devil on us, amen. Sure God wanted purity. Reason the world is the way it is, is because Adam/Eve screwed up big time in the beginning. And God plans to not do this same exact mistake over again. Adam/Eve was handed everything on a silver platter moreorless, they were spoiled so to speak. They didn't know what they had, they thought they could have more when Satan told them they could have more. So they obeyed Satan in an attempts to know everything and be as God is. The only one's to blame there are them that ate of the fruit. You can not blame Satan, he only can tempt someone, he does not and can not force someone to do something or not do something. god made adam and eve. let the devil reside in eden. tell me this,,,how could their new/naive brains compete with Lucifers? he was how aged by this time? who can account. no one. one could say, god did this for pure amusement. and later, sorry for it, had to sacrifice his son for it. Who's competing? It's not about who's better or greater, us or Satan. It's about obedience and obeying our Father. No competition with Satan. And God the father sacrificed nothing. Jesus sacrificed himself, he died so we would not have to. no, no, brother, i am not TALKING ABOUT COMPETITION NOW. i say this, adam and eve, they were born innocent, right? and I say this, god let satan chill in the garden of eden to tempt them,,,which is fkkkn unfair fwor the reasons i stated (he`s how many aeons old in comparison???) No it is not unfair. We know not the exact time span between when they were first made to when they were tempted to eat of the tree. God forwarned them not to eat of the tree, so how exactly is it unfair? REGARDLESS if they comprehended what a punishment was or not, the punishment matters not. They were told not to eat of the tree, the why's, howcome's, what will happen if they do's, don't matter. so, do you believe that it is possible that adam and eve were created at the same time Lucifer was? Lucifer was created long while before Adam and Eve. Lucifer was God's arch angel. He was the most beautiful, strongest angel God had. So great, he grew an ego and thought himself greater then God. Thus the reason he was booted from Heaven. well, no wonder he was able to trick the simple Eve,,,,and Adam. maybe lucifer was so wonderfully created that he seemed like god himself. perhaps god reproduced himself evilly. or else, why would he not have killed off lucifer long ago???????????????????? why would he not? for the fun of watching humankind grow crueler and crueler? nice plan, eh?? ? |
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. |
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Sat 03/31/12 05:16 AM
Matter of fact let's go with the hieratic slave list that was found,even that doesn't have any hebrew names.Jews and bible scholars claim that a female name MIGHT be hebrew but it doesn't mean she was.Pete tried to use this as proof it's funny 1 name and they aren't even sure it's hebrew either,also they try their propaganda with taking hebrew words and making it seem it's close to other names."Umner see it's obvious it's close to the hebrew word Aomer so the slave must have been hebrew."
The bible has some truth but it's mostly humans exaggerating stories and myth.
god didn`t want purity, else, he would not have loosed the devil on us, amen. Sure God wanted purity. Reason the world is the way it is, is because Adam/Eve screwed up big time in the beginning. And God plans to not do this same exact mistake over again. Adam/Eve was handed everything on a silver platter moreorless, they were spoiled so to speak. They didn't know what they had, they thought they could have more when Satan told them they could have more. So they obeyed Satan in an attempts to know everything and be as God is. The only one's to blame there are them that ate of the fruit. You can not blame Satan, he only can tempt someone, he does not and can not force someone to do something or not do something. god made adam and eve. let the devil reside in eden. tell me this,,,how could their new/naive brains compete with Lucifers? he was how aged by this time? who can account. no one. one could say, god did this for pure amusement. and later, sorry for it, had to sacrifice his son for it. Who's competing? It's not about who's better or greater, us or Satan. It's about obedience and obeying our Father. No competition with Satan. And God the father sacrificed nothing. Jesus sacrificed himself, he died so we would not have to. no, no, brother, i am not TALKING ABOUT COMPETITION