Topic: Lesbians And Bisexuals ONLY ! ♥
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Thu 03/29/12 05:46 PM
Interesting week but still looking but it's hard to know if she is receptive to the idea and not going to feel like a fool and it's hard for me to know what to say, I guess I'll just remain being a Scientist single, sure wish I had some one nice next to me at night....winking

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Sat 03/31/12 05:25 PM
So true but so many do...And some try to judge to hard also..My family is not accepting and they have truly cut me off.But I want a real stud not into the femme thing..But to each his own

Cheer_up's photo
Sat 03/31/12 05:44 PM
Well not really bi but i got slapped on my *** alot by football buddys when i got a touchdown and later by the cheer leaders and i bet some of them cheer leaders maybe bi lolllllllll so in rofl :banana: :thumbsup:

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Wed 04/04/12 01:22 AM
Am actually in need for a lesbo, difficult gettin d real n true one

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Mon 04/09/12 04:54 AM
very nice

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Sun 04/22/12 06:23 PM
As far as I can see restrictions are set to women only sin and sorrow.ill surprised

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Tue 04/24/12 05:26 AM

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 04/24/12 10:59 AM

If I was a lesbian,

I would soooooooo be calling the O.P. of this thread!drool flowers flowerforyou laugh laugh

KC_Dragonfly's photo
Thu 04/26/12 02:41 AM
Edited by KC_Dragonfly on Thu 04/26/12 02:42 AM

Why's It So Hard To Find That One Perfect Girl :/ Come On Girlies Lets All Holla Each Other And Meet Some Sexy Girls Mean Whilee (;

You rang? :tongue:

Ongetem's photo
Thu 04/26/12 04:23 AM
:smile: is it bad to b bisexual

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 04/26/12 08:41 AM

:smile: is it bad to b bisexual
If you find someone,

in this crazy, mixed up world,

that you care about,

or love,

and want to be with,:heart:

thats never bad baby girl.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/10/12 06:35 AM
O well guess I want what is not possible for me to have, sighs

unsure's photo
Thu 05/10/12 07:43 AM
I truly believe when you say you are are just trying things out to see if you like it. You are either gay or you're not! I myself have nothing against with gay people..but when you start being a BI and then do not tell the other person you are in a relationship you are with, that is when the problems begin.
Of course this is just my opinion and we all have one. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/11/12 12:13 AM

O well guess I want what is not possible for me to have, sighs

exactly and then break my heart so badly that it became almost impossible to breathe...
brokenheart :cry: frustrated frustrated frustrated

no photo
Sun 05/13/12 07:52 PM
Is there any REAL girls out there in Kingpsort under 17-19 that isnt a player and wont use anyone?

~looking for something real~

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 05/14/12 06:28 AM
lookin for herms he shes n such hit me up

Wed 05/23/12 11:28 AM

peachy32's photo
Wed 05/23/12 12:24 PM
I am a lesbian f:smile: rom the okc area

peachy32's photo
Wed 05/23/12 12:27 PM
Now days its so hard to find

someone who is true down to earth and dont want to play games

no photo
Wed 05/23/12 02:47 PM
Hey thee I'm frm south africa looking 4. A lesbian