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Topic: Gay Marriage
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Tue 02/07/12 12:06 PM

I'm writing this not just to Christians who oppose the gay marriage ban, but to all Christians.

For me, I support gay marriage because I don't believe the state or any group of people should legislate morality. I feel that God gives all people free will to sin and we don't have the right to take that away.

But there is another reason why all Christians should support gay marriage: The political reality that our lives are ruled by the Supreme Court. I'm not going to get into all of how the Government works, but suffice it to say that the Supreme Court through a power grab in Marbury v Madison, now has final say over all our lives. If the Supreme Court rules in agreement with the 9th Circuit, your religious freedoms will be in jeopardy. When sexual orientation becomes a protected class, it will be hate speech to say that homosexuals are sinning. Parts of the Bible could be considered hate speech. The FCC could prohibit certain verses from being read or even mentioned on religious broadcasts of all kinds. Gays could petition your church for the right to be married there and then the church will be sued for discrimination over and over again until it goes bankrupt, unless they comply.

It has been my belief for years that the rabid gay marriage supporters are actually attempting to destroy religion with the Government's help.

Here is a simple solution to protecting the rights of the religious and giving homosexuals what they want: Remove government from marriage. The Government could issue civil unions between any group of adults. The civil union would have legal standing in courts. Marriage would be turned into a purely religious institution, with no legal standing. This would protect marriage and your churches. Only a church that wanted to allow homosexual marriage would perform them, no force of Government involved.

This fight doesn't just apply to gay marriage, there are law suits in support of polygamy also making their way through the court system. It's only a matter of time until the social decay reaches all layers of the court system, the outcome is inevitable, unless we act rightly to remove the teeth from this tiger.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/07/12 12:15 PM
I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 01:26 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 02/07/12 01:28 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

There is a lawsuit right now to legalize polygamy. What do you think will happen to churches if the Courts rule in favor of the Plaintiff?

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/07/12 01:32 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

There is a lawsuit right now to legalize polygamy. What do you think will happen to churches if the Courts rule in favor of the Plaintiff?

I think its feasible if its done as a legal partnership. The churches would not be required to perform such marriages...

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 01:52 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

There is a lawsuit right now to legalize polygamy. What do you think will happen to churches if the Courts rule in favor of the Plaintiff?

I think its feasible if its done as a legal partnership. The churches would not be required to perform such marriages...

I don't know, Catholic Hospitals don't trust freedom of religion to protect them from FOCA, which would require that Doctors and hospitals to perform medical procedures that go against their beliefs.

Is it conceivable that the courts would rule for the plaintiff in a Gay marriage or Polygamy vs a church lawsuit? It becomes more possible every day.

My position is that we should work to sever the tie between marriage and the Government. Supposedly, the Government has no right to legislate religion, but that doesn't stop them from writing laws about who can or cannot get married.

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/07/12 04:45 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

There is a lawsuit right now to legalize polygamy. What do you think will happen to churches if the Courts rule in favor of the Plaintiff?

I think its feasible if its done as a legal partnership. The churches would not be required to perform such marriages...

I don't know, Catholic Hospitals don't trust freedom of religion to protect them from FOCA, which would require that Doctors and hospitals to perform medical procedures that go against their beliefs.

Is it conceivable that the courts would rule for the plaintiff in a Gay marriage or Polygamy vs a church lawsuit? It becomes more possible every day.

My position is that we should work to sever the tie between marriage and the Government. Supposedly, the Government has no right to legislate religion, but that doesn't stop them from writing laws about who can or cannot get married.

marriage isnt just about religion though, marriage is also about family foundation which is fairly significant in western culture and significant to western progress,,,

I dont think religion plays a part in who can obtain a marriage license and then they can go to whatever church they wish to have whatever procedure they wish,,,

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 05:15 PM

"For me, I support gay marriage because I don't believe the state or any group of people should legislate morality.

Morality is the opposite of wickedness, wrong behavior.

Respect for Government is encouraged in the Bible, Romans 13.