NOW. i say this, adam and eve, they were born innocent, right? and I say this, god let satan chill in the garden of eden to tempt them,,,which is fkkkn unfair fwor the reasons i stated (he`s how many aeons old in comparison???) No it is not unfair. We know not the exact time span between when they were first made to when they were tempted to eat of the tree. God forwarned them not to eat of the tree, so how exactly is it unfair? REGARDLESS if they comprehended what a punishment was or not, the punishment matters not. They were told not to eat of the tree, the why's, howcome's, what will happen if they do's, don't matter. so, do you believe that it is possible that adam and eve were created at the same time Lucifer was? Lucifer was created long while before Adam and Eve. Lucifer was God's arch angel. He was the most beautiful, strongest angel God had. So great, he grew an ego and thought himself greater then God. Thus the reason he was booted from Heaven. well, no wonder he was able to trick the simple Eve,,,,and Adam. maybe lucifer was so wonderfully created that he seemed like god himself. perhaps god reproduced himself evilly. or else, why would he not have killed off lucifer long ago???????????????????? why would he not? for the fun of watching humankind grow crueler and crueler? nice plan, eh?? ? He will be destroyed. But in all reality what's it matter if Lucifer is destroyed today or tomorrow. Lucifer can not force anyone to do anything, only tempt them to do whatever is in question. We are accountable for our own actions. So truly Satan isn't the problem necassarily, it is the peoples choices. And with that, it wouldn't matter if Satan was in the picture or not. |
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Sat 03/31/12 12:56 PM
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. Look it up? I would have no idea where to start looking it up. If you have any reliable sources, then reveal them. But aside from written (scriptural)records, there is not really any evidence of a large Exodus from Egypt, and there is no proof of King David ever existing. What religion are you defending, Islam, Judaism, or Christianity? They are all grounded in that entire fiction. I would think that people would actually want the solid truth, and look for evidence to support the truth no matter what, instead of trying to find things to convince themselves and others that what they have been told is true rather than fiction. Jewish historians know the truth. Read the book "The invention of the Jewish people." by Shlomo Sand. He will tell you that there are historians who do know the truth and agree with him that King David never existed, the Exodus and the Battle of Jericho never happened. In my opinion, if anything like it did happen, it was probably on a much smaller scale and greatly exaggerated and embellished (for entertainment) by the authors of the stories. |
Matter of fact let's go with the hieratic slave list that was found,even that doesn't have any hebrew names.Jews and bible scholars claim that a female name MIGHT be hebrew but it doesn't mean she was.Pete tried to use this as proof it's funny 1 name and they aren't even sure it's hebrew either,also they try their propaganda with taking hebrew words and making it seem it's close to other names."Umner see it's obvious it's close to the hebrew word Aomer so the slave must have been hebrew." You didn't read about the papyrus "Brooklyn 35.1446", huh? You say 1 name? Read about it first... |
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Sat 03/31/12 09:26 PM
I would think that people would actually want the solid truth, and look for evidence to support the truth no matter what
Jeannie...The EVIDENCE is when The Holy Spirit STEPS inside the heart of a BORN AGAIN Believer. THE HOLY SPIRIT LETS A BELIEVER KNOW THAT GOD AND HIS WORD IS TRUTH!!! God's Holy Spirit BEARS WITNESS with the born again believer's new born spirit....thus letting him know without a shadow of doubt, that he has TRULY become BORN AGAIN !!! The NEW nature in a born again believer NOW is also evidence (btw,a born again believer is a other words, the CORRECT and TRUE definition of who a CHRISTIAN is , is someone who is BORN AGAIN ). A born again christian's SPIRITUAL EYES are NOW OPENED is further evidence..he also KNOWS in his heart that he is now a new creature in Christ Jesus....and also ,The Word of God now BECOMES CLEAR to him. Point being.... GOD DOES NOT LEAVE BELIEVERS IN THE DARK WONDERING AND JUST FOREVER QUESSING IF THEY HAVE TRULY BECOME