Topic: Banker Leaves 1% Tip
Totage's photo
Mon 02/27/12 05:14 PM
So, was the point of the article is that someone doesn't like their boss, because they're a jerk, or what's the point of it?

If you hate your job some much that you would go through the trouble of creating a blog just to complain about your boss, why are you there?

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 05:54 PM

So, was the point of the article is that someone doesn't like their boss, because they're a jerk, or what's the point of it?

If you hate your job some much that you would go through the trouble of creating a blog just to complain about your boss, why are you there?

Sounds to me like he wanted to nail his boss on the way out the door

Totage's photo
Mon 02/27/12 05:56 PM
But, I would think it's kinda obvious that someone who is willing to throw families out in the cold as a way of doing business is probably not going to be the best tipper, or people person.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 05:59 PM

But, I would think it's kinda obvious that someone who is willing to throw families out in the cold as a way of doing business is probably not going to be the best tipper, or people person.

But if he starts getting banned from his fav restaurants.......he's going to have to cook instead or eat crappy food.....LOL

Totage's photo
Mon 02/27/12 06:01 PM
Oh that poor unfortunate bastard. I'm sure he's stolen enough food from others to eat well enough.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 06:06 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 06:59 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:07 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

Ive been a waitress, and I Dont agree

I have seen waitresses that do little more than take an order and bring out the meal,,, without checking on the customers, refilling drinks, etc,,,,,

even a minimum wage fast food place includes that kind of service in the price of the food

a waitress/waiter, should be doing just a little more than that

Lpdon's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:12 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

They get their hourly. If the waiter or waitress is a tool or an a$$ they don't need or deserve a large tip.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:37 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

They get their hourly. If the waiter or waitress is a tool or an a$$ they don't need or deserve a large tip.

at 2.10 an hour.......that is it....the tips makeup the wages...and they put up with azzhole customers too

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:38 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

They get their hourly. If the waiter or waitress is a tool or an a$$ they don't need or deserve a large tip.

at 2.10 an hour.......that is it....the tips makeup the wages...and they put up with azzhole customers too

thats true, they do

but they get paid for the quality of their service, and if they have poor quality,, they havent really 'earned' the tip

Seakolony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:39 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

Ive been a waitress, and I Dont agree

I have seen waitresses that do little more than take an order and bring out the meal,,, without checking on the customers, refilling drinks, etc,,,,,

even a minimum wage fast food place includes that kind of service in the price of the food

a waitress/waiter, should be doing just a little more than that

So did I and haven't met one that didn't work hard....or at least try

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 07:41 PM

Did you ever think maybe he got bad service? Tips are optional and by the way the top 1% pay 47% of all the taxes in this country.

thats what I was thinking too,, when it comes to tips, a photo just doesnt tell the whole story,.,,,,

That may be true, but even the worst waitress(er) works hard and deserves some payment more than 1%

Ive been a waitress, and I Dont agree

I have seen waitresses that do little more than take an order and bring out the meal,,, without checking on the customers, refilling drinks, etc,,,,,

even a minimum wage fast food place includes that kind of service in the price of the food

a waitress/waiter, should be doing just a little more than that

So did I and haven't met one that didn't work hard....or at least try

I have

I have seen some have a bad day and take it out on their customer

throw food at the table, instead of placing it on top,,,,,things like that,,

Dragoness's photo
Mon 02/27/12 08:35 PM

Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'

First Posted: 02/24/2012 5:39 pm Updated: 02/24/2012 10:50 pm

A banker left a 1% tip in defiance of 'the 99%' at a Newport Beach restaurant the other week, according to his dining companion and underling who snapped a photo of the receipt and posted it to his blog, Future Ex Banker. (Update: the blog is now offline.)

In posting the photo, the employee gave some background on his boss and the receipt:

Mention the “99%” in my boss’ presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn’t sufficiently bow down to his Holiness. Oh, and he always makes sure to include a “tip” of his own.

The "tip" of his own in this case was to tell the server to "get a real job." Pleasant.

The whistleblower's Future Ex-Banker blog (now offline) included additional background on his boss, and some insight into why he would out his gross behavior, likely resulting in an employment status of current ex-banker:

I work in the corporate office of a major bank for a boss who represents everything wrong with the financial industry: blatant disregard and outright contempt for everyone and everything he deems beneath him. On top of that, he’s a complete and utter tool. At the same time, I’m still cashing paychecks, an admittedly willing—albeit reluctant—cog in the wheel of this increasingly ugly industry, so I’ve created this blog as a confessional of sorts. It won’t entirely clear my conscience, but hopefully it’ll help. I’m sure I’ll get fired eventually. Until then, enjoy.

UPDATE: In a conversation with the Huffington Post, Mike Wilcox, the vice president of operations for True Food Kitchen, gave some insight into how the company was treating the incident since the receipt began receiving attention online. Wilcox said that the restaurant was "absolutely" treating the receipt as real, but to confirm its authenticity for certain, they were in the process of tracking down both the physical receipt at the restaurant and the computer-generated copy in their credit card system.

"The first thing we're going to do is to make sure the server is taken care of," Wilcox said, "and make sure the server wasn't treated badly or insufficiently tipped." He explained that they would be asking Breanna, the server named on the receipt, if she recalled the table and how her service was. "If her service was up to the level" they assume their employees would deliver, Wilcox said, "they would do everything they can to make it up to her somehow." Referring to online comments posted about the receipt, Wilcox remarked, "people are asking us to ban the person from the restaurant -- if more information came through on who the person is I first would love to talk to him."

UPDATE II: As many have noted, a true 1% tip correctly rounded to the nearest penny would have been $1.34, leaving this tip just shy of that threshold, mathematically speaking.

