Topic: can you be in love with someone overseas???
Chazster's photo
Wed 02/08/12 07:02 AM
Well it really depends. I have lived outside my country and my gf is from another country but we actually met and dated for 6 months before I moved. In that instance yes you can. I don't see how you can love anyone you have never met though.

Wed 02/08/12 07:03 AM
If you fall in love with someone and they MOVE overseas then yes it can be sustained,but as for falling in love over the internet with someone overseas NO!

irisheyes79's photo
Wed 02/08/12 09:12 AM

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 02/08/12 09:29 AM
Of course it's possible.

It's possible to love someone undersea as well. There was this chick named Ariel and her boyfriend....Prince something-or-other......very famous.

Kallmesaucie's photo
Sat 02/11/12 01:13 AM

can you fall in love with someone outside your country?

Yes, the heart is crazy. You have no control over who you fall in love with or who loves you.
I have fallen for a mingler overseas and we are making arrangement to be together. Hope it works!

Bigbadpete707's photo
Sat 02/11/12 01:17 AM
Sure can, I have a f/book platonic love affair with a loverly lady in New york, and another in Coer de alene, but they are so far away, and probably we will never meet.

I have no problem meeting ladies from far far away, but finding a compatible lady in my home town, is like finding rocking horse poo on your front lawn

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 03/21/12 07:08 AM
Not totally sure. Never tried it.

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 07:10 AM

can you fall in love with someone outside your country?

Yes, the heart is crazy. You have no control over who you fall in love with or who loves you.
I have fallen for a mingler overseas and we are making arrangement to be together. Hope it works!

Congratulations. Hopefully it works out for both of you.

msharmony's photo
Wed 03/21/12 07:11 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 03/21/12 07:13 AM
I think you can fall in love with someone you have never seen , or else blind people would be up the creek

I dont think you can fall in love with someone that you have not interacted with outside of a computer screen though,,

I think it takes that personal interaction over time and over various circumstances and in various environments, to truly know someone enough to really fall for who they are,, as opposed to falling for what they write,,,

the computer screen only gives us a very one dimensional access to
'knowing' someone,,,its not personal enough (in my opinion) to develop real intimacy or love on its own

if you have interacted with someone personally who lives overseas, quite possible you fell in love

if you have only typed on a screen to someone overseas, its quite possible you fell for the image your mind has created of them based upon what you read,,,

Goofball73's photo
Wed 03/21/12 09:58 AM
Probably the hardest thing to do is believe that something good can happen in your life. That's what my step brother thought when it came to meeting a woman he would want to be with forever. That was until he was working overseas.

He was actually only a few months away from finishing up a job in Italy. After it was done, he was going to stop working overseas and come back home to Alabama. And then one day, while he was out sight seeing, he met her. Now, you have to understand. He has no idea how to speak another language. And her English (back then) was not all that great. And yet, as he told me the story, the moment he saw her, he couldn't stop looking at her. He was dumbfounded. Lol. It actually took her coming up to him, smiling, and saying hello that broke the barrier for them.

Think about this. He is a country boy from Alabama. A good guy who, like me, hides a lot of his emotions. We are just that way. He was not looking for someone like her. Sure. He always wanted to meet a woman like her. But I am sure he never thought the love of his life was going to be in Italy. Add to that fact that she was on vacation (she is from Romania). And yet, even knowing he was leaving in a couple months, he knew she was the one. What are the odds that you meet someone like that? I'm beting they are not good. And yet, it happened.

Today, they live in Alabama, have a son, and through all their up's and downs, they still love each other very much. Now, he had to be without her for a bit, but he suffered through it (as did she) and they made it work. So yes, you can fall in love with someone overseas.

no photo
Wed 03/21/12 11:43 AM

A friend of mine met a guy online, she's Irish and he's American. They talked for about 6 months then started to visit each other a few times flying over and back when they could get holidays from work, one time she went over to him for just 4 days, crazy about each other they took what ever chance they could to see each other. Anywho they're getting married here in 2 months and he's moving over here for good.

I guess anything is possible.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 03/21/12 11:50 AM
The great love of my life so far was born and raised outside of the states to American military Parents . His ways and mannerisms and many of his values were heavily influenced my "foreign" nannys so I have always considered it a possibility

On the other hand I have to admit I really can't see falling in love with someone I have not pysically met in person.

I had what I wondered would be love because we were very close IMing, Skypeing, and calling sometimes more than once a day but I was never sure I and him were not just transferring our old feelings on the other because we both had lost beloved spouses and had so much in common. Shareing a lot ofve three years I have no doubt I loved him on some level. I know I greived that loss when he suddenly died in in heart surgery.
His kids told me they felt like he had loved me. And did not challenge in the least when he left his home to me or me acting as his executor. Maybe because I gave each of the family members his personal stuff and put the home in a charity he loved. Kind of made me not want to love from afar again.

boonedoggy61's photo
Wed 03/21/12 12:05 PM
Hell I cant find anyone to love me here ........ why would I even look anywhere else!!!!!!!!!!!

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 03/21/12 12:30 PM

Hell I cant find anyone to love me here ........ why would I even look anywhere else!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL I have to wonder if you (and I0 are looking right past someone.

Heywire90's photo
Thu 03/22/12 04:53 AM
Hello. I'm despirately in need of a decent and lovely lady.. Must be in United States or Europe.

Heywire90's photo
Thu 03/22/12 04:57 AM
Yes.. I wanna love you baby. Mail me

osslo1's photo
Thu 03/22/12 05:01 AM
yes, i prey for one .

osslo1's photo
Thu 03/22/12 05:10 AM
as for me i dont rely care were love come from, all i want is finding a ture love of life in any conutry , if she cares .

osslo1's photo
Thu 03/22/12 05:29 AM
hi picific. if i tel u how u look, u ill think im playing game. but for me is ture. i love so, the way u are. if u want a truetfull man to stay with u for the rest of ur life, i promis to be there for u

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 03/22/12 12:37 PM
Ha ha xD. Just cos you