BORN AGAIN OR NOT......NOOOOOOO....... INSTEAD, GOD LETS BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS KNOW THAT THEY KNOW, THAT THEY KNOW, THAT THEY KNOW, THAT THEY KNOW,THAT THEY KNOW, THAT THEY KNOW ,THAT THEY KNOW ,THAT THEY KNOW, THAT THEY KNOW ,THAT THEY KNOW , THAT THEY KNOW THEY ARE TRULY BORN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! ALSO...God's Holy Spirit INDWELLING ALLLL BORN AGAIN Believers now, TEACHES AND LEADS AND GUIDES ALLLL BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS INTO ALLLL THE TRUTH OF GOD AND GOD'S WORD NOW!!! THERE IS NO CONFUSION AMONG BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS AT ALLL!!!!!!! CONFUSION IS ONLY AMONG THOSE WHO ONLY CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIANS,BUT ARE NOT YET TRULY BORN AGAIN YET !!! ALSO.... The Holy Spirit also becomes The COMFORTER to Born again Believers. God Thru His Holy Spirit RESIDES in born again believers FOREVER,and Will Never leave them ever. BUT..before a person can become born again, God has to DRAW a person first UNTO Him... and When God draws a person,God also will GIVE that person UNDERSTANDING OF WHO HE IS...THAT is HOW a PERSON COMES TO FAITH TO BELIEVE IN GOD !!!!! But without God FIRST drawing man unto Him, and without God producing Faith in him to BELIEVE (Faith which comes BY hearing and hearing BY the Word of God ), no man can believe !!! NO MAN!!!! That is why SALVATION is of GOD'S DOING ONLY ,AND NOT OF MAN'S DOING!!!!!! EVER!!!! So the Point being.... Believers are NOT just a bunch of blind followers of something or someone we don't understand !!!! And btw,those who tell you that thay have faith but dont understand anything about what they have faith in, are NOT born again AT ALL...they just up and decided to come to God on their own ,and by THEIR OWN METHODS AND DEAD WORKS (in other words, THRU THEIR OWN WAY and by their OWN interpretation and understanding of God ONLY...but it was NEVER OF GOD'S DOING )!!!!! In other words, God never DREW them first..and that is why those who come to God without God first drawing them ,ONLy HAVE JUST RELIGION AND DEAD RELIGIOUS WORKS!!! NOTHING MORE !!! AND Their righteousness is just a bunch of filthy rags before God...cause they came to God of their OWN doing ,and NEVER by God's doing AT ALL!!! That is why , UNLESS God FIRST DRAWS MAN UNTO HIM, NO MAN CAN BE SAVED !!! BUT.... When God does start drawing you?? ![]() And knocking at your heart's door? ![]() Do not Turn Him Away. ![]() ![]() ![]() Let God melt your heart when He draws you.... allow Him to help you to have FAITH to BELIEVE IN Him and Understand WHO He is, so You can Willingly then RECEIVE Him into your heart. Cause you see, God does NOT want blind followers....God want us to have UNDERSTANDING of Who He is FIRST, before Asking Him in !!! And God will Give You that Understanding when you become SAVED (born again) !!!! And When God comes knocking on your heart's door, and you do Ask him into Your heart, your life will never ever ever ever ever ever be the same again!!!! Promise. ![]() ![]() ![]() God Loves You !!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() And would have it that ALL men be Saved !!!! Amen? Amen. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I can answer that. I am opposed to same sex marriage and I have said I dont feel same sex sex is healthy or natural. Never said I was 'scared' of anyone though,, not sure where the phobia part comes in,,,lol Regular sex is not healthy either. its healthy enough to create life,,, Actually sex is quite healthy for someone physically and mentally. To much sex is unhealthy, but sex in general is healthy. But sex with the same gender is not healthy. Yeah it may be physically and mentally healthy in general, but it unhealthy for it is unproductive. Sex is for reproduction, for populating the world. This can not be done by same sex intercourse. Not causing reproduction just makes it neutral health-wise... unhealthy would imply harm to health. It is unhealthy to the sociaty in general. And on a personal level to a degree. Personal - Causing many diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Sociaty - Again diseases and adotption and or abandoned children, or more common families with a step dad or possibly step mom. Wait, is this in reference to too much sex or to same-sex/sex that doesn't result in reproduction? I realize I didn't properly specify, but all I was referring to before was for the latter mention. Both on the disease part.... would be kind of hard for unexpected children with same sex incidents lol. Disease can happen regardless of if it's opposite or same-sex though. If two people have only ever slept with one another their entire sexual life, there is no possible way for a STD to occur. If man followed God's plan, there would be no such thing as "STD"'s. |
