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Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe - part 2
AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/20/12 10:49 AM

I have many times in the past which you quickly refute. There is no point in doing as such for you, but I will once more.

"God" is not an entity in it's own. This is shown through the verses such as "know ye not that ye are gods, I have said ye are gods...." And is the reason Jesus referred to his father as "his God", yes Jesus is "our God", but still there is one God".

In the USA, we have one "Government"... but how many people are included in that government? If we have one government, how is it that there are many people in that government?

sorry Cowboy...using the government to explain God is once again reducing God to the level of his creations...using "Ye Are All Gods" pertaining to humans is also reducing God to the level of his creations

I'll help you out


God The Father
Jesus The God
The HOly Ghost the God

The Trinity is The Worship of 3 Gods

see how I use God for all and didn't reduce them to the level of their creations

You almost got it right Funches, exccep tthe 3 -in -One are ONLY

ONE God, not 3 Gods.

if GOd The Father is omnipotent...then if you add Jesus to him would it make God super omnipotent? ....and when you add the Holy Ghost to the duo will it make them Super Super Omnipotent?

if God The Father was truely Omnipotent...then omnipotence require no others

if God The Father has no "needs" then why would he need Jesus or The Holy Spirit for any purpose

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad... Holy Spirit...

are all so we might have a guiding light in each age...

Else mankind would surely loose its way.

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 11:57 AM

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

AdventureBegins....so are you saying that a perfect God that needs for naught... actually has "needs"?

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 12:14 PM
Edited by chocolina on Tue 03/20/12 12:15 PM

Chocolina.....GOD IS SPIRIT ....NOT Logic.


1. If God created all of us and universe then its impossible not to notice that all is based on logic. Without logic there is no life, universe , harmony etc.

2. If you think that God is spirit then he is created / arisen out of the matter which contradicts the idea about God and his essence

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 12:24 PM
Edited by chocolina on Tue 03/20/12 12:26 PM

Chocolina...There is ONLY ONE GOD.

There are 3 Separate PERSONS (NOT human persons)WITHIN THAT ONE GOD.

PERSONS is a just way of describing the 3 Separate

Manifestations WITHIN ONE GOD.

If GOD is the only ONE then he can't be three
if A { God} = 1 , then A{ God} is not =3

If God is more than One /1 unit , part, number etc./
then we have polytheism which makes the claim 'GOD is the
ONE' false

3. If God is three then he :
a) he fertilized a woman to create himself in flesh ,
hence in total contravention of scriptures
b) he died deceiving ppl, that he's dying in the name
of ppl in front of the God / himself/
c) if he is from flesh and spirit then he is
changeable, matter , weak and again in
contravention of scriptures

THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!




To exist our world , universe we know , God , faith and etc. all that is on the base of logic. Then the logic is broken , then the claims became like in sci-fi movie ... you watch it but you know that is not true .

So let me explain again :

The claim:
BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

is not logical , because

when something is ONE , then everything which we gonna add to it will be ONE and something and always is more than 1

1 God Father + 1 Son God + 1 God Spirit = 3 Gods , not One

But if God :

* created , sends, supports , loves , defends etc. someone
who calls him 'my father'
* sends floods, earthquakes, smoking bushes etc ..

He is still The One and all above his way to manifest /display his presence or power or ...

So whoever claims 'ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!;' has to stop till here . The rest will be sci-fi heavenly scriptures

BUT ONLY ONE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

is not logical , because

when something is ONE , then everything which we gonna add to it will be ONE and something and always is more than 1

It's not logical you say?

How many persons in our one government?

The United States is a federal union of fifty states.
Tell me which one is the main and which one of them are subordinate ?

Who has right to get the decisions ?

CowboyGH said

There isn't multiple different governments in the USA. There is one, a Democracy.

Bravo .. you have to add now only that it's named also ' an institution' if you want to be correct

So God is an institution for you ?
CowboyGH ..pls send your CV to Hollywood for the position "
Sci-fi Religious Script-writer.. ops ...Scriptures -writer.
I gonna vote for you .. Satan too bigsmile pitchfork

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 12:34 PM

But yet there is still just one God. For again "god" means authority. Even though we are the gods of this planet in comparison to say the animals, we still have a god over us eg., an authority over us. Thus Jesus, our God. So there is still just one God to us, Jesus. And Jesus has an authority over him, his father. Is the reason he referred to his father as "God" eg., my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.

Cowboy, unless you believe in the "trinty" concept, placing Jesus as "our God" breaks the commandment of thou shalt not have any gods before me...

CowboyGH is on the way to create his own version of cowboy-ismic bible
with god's options 1,2,3,more bigsmile

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 12:35 PM
Edited by chocolina on Tue 03/20/12 12:41 PM
AdventureBegins said:

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

God and needs ?!

