Topic: Ever feel like you lost all your friends?
krupa's photo
Sat 02/18/12 11:47 AM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D


I thought about switching sides. For the dude.

But, while he is being so hard to get, I allowed Soufie to use me for her carnal pleasures.

I am giving that way.


MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:30 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:51 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

I agree, but if you find it and even if it breaks for awhile it will come back. If not it never was

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:52 PM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D

Thank you!

Real life is different, though. I can go weeks without seeing another person, and when I do see anyone, it's someone who works in a store I just happen to go to....

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 12:54 PM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D


I thought about switching sides. For the dude.

But, while he is being so hard to get, I allowed Soufie to use me for her carnal pleasures.

I am giving that way.


I would never ask you to do that.

Or me, either....

Some things are just too ingrained, so to speak....!

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 02/18/12 01:26 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

I agree, but if you find it and even if it breaks for awhile it will come back. If not it never was

Hmm, saying goodbye is better sometimes. As much as it hurts.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:07 PM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D

That was quite sweet

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:27 PM

i think it's part of growing, up.
where once we had dozens
we keep just a few, close
inside the venn diagram.

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:37 PM
I have an Inner sanctum.......from high school days.
Though we all live in different parts of the country now.....
We stay in touch tru this wonderful invention.
We have gotten together several times over the years.
On the homefront....
some are close.......some are aquaintances.
Some stay......some come n go.
It is the nature of.......Life!!

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:43 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

I agree, but if you find it and even if it breaks for awhile it will come back. If not it never was

Hmm, saying goodbye is better sometimes. As much as it hurts.

why is that?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Sat 02/18/12 03:47 PM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D

That was quite sweet

..fourth time you said so.

Fifth states, by default, it is officially a crush. :P

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:33 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

I agree, but if you find it and even if it breaks for awhile it will come back. If not it never was

Hmm, saying goodbye is better sometimes. As much as it hurts.

why is that?

Just IMO...usually stuff that breaks once, will always break, even coming back doesn't mean it will be what it once was. I think it takes a strong will of character to sustain anyone going through life's trials. Giving them a second chance? Once they toy with my heart, they are out. I'd rather be alone then surround myself with a group of people I'm afraid to talk to.

wux's photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:38 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 02/18/12 04:44 PM
Yaaaa! I sure do.

I went on a little sabbatical from this site a little while ago, and I had six friends on this site, very officially, they were listed on my profile page. Three men, three women.

I come back, yesterday, and there are three friends.

I feel like the singer of the song, "I got up to wash my face and I come back to see someone's taken my place."

Half of my friends just up and left me, without saying a word, without saying a tearful farewell, withoug even saying as much as "good-bye".

So yes, I am in a spot like you asked: I lost a lot of friends, exactly fifty percent of them.

Thank goodness for the other fifty percent who stayed. Otherwise I would have no friends left in the entire world.

Raise your glass, therefore, to those friends who stick around, and don't leave you!! Cheers!! Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurray!!!

wux's photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:41 PM

Thank you!

Real life is different, though. I can go weeks without seeing another person, and when I do see anyone, it's someone who works in a store I just happen to go to....

Go to the store more often, my friend. "Visit thy friends oft, for the unbeaten path gets soon cover'd with weeds." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

wux's photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:54 PM

Unless you are the one trying to keep the
connection going, you really can't complain.
Everyone has their own little life to manage.
Men do not keep the closeness that women do.
It is all a very natural ebb and flow.

It gets much worse when you finally hook-up
with the 'one.'
Most just cannot be bothered.

Correction. What you say about the distances
men keep is true here, in North America,
but in Europe, in central Europe to be sure,
men are really emotional and close with friends,
talkative, friendly, just look at me. Others
are also friendly, but they are aside of that also
cultured, polite, gentlemen with the ladies.
(In Europe you can screw a lady one day and
nobody has to worry about the lack of respect.
That's what a European gentleman does and is.)

Take my father: during the war his friends
saved him by putting him on a red-cross train,
so he wouldn't be sent to the trenches.
After the war, he got persecuted by the
commies, and he had three children, a wife
who couldn't work and keep house, and he was
called into army service just to screw him.
His doctor friend issued a licence to him\
which said and was signed an stamped by the dr,
that Daddy was emotionally too unstable to
go into service. This doctor, daddy's friend,
was risking his licence, and ten years in the
Gulag. Once the air cleared, to get another
job, another friend, also a doctor, issue a
certificate to daddy, that he was sane as
a fiddle, he could work, no problem.

All this was done for NO money, only for
the binding friendships. Daddy no doubt
gave similar aid to his friends, be
they the same as these two doctors, and one
army officer, or some other friend or friends.

This is common in Europe. In North America
it's unheard of, to do something this
forcefully dangerous for a friend and his

BettyB's photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:54 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

I agree, but if you find it and even if it breaks for awhile it will come back. If not it never was

Hmm, saying goodbye is better sometimes. As much as it hurts.

why is that?

Just IMO...usually stuff that breaks once, will always break, even coming back doesn't mean it will be what it once was. I think it takes a strong will of character to sustain anyone going through life's trials. Giving them a second chance? Once they toy with my heart, they are out. I'd rather be alone then surround myself with a group of people I'm afraid to talk to.


no photo
Sat 02/18/12 04:56 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

How is it black or white. There are all different kinds of friendships.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Sat 02/18/12 07:03 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

How is it black or white. There are all different kinds of friendships.

Um, how are there different kinds? I never heard of this before...wasn't aware friendships belong in cliques.

no photo
Sat 02/18/12 07:29 PM

Frienship is such a strange thing. Some people value it with all their might ,others take it with a grain of salt and throw it away.
Those are the ones I would not waste time worrying about, although I must admit in the past I have, now I don't care.

Friendship, like love, is one of the hardest things to define, to some. But it really is black or white.

so when u say it is black or white ? so you live in a racially diverse neighborhood? Or do u mean that either it IS or it ISN"T - their a friend or they're not

no inbetween

this I agree

Bravalady's photo
Sat 02/18/12 07:51 PM

I lost all of mine in 2009, and have been completely unable to find any new ones....!

Oh bullcrap Lex.

You got a friend fo'eva in me. :D

Thank you!

Real life is different, though. I can go weeks without seeing another person, and when I do see anyone, it's someone who works in a store I just happen to go to....

I go to the store on purpose sometimes just to see people.

I have literally had someone tell me they had enough friends already and didn't want me as one. I had a best friend move away, then come back to the state to visit relatives TWICE without ever even calling me.

I've wondered for a long time why the problems with keeping/making friends in this country aren't talked about more. I guess friendship isn't dramatic enough.

There are several people on here that I'd be friends with if I lived close enough.