I can answer that. I am opposed to same sex marriage and I have said I dont feel same sex sex is healthy or natural. Never said I was 'scared' of anyone though,, not sure where the phobia part comes in,,,lol Regular sex is not healthy either. its healthy enough to create life,,, Actually sex is quite healthy for someone physically and mentally. To much sex is unhealthy, but sex in general is healthy. But sex with the same gender is not healthy. Yeah it may be physically and mentally healthy in general, but it unhealthy for it is unproductive. Sex is for reproduction, for populating the world. This can not be done by same sex intercourse. Not causing reproduction just makes it neutral health-wise... unhealthy would imply harm to health. It is unhealthy to the sociaty in general. And on a personal level to a degree. Personal - Causing many diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Sociaty - Again diseases and adotption and or abandoned children, or more common families with a step dad or possibly step mom. Wait, is this in reference to too much sex or to same-sex/sex that doesn't result in reproduction? I realize I didn't properly specify, but all I was referring to before was for the latter mention. Both on the disease part.... would be kind of hard for unexpected children with same sex incidents lol. Disease can happen regardless of if it's opposite or same-sex though. If two people have only ever slept with one another their entire sexual life, there is no possible way for a STD to occur. If man followed God's plan, there would be no such thing as "STD"'s. Homosexuality. Even if it's the same partner for life, can still cause an STD. But my comment you are replying to was in response to Disease can happen regardless of if it's opposite or same-sex though |
I can answer that. I am opposed to same sex marriage and I have said I dont feel same sex sex is healthy or natural. Never said I was 'scared' of anyone though,, not sure where the phobia part comes in,,,lol Regular sex is not healthy either. its healthy enough to create life,,, Actually sex is quite healthy for someone physically and mentally. To much sex is unhealthy, but sex in general is healthy. But sex with the same gender is not healthy. Yeah it may be physically and mentally healthy in general, but it unhealthy for it is unproductive. Sex is for reproduction, for populating the world. This can not be done by same sex intercourse. Not causing reproduction just makes it neutral health-wise... unhealthy would imply harm to health. It is unhealthy to the sociaty in general. And on a personal level to a degree. Personal - Causing many diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Sociaty - Again diseases and adotption and or abandoned children, or more common families with a step dad or possibly step mom. Wait, is this in reference to too much sex or to same-sex/sex that doesn't result in reproduction? I realize I didn't properly specify, but all I was referring to before was for the latter mention. Both on the disease part.... would be kind of hard for unexpected children with same sex incidents lol. Disease can happen regardless of if it's opposite or same-sex though. If two people have only ever slept with one another their entire sexual life, there is no possible way for a STD to occur. If man followed God's plan, there would be no such thing as "STD"'s. Homosexuality. Even if it's the same partner for life, can still cause an STD. If two gay people had only slept with one another their entire sexual life, there is no difference aside from the fact that no pregnancy could occur... Where would they be at any higher risk for an STD? |
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Sat 03/31/12 10:51 PM
Morningsong, the holy spirit has nothing to do with fictional stories written by the Hebrews. If those stories were true there simply would be some evidence to support them. There isn't. Therefore, whatever the nature of God and the holy spirit is, I will have faith in that. I do not have faith in the writings of men. My faith will survive ANY TRUTH THAT COMES DOWN THE PIKE. No matter what it is. That is because I accept WHAT IS. Whatever reality is, whatever the truth is, I accept that.