I feel that God gives all people free will to sin and we don't have the right to take that away."

Man used his OWN free will to sin.

If you are a Christian Christ has saved you and set you free from sin.
Sin is not be supported nor condoned by God's people.

The support of all these sinful demands is the downfall of America.

The Government needs to be fixed not feared.

This fight doesn't just apply to gay marriage, there are law suits in support of polygamy also making their way through the court system.

It's only a matter of time until the social decay reaches all layers of the court system, the outcome is inevitable, unless we act rightly to remove the teeth from this tiger.

The battle is the Lord's!!!

The US Government is not a tiger. It is a tool that has been misused by the people for the people.

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 05:28 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.

Morality would still be a determining factor if your ideal were to be realized.
There is no doubt that these "civil unions" would be virtually sexual.

Morality must be established and instilled into the hearts of men in every arena.

Moral decay is that "tiger" the op mentioned.

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:53 AM
i thought you are a Christian!

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:54 AM

I'm writing this not just to Christians who oppose the gay marriage ban, but to all Christians.

For me, I support gay marriage because I don't believe the state or any group of people should legislate morality. I feel that God gives all people free will to sin and we don't have the right to take that away.

But there is another reason why all Christians should support gay marriage: The political reality that our lives are ruled by the Supreme Court. I'm not going to get into all of how the Government works, but suffice it to say that the Supreme Court through a power grab in Marbury v Madison, now has final say over all our lives. If the Supreme Court rules in agreement with the 9th Circuit, your religious freedoms will be in jeopardy. When sexual orientation becomes a protected class, it will be hate speech to say that homosexuals are sinning. Parts of the Bible could be considered hate speech. The FCC could prohibit certain verses from being read or even mentioned on religious broadcasts of all kinds. Gays could petition your church for the right to be married there and then the church will be sued for discrimination over and over again until it goes bankrupt, unless they comply.

It has been my belief for years that the rabid gay marriage supporters are actually attempting to destroy religion with the Government's help.

Here is a simple solution to protecting the rights of the religious and giving homosexuals what they want: Remove government from marriage. The Government could issue civil unions between any group of adults. The civil union would have legal standing in courts. Marriage would be turned into a purely religious institution, with no legal standing. This would protect marriage and your churches. Only a church that wanted to allow homosexual marriage would perform them, no force of Government involved.

This fight doesn't just apply to gay marriage, there are law suits in support of polygamy also making their way through the court system. It's only a matter of time until the social decay reaches all layers of the court system, the outcome is inevitable, unless we act rightly to remove the teeth from this tiger.

this is open lebelion to this site and to Christian faith and to the Christian in this forum, it's quit seperated forums. here is Christian forum, and there are other forum like musilims, chating etc,
they are seperated so as to enable you make your opinion to the approprate forum,
you delibratly smuggled this dirty topic in the christian forum.. to show your disrespect to the God and the forum rules in general...
Gay is never a christian topic therefore must not be open in the Christian room.
but you did it so as to show your self above the forum rules.

if you think you are right.. why don't you discause this matter in a musilim forum or hindu or any other faith.
i will open rebuke that spirit of same sex.. if you do not heed to this correction, we are meant to respect ourself and others around us.the word is enough for only the wise!

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:57 AM

I'm writing this not just to Christians who oppose the gay marriage ban, but to all Christians.

For me, I support gay marriage because I don't believe the state or any group of people should legislate morality. I feel that God gives all people free will to sin and we don't have the right to take that away.

But there is another reason why all Christians should support gay marriage: The political reality that our lives are ruled by the Supreme Court. I'm not going to get into all of how the Government works, but suffice it to say that the Supreme Court through a power grab in Marbury v Madison, now has final say over all our lives. If the Supreme Court rules in agreement with the 9th Circuit, your religious freedoms will be in jeopardy. When sexual orientation becomes a protected class, it will be hate speech to say that homosexuals are sinning. Parts of the Bible could be considered hate speech. The FCC could prohibit certain verses from being read or even mentioned on religious broadcasts of all kinds. Gays could petition your church for the right to be married there and then the church will be sued for discrimination over and over again until it goes bankrupt, unless they comply.