Then this is not an Almighty God but an ordinary creature in whatever there need

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/20/12 01:01 PM

But yet there is still just one God. For again "god" means authority. Even though we are the gods of this planet in comparison to say the animals, we still have a god over us eg., an authority over us. Thus Jesus, our God. So there is still just one God to us, Jesus. And Jesus has an authority over him, his father. Is the reason he referred to his father as "God" eg., my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.

Cowboy, unless you believe in the "trinty" concept, placing Jesus as "our God" breaks the commandment of thou shalt not have any gods before me...

CowboyGH is on the way to create his own version of cowboy-ismic bible
with god's options 1,2,3,more bigsmile

I have no "religion". I follow as the scriptures say. That is why I encourage deeply discussion on the scriptures. I don't follow a belief because someone said this or that. I investigate, and learn it myself.

That's why I think it's extremely funny when someone does try to correct me by showing a contrary verse, then I show a verse that justifies my original statement, and it stops right there and is forgotten. I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. If you wish to call that "Christianity" so be it, but I "subscribe" to no "religion".

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/20/12 01:06 PM

But yet there is still just one God. For again "god" means authority. Even though we are the gods of this planet in comparison to say the animals, we still have a god over us eg., an authority over us. Thus Jesus, our God. So there is still just one God to us, Jesus. And Jesus has an authority over him, his father. Is the reason he referred to his father as "God" eg., my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.

Cowboy, unless you believe in the "trinty" concept, placing Jesus as "our God" breaks the commandment of thou shalt not have any gods before me...

CowboyGH is on the way to create his own version of cowboy-ismic bible
with god's options 1,2,3,more bigsmile

I have no "religion". I follow as the scriptures say. That is why I encourage deeply discussion on the scriptures. I don't follow a belief because someone said this or that. I investigate, and learn it myself.

That's why I think it's extremely funny when someone does try to correct me by showing a contrary verse, then I show a verse that justifies my original statement, and it stops right there and is forgotten. I don't follow "Christianity" I follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savoir. If you wish to call that "Christianity" so be it, but I "subscribe" to no "religion".

People take it as arguing when in fact I'm truly not. If I'm in the wrong I encourage people truly to show me the error. Not from the glance of just one scripture possibly taken out of context, but out of all to many scriptures to ensure it's kept in context and the true meaning is coming out.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/20/12 02:03 PM

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

AdventureBegins....so are you saying that a perfect God that needs for naught... actually has "needs"?

We chose to climb the highest mountain.

God gives us light along the way so we might not fall upon the cliffs and waterways upon the journey.

We have needs.

God provides.

no photo
Tue 03/20/12 04:33 PM

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

AdventureBegins....so are you saying that a perfect God that needs for naught... actually has "needs"?

We chose to climb the highest mountain.

God gives us light along the way so we might not fall upon the cliffs and waterways upon the journey.

We have needs.

God provides.

sure we have needs...but in your post you also claim that God also has "needs" ...so is that true? ...

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/20/12 04:37 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 03/20/12 04:41 PM

I have many times in the past which you quickly refute. There is no point in doing as such for you, but I will once more.

"God" is not an entity in it's own. This is shown through the verses such as "know ye not that ye are gods, I have said ye are gods...." And is the reason Jesus referred to his father as "his God", yes Jesus is "our God", but still there is one God".

In the USA, we have one "Government"... but how many people are included in that government? If we have one government, how is it that there are many people in that government?

sorry Cowboy...using the government to explain God is once again reducing God to the level of his creations...using "Ye Are All Gods" pertaining to humans is also reducing God to the level of his creations

I'll help you out


God The Father
Jesus The God
The HOly Ghost the God

The Trinity is The Worship of 3 Gods

see how I use God for all and didn't reduce them to the level of their creations

You almost got it right Funches, exccep tthe 3 -in -One are ONLY

ONE God, not 3 Gods.

if GOd The Father is omnipotent...then if you add Jesus to him would it make God super omnipotent? ....and when you add the Holy Ghost to the duo will it make them Super Super Omnipotent?

if God The Father was truely Omnipotent...then omnipotence require no others

if God The Father has no "needs" then why would he need Jesus or The Holy Spirit for any purpose

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad... Holy Spirit...

are all so we might have a guiding light in each age...

Else mankind would surely loose its way.

I disagree.

Man is not dependent on a god or gods of any kind for its "way". It is a weakness to have to have the guidance from imaginary beings.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 03/20/12 05:26 PM

I have many times in the past which you quickly refute. There is no point in doing as such for you, but I will once more.

"God" is not an entity in it's own. This is shown through the verses such as "know ye not that ye are gods, I have said ye are gods...." And is the reason Jesus referred to his father as "his God", yes Jesus is "our God", but still there is one God".