The MAIN Way God DRAWS us unto Him so that we might
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Sun 04/01/12 04:01 AM
For Whom Does God Desire Salvation?
The Good News is that God would have ALL men to be saved !!! God does not desire anyone to be lost. NO ONE! God is "...patient, not wishing for any to perish." (II Peter 3:9). God is "compassionate" (Matthew 9:36; Psalm 86:15) God is "...just" (Romans 3:24-26). God is "Sorrowful" for those who are lost (Ezekiel 18:23; 31,32; cf. Matthew 23:37). God made Salvation available to ALL. Salvation is available for ALL men, not just a select few. Jesus died for EVERYONE (Hebrews 2:9; John 3:16). God wants ALL to come to KNOW THE TRUTH (I Timothy 2:4). The invitation is open to ALL, 24 hours a day !!! (Matthew 11:28-30 COME UNTO ME, ALL ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME ; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find REST UNTO YOUR SOULS . For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Revelation 22:17) And the Spirit and the bride say, COME. And let him that HEARETH say, COME. And let him that is THIRSTY, COME. And WHOSOEVER WILL, let him TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREEELY. God has already issued His call, and it has gone out UNTO THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD . Any of us can choose to answer it, or not. How God Draws People Unto Himself The context of Jesus' statement explains how God DRAWS men and women to Himself. There is nothing mystical about it. The following verse in the context (John 6:45) reveals how God DRAWS MEN UNTO HIMSELF. "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall ALL be TAUGHT of God.' Everyone who has HEARD and LEARNED from the Father COMES TO ME ." Note the words "taught" and "every man" (all drawn the same way; by being TAUGHT) and "HEAR" and "LEARN" and "COME". These are not mystical words. They are common, everyday words which are used to describe how it is that people are DRAWN to Christ. What is it that is taught and heard and learned? The MEANS or METHOD by which God "CALLS'' or "DRAWS'' ALLLL men IS THE GOSPEL !!! "And it was for this He CALLED (DREW) you through our GOSPEL, that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (II Thessalonians 2:14). There is no special, mystical anointing of the Holy Spirit, but rather, the Holy Spirit CALLS OR DRAWS men THROUGH THE GOSPEL; and it is THE GOSPEL that is the POWER (Romans 1:16)!!! ( NOTICE....NOT MAN'S "VERSION" OF THE GOSPEL ,BUT THE GOSPEL!!!) God DRAWS PEOPLE UNTO HIMSELF through the TEACHING of the GOSPEL !!!! The HEARING OF THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL is GOD'S POWER, HIS DRAWING POWER , TO SAVE (I Corinthians 1:18-21). FAITH COMES BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. Therefore, ALLLL people, when they HEAR the GOSPEL, at any moment, have the ABILITY to RESPOND to God's gospel call ,because God DRAWS people THRU the HEARING of GOD'S WORD being preached . They also have the ability to reject it (Acts 13:45-48). Sinners are saved by God's GRACE when they respond in faithful obedience to the gospel that DRAWS them to GOD (Matthew 7:21). God is always ready for men to REPENT and HEED THE CALL OF GOD'S DRAWING(Acts 17:30). It is THOSE WHO WILL DO SO that God has predestined for salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:9). This is an important concept to recognize. NOW....lets NOT misunderstand what is being said here...... God has NOT predestined individuals to be saved or lost, BUT RATHER, God has predestined the METHOD BY WHICH WE ARE SAVED . Point being, God predestines NO one's salvation !!! God just KNOWS who will accept Him, but God NEVER predestines man's salvation !! God will NEVER go against man's free will to CHOOSE!!! How To Be Drawn To God's Son And Be Saved There are not many ways to be DRAWN to God. Again ,The MAIN way God DRAWS is THRU THE HEARING OF GOD'S WORD. And JESUS is the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER. (And NOT thru ANOTHER FALSE ChrIst either, but only thru JESUS CHRIST OF THE BIBLE !!! ) Those who attempt to enter another way are counted as thieves and robbers and will be unsuccessful (John 10:1). How does one ANSWER God's CALL OR DRAWING? This is important for you to know because God is CALLING (DRAWING) you. Have you answered? If not, will you? When God is DRAWING you , Will you CALL upon Him? For WHOSOEVER will CALL upon the Name of the Lord will be SAVED." (Acts 2:21). Whosoever means You. Amen. ![]() ![]() ![]() Some exerts from |
