Topic: Heaven Needed Another Angel
Jimi366's photo
Sat 10/14/06 05:40 PM
I look to heaven
and I see your face.
You are smiling down at me.
You're probably wondering
why I'm crying so much
because you want me
to run like a child
and be carefree.
All these years later
I still miss you.
You were my best friend
and my nurturer.
We shared some laughter
and some tears.
We weathered thru
many storms thru
many years.
I woke one day
and you were taken
from me, it just didn't
make any sense at all.
That is why I cry for
you when I think I
hear your sweet voice
calling after me.
How can you mend
a broken heart?
That question was asked
by someone else a
long time ago.
Time has provided
no answer yet.
Time just passes by
and I still hurt so.
People tell me to let
go. That's impossible.
How do you let go of
someone whose made a
home in your soul?
The memories of you
come back to me
all the time, wherever
I go. I promise that
I'll keep on going on
but it's not the same
without you. I am just
not that strong, baby.
You're on my mind as
much now as if you
were by my side.
God took you up
because Heaven needed
one more angel to guide
some lost souls home.
You guide home
everytime I remember your smile.
Your memory takes me home.

This is dedicated to the memories of Bill and Kathryn Gaffney,
Bill Ryerson, and to my beloved friend Frook. She was a
cat with as much soul as any person I ever knew.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/14/06 05:51 PM
Ohhh and for all the memories we hold in our hearts for the ones we have
loved and still love. For those are memories that noone can take away
from us we will hold on to them forever and a day.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 10/14/06 09:06 PM
Thank you for your kindness!