In the USA, we have one "Government"... but how many people are included in that government? If we have one government, how is it that there are many people in that government?

sorry Cowboy...using the government to explain God is once again reducing God to the level of his creations...using "Ye Are All Gods" pertaining to humans is also reducing God to the level of his creations

I'll help you out


God The Father
Jesus The God
The HOly Ghost the God

The Trinity is The Worship of 3 Gods

see how I use God for all and didn't reduce them to the level of their creations

You almost got it right Funches, exccep tthe 3 -in -One are ONLY

ONE God, not 3 Gods.

if GOd The Father is omnipotent...then if you add Jesus to him would it make God super omnipotent? ....and when you add the Holy Ghost to the duo will it make them Super Super Omnipotent?

if God The Father was truely Omnipotent...then omnipotence require no others

if God The Father has no "needs" then why would he need Jesus or The Holy Spirit for any purpose

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad... Holy Spirit...

are all so we might have a guiding light in each age...

Else mankind would surely loose its way.

I disagree.

Man is not dependent on a god or gods of any kind for its "way". It is a weakness to have to have the guidance from imaginary beings.

I totally agree, it is a weekness to have to have the guidance from imaginary beings. That's why I seak guidence from our living God.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/20/12 07:16 PM

AdventureBegins said:

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

God and needs ?!

Then this is not an Almighty God but an ordinary creature in whatever there need

Nice taking of something out of context.

I but answered anothers question... and you made a bite of my answer (why? is there purpose to doing this).

God needs not...

Mankind needs.

God but is.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/20/12 07:21 PM

I have many times in the past which you quickly refute. There is no point in doing as such for you, but I will once more.

"God" is not an entity in it's own. This is shown through the verses such as "know ye not that ye are gods, I have said ye are gods...." And is the reason Jesus referred to his father as "his God", yes Jesus is "our God", but still there is one God".

In the USA, we have one "Government"... but how many people are included in that government? If we have one government, how is it that there are many people in that government?

sorry Cowboy...using the government to explain God is once again reducing God to the level of his creations...using "Ye Are All Gods" pertaining to humans is also reducing God to the level of his creations

I'll help you out


God The Father
Jesus The God
The HOly Ghost the God

The Trinity is The Worship of 3 Gods

see how I use God for all and didn't reduce them to the level of their creations

You almost got it right Funches, exccep tthe 3 -in -One are ONLY

ONE God, not 3 Gods.

if GOd The Father is omnipotent...then if you add Jesus to him would it make God super omnipotent? ....and when you add the Holy Ghost to the duo will it make them Super Super Omnipotent?

if God The Father was truely Omnipotent...then omnipotence require no others

if God The Father has no "needs" then why would he need Jesus or The Holy Spirit for any purpose

Ah but you confuse Gods need for the need of mankind.

Jesus, Buddah, Mohammad... Holy Spirit...

are all so we might have a guiding light in each age...

Else mankind would surely loose its way.

I disagree.

Man is not dependent on a god or gods of any kind for its "way". It is a weakness to have to have the guidance from imaginary beings.


Then why is War?

I would say in this day Mankind absolutely needs God.

Not as a pillar of fire going before us...

Rather as a Dove within the heart.

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 03:18 AM

God needs not...

AdventureBegins ....if God "needs" not...

then he clearly do not need Jesus nor The Holy Spirit

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 03/21/12 03:52 AM

God needs not...

AdventureBegins ....if God "needs" not...

then he clearly do not need Jesus nor The Holy Spirit

??? Jesus and the Holy ghost are two of the three that make our one God. What are you talking about?

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 05:11 AM

DON'T TALK ABOUT OUR GOD!!! God is just a TITLE to you!!!!


no photo
Wed 03/21/12 05:13 AM


GET !!!

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 05:29 AM

God needs not...

AdventureBegins ....if God "needs" not...

then he clearly do not need Jesus nor The Holy Spirit

??? Jesus and the Holy ghost are two of the three that make our one God. What are you talking about?

nope... you said that they were three separate entities

so are you saying that the supposedly perfect God The Father is actually imperfect and has "needs"? ....and "need" the other two separate entites Jesus and The zHoly Spirit in order to be a perfect God

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 05:39 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 03/21/12 05:46 AM
To Cowboy they are 3 entities ( instead of just ONE

ENTITY as The Bible teaches ) !!!!!

To Cowboy, they are 3 entities just under a " TITLE" of oNE

GOD...ONE God is just a friggin TITLE TO HIM...NOTHING MORE!!!







And since he thinks he is also A God, he THINKS he is also

included under the TITLE of ONE GOD ALSO!!!


here LONG ENOUGH NOW........and it is TIME for it to

STOP !!!



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