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Sun 04/01/12 06:14 AM
Please note:
Some exerts and verses were taken from, in the above post,which are biblically correct. However, I checked out some of the rest of the site afterwards, and do not reccommend the site at all.... as it seems to have man's opinions also added on the site ,instead of just being scripturally based only ( as trusted christian sites should be ) . Just letting you know that I do not agree with nor reccommend everything on the rest of the site. Just because a dove on the site is shown ( symbolic of The Holy Spirit ), doesn't mean everything on the site is coming from the Holy Spirit....but has man's opinions added also. Just letting you know. Be Blessed All...have a Great Day now. ![]() |
Not that I need "proof" to have faith in God but I do think this video is interesting, I especially like the split rock at the end of the video.
Title of video; This secret footage took my BREATH AWAY!-Smuggled out at GREAT RISK!! |
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. Merely pointing out the fact that certain Egyptian 'records' were defaced to the point of unreadability. The writings on that temple were chisled off long before any archeologist examined them (and there is no explanition for the defacing). Therefore it is possible that the record you say does not exist once did... History is full of unknowns still. |
My original statement was clear. It is my opinion: All three of the Abrahamic religions depend on the fiction of King David, King Solomon, Moses, Joshua, etc. so that is why Christianity or Islam is not willing to question the validity of those stories. If they faced the truth their own religious roots would disintegrate. It's all a big fat fiction and can't be proven otherwise. That would be because the record of the exodus from Egypt was 'expunged' by defacing the walls of the Temple where it was written in stone. It would seem that the Pharoh at the time wanted no record of his terrible loss. Don't believe me... Look it up. There is indeed a temple where ALL of the writtings upon the pillars (how the Egyptians of the time recorded history) was removed by chisel and asp. Look it up? I would have no idea where to start looking it up. If you have any reliable sources, then reveal them. But aside from written (scriptural)records, there is not really any evidence of a large Exodus from Egypt, and there is no proof of King David ever existing. What religion are you defending, Islam, Judaism, or Christianity? They are all grounded in that entire fiction. I would think that people would actually want the solid truth, and look for evidence to support the truth no matter what, instead of trying to find things to convince themselves and others that what they have been told is true rather than fiction. Jewish historians know the truth. Read the book "The invention of the Jewish people." by Shlomo Sand. He will tell you that there are historians who do know the truth and agree with him that King David never existed, the Exodus and the Battle of Jericho never happened. In my opinion, if anything like it did happen, it was probably on a much smaller scale and greatly exaggerated and embellished (for entertainment) by the authors of the stories. Why should I do work for you... It is in history (specifically the Egyptian 'queens' or in one case an egyptian 'goddess' or 'priestess'. I was not defending any religion, simply pointing out that a delibrate 'erasing' was done long before any 'historian' examined the Pillars that were defaced. There are also people who claim that the 'holocast' never happened... So what? There are historians that look at words written in languages that have been long forgotten... Yet the 'historian' claims a secret knowledge that allows them to 'intrepret' this unknown language... Historians are like all other classes of people... Some lie. |