It has been my belief for years that the rabid gay marriage supporters are actually attempting to destroy religion with the Government's help.

Here is a simple solution to protecting the rights of the religious and giving homosexuals what they want: Remove government from marriage. The Government could issue civil unions between any group of adults. The civil union would have legal standing in courts. Marriage would be turned into a purely religious institution, with no legal standing. This would protect marriage and your churches. Only a church that wanted to allow homosexual marriage would perform them, no force of Government involved.

This fight doesn't just apply to gay marriage, there are law suits in support of polygamy also making their way through the court system. It's only a matter of time until the social decay reaches all layers of the court system, the outcome is inevitable, unless we act rightly to remove the teeth from this tiger.

this is open lebelion to this site and to Christian faith and to the Christian in this forum, it's quit seperated forums. here is Christian forum, and there are other forum like musilims, chating etc,
they are seperated so as to enable you make your opinion to the approprate forum,
you delibratly smuggled this dirty topic in the christian forum.. to show your disrespect to the God and the forum rules in general...
Gay is never a christian topic therefore must not be open in the Christian room.
but you did it so as to show your self above the forum rules.

if you think you are right.. why don't you discause this matter in a musilim forum or hindu or any other faith.
i will open rebuke that spirit of same sex.. if you do not heed to this correction, we are meant to respect ourself and others around us.the word is enough for only the wise!

God tells us homosexuality is wrong in verses such as "a man shall not lay with a man as he would a woman".

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:02 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.


no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:04 PM

this is open lebelion to this site and to Christian faith and to the Christian in this forum, it's quit seperated forums. here is Christian forum, and there are other forum like musilims, chating etc,
they are seperated so as to enable you make your opinion to the approprate forum,
you delibratly smuggled this dirty topic in the christian forum.. to show your disrespect to the God and the forum rules in general...
Gay is never a christian topic therefore must not be open in the Christian room.
but you did it so as to show your self above the forum rules.

if you think you are right.. why don't you discause this matter in a musilim forum or hindu or any other faith.
i will open rebuke that spirit of same sex.. if you do not heed to this correction, we are meant to respect ourself and others around us.the word is enough for only the wise!

I only have access to the Christian forum.

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:04 PM

i thought you are a Christian!

That's for Jesus to decide.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:06 PM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.



Homosexuality is not Christian. In the verses below "abusers of themselves with mankind" is speaking of homosexuality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 kjv
9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Now a look at a later translation.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Amplified Bible (AMP)
9Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:12 PM

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:14 PM
Edited by marrion5 on Wed 02/08/12 12:18 PM

this is open lebelion to this site and to Christian faith and to the Christian in this forum, it's quit seperated forums. here is Christian forum, and there are other forum like musilims, chating etc,
they are seperated so as to enable you make your opinion to the approprate forum,
you delibratly smuggled this dirty topic in the christian forum.. to show your disrespect to the God and the forum rules in general...
Gay is never a christian topic therefore must not be open in the Christian room.
but you did it so as to show your self above the forum rules.

if you think you are right.. why don't you discause this matter in a musilim forum or hindu or any other faith.
i will open rebuke that spirit of same sex.. if you do not heed to this correction, we are meant to respect ourself and others around us.the word is enough for only the wise!

I only have access to the Christian forum.


no photo
Wed 02/08/12 12:16 PM

i thought you are a Christian!

That's for Jesus to decide.


msharmony's photo
Thu 02/09/12 12:09 AM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.


partnerships do not mandate sexual activity,,,

no photo
Thu 02/09/12 01:29 AM

I support civil unions between ANY TWO Adults who wish to share lives and assets.

I would support such an aknowledgement of 'partnership' in its non sexual , purely legal, implications.


partnerships do not mandate sexual activity,,,

you are not sincere to yourself.
partnership of two adult union involves sexual contact.
because is relationship between a same-sex couple that is legally recognized by a state authority.

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