The fact that his not so nice second tip was to "get a real job" shows this dipshyte thinks the working class of this country don't mean anything to this country when in truth they could shut this country down if they stopped doing what they do. Otherwise his second tip would have spoken of the failure of service.

But this is one of the biggest problems in this country. The respect for the regular working person has gone way down and that comes from the Republican parties influence.

The Republican party couldn't give a half a cent for the working class of this country.

Totage's photo
Mon 02/27/12 08:38 PM
Oh, I didn't realize Obama and the gang were republican as well.

no photo
Mon 02/27/12 08:48 PM
I keep hearing that people shouldn't have to tip. However, that's how restaurants have always worked. Everyone knows that. So, why would you go to a restaurant if you don't like the way they run things and take it out on their employees?

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/27/12 11:43 PM

I keep hearing that people shouldn't have to tip. However, that's how restaurants have always worked. Everyone knows that. So, why would you go to a restaurant if you don't like the way they run things and take it out on their employees?

IF I go to a restaurant, I pay the price of the meal if I like the way the restaurant does things. If I dont like it I dont go. However, when it comes to service, Im not paying the restaurant the tip, Im paying an individual. So if Im not digging that individuals service, they arent getting a tip. I dont judge the restaurants entire operations by one persons attitude or service, I judge that person.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:56 AM

Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'

First Posted: 02/24/2012 5:39 pm Updated: 02/24/2012 10:50 pm

A banker left a 1% tip in defiance of 'the 99%' at a Newport Beach restaurant the other week, according to his dining companion and underling who snapped a photo of the receipt and posted it to his blog, Future Ex Banker. (Update: the blog is now offline.)

In posting the photo, the employee gave some background on his boss and the receipt:

Mention the “99%” in my boss’ presence and feel his wrath. So proudly does he wear his 1% badge of honor that he tips exactly 1% every time he feels the server doesn’t sufficiently bow down to his Holiness. Oh, and he always makes sure to include a “tip” of his own.

The "tip" of his own in this case was to tell the server to "get a real job." Pleasant.

The whistleblower's Future Ex-Banker blog (now offline) included additional background on his boss, and some insight into why he would out his gross behavior, likely resulting in an employment status of current ex-banker:

I work in the corporate office of a major bank for a boss who represents everything wrong with the financial industry: blatant disregard and outright contempt for everyone and everything he deems beneath him. On top of that, he’s a complete and utter tool. At the same time, I’m still cashing paychecks, an admittedly willing—albeit reluctant—cog in the wheel of this increasingly ugly industry, so I’ve created this blog as a confessional of sorts. It won’t entirely clear my conscience, but hopefully it’ll help. I’m sure I’ll get fired eventually. Until then, enjoy.

UPDATE: In a conversation with the Huffington Post, Mike Wilcox, the vice president of operations for True Food Kitchen, gave some insight into how the company was treating the incident since the receipt began receiving attention online. Wilcox said that the restaurant was "absolutely" treating the receipt as real, but to confirm its authenticity for certain, they were in the process of tracking down both the physical receipt at the restaurant and the computer-generated copy in their credit card system.

"The first thing we're going to do is to make sure the server is taken care of," Wilcox said, "and make sure the server wasn't treated badly or insufficiently tipped." He explained that they would be asking Breanna, the server named on the receipt, if she recalled the table and how her service was. "If her service was up to the level" they assume their employees would deliver, Wilcox said, "they would do everything they can to make it up to her somehow." Referring to online comments posted about the receipt, Wilcox remarked, "people are asking us to ban the person from the restaurant -- if more information came through on who the person is I first would love to talk to him."

UPDATE II: As many have noted, a true 1% tip correctly rounded to the nearest penny would have been $1.34, leaving this tip just shy of that threshold, mathematically speaking.

The fact that his not so nice second tip was to "get a real job" shows this dipshyte thinks the working class of this country don't mean anything to this country when in truth they could shut this country down if they stopped doing what they do. Otherwise his second tip would have spoken of the failure of service.

But this is one of the biggest problems in this country. The respect for the regular working person has gone way down and that comes from the Republican parties influence.

The Republican party couldn't give a half a cent for the working class of this country.

The Democrats too....

Seakolony's photo
Tue 02/28/12 03:58 AM

I keep hearing that people shouldn't have to tip. However, that's how restaurants have always worked. Everyone knows that. So, why would you go to a restaurant if you don't like the way they run things and take it out on their employees?

IF I go to a restaurant, I pay the price of the meal if I like the way the restaurant does things. If I dont like it I dont go. However, when it comes to service, Im not paying the restaurant the tip, Im paying an individual. So if Im not digging that individuals service, they arent getting a tip. I dont judge the restaurants entire operations by one persons attitude or service, I judge that person.

Leaving zero tip is just asinine by sitting at a table and xpecting service a tip should be left.

no photo
Tue 02/28/12 04:03 AM

I keep hearing that people shouldn't have to tip. However, that's how restaurants have always worked. Everyone knows that. So, why would you go to a restaurant if you don't like the way they run things and take it out on their employees?

IF I go to a restaurant, I pay the price of the meal if I like the way the restaurant does things. If I dont like it I dont go. However, when it comes to service, Im not paying the restaurant the tip, Im paying an individual. So if Im not digging that individuals service, they arent getting a tip. I dont judge the restaurants entire operations by one persons attitude or service, I judge that person.

Right. There have been very, very few times where I've had a waiter that was so horrible that they should receive very little tip. Then again, I tend to go to places I enjoy, which includes good service.

I'm guessing someone who doesn't tip well doesn't end up going back to the same places often.