For Whom Does God Desire Salvation? The Good News is that God would have ALL men to be saved !!! God does not desire anyone to be lost. NO ONE! God is "...patient, not wishing for any to perish." (II Peter 3:9). God is "compassionate" (Matthew 9:36; Psalm 86:15) God is "...just" (Romans 3:24-26). God is "Sorrowful" for those who are lost (Ezekiel 18:23; 31,32; cf. Matthew 23:37). God made Salvation available to ALL. Salvation is available for ALL men, not just a select few. Jesus died for EVERYONE (Hebrews 2:9; John 3:16). God wants ALL to come to KNOW THE TRUTH (I Timothy 2:4). The invitation is open to ALL, 24 hours a day !!! (Matthew 11:28-30 COME UNTO ME, ALL ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke upon you, and LEARN OF ME ; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find REST UNTO YOUR SOULS . For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Revelation 22:17) And the Spirit and the bride say, COME. And let him that HEARETH say, COME. And let him that is THIRSTY, COME. And WHOSOEVER WILL, let him TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREEELY. God has already issued His call, and it has gone out UNTO THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD . Any of us can choose to answer it, or not. How God Draws People Unto Himself The context of Jesus' statement explains how God DRAWS men and women to Himself. There is nothing mystical about it. The following verse in the context (John 6:45) reveals how God DRAWS MEN UNTO HIMSELF. "It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall ALL be TAUGHT of God.' Everyone who has HEARD and LEARNED from the Father COMES TO ME ." Note the words "taught" and "every man" (all drawn the same way; by being TAUGHT) and "HEAR" and "LEARN" and "COME". These are not mystical words. They are common, everyday words which are used to describe how it is that people are DRAWN to Christ. What is it that is taught and heard and learned? The MEANS or METHOD by which God "CALLS'' or "DRAWS'' ALLLL men IS THE GOSPEL !!! "And it was for this He CALLED (DREW) you through our GOSPEL, that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (II Thessalonians 2:14). There is no special, mystical anointing of the Holy Spirit, but rather, the Holy Spirit CALLS OR DRAWS men THROUGH THE GOSPEL; and it is THE GOSPEL that is the POWER (Romans 1:16)!!! ( NOTICE....NOT MAN'S "VERSION" OF THE GOSPEL ,BUT THE GOSPEL!!!) God DRAWS PEOPLE UNTO HIMSELF through the TEACHING of the GOSPEL !!!! The HEARING OF THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL is GOD'S POWER, HIS DRAWING POWER , TO SAVE (I Corinthians 1:18-21). FAITH COMES BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD. Therefore, ALLLL people, when they HEAR the GOSPEL, at any moment, have the ABILITY to RESPOND to God's gospel call ,because God DRAWS people THRU the HEARING of GOD'S WORD being preached . They also have the ability to reject it (Acts 13:45-48). Sinners are saved by God's GRACE when they respond in faithful obedience to the gospel that DRAWS them to GOD (Matthew 7:21). God is always ready for men to REPENT and HEED THE CALL OF GOD'S DRAWING(Acts 17:30). It is THOSE WHO WILL DO SO that God has predestined for salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:9). This is an important concept to recognize. NOW....lets NOT misunderstand what is being said here...... God has NOT predestined individuals to be saved or lost, BUT RATHER, God has predestined the METHOD BY WHICH WE ARE SAVED . Point being, God predestines NO one's salvation !!! God just KNOWS who will accept Him, but God NEVER predestines man's salvation !! God will NEVER go against man's free will to CHOOSE!!! How To Be Drawn To God's Son And Be Saved There are not many ways to be DRAWN to God. Again ,The MAIN way God DRAWS is THRU THE HEARING OF GOD'S WORD. And JESUS is the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER. (And NOT thru ANOTHER FALSE ChrIst either, but only thru JESUS CHRIST OF THE BIBLE !!! ) Those who attempt to enter another way are counted as thieves and robbers and will be unsuccessful (John 10:1). How does one ANSWER God's CALL OR DRAWING? This is important for you to know because God is CALLING (DRAWING) you. Have you answered? If not, will you? When God is DRAWING you , Will you CALL upon Him? For WHOSOEVER will CALL upon the Name of the Lord will be SAVED." (Acts 2:21). Whosoever means You. Amen. ![]() ![]() ![]() Some exerts from errrr, looks like you can start a whole 'find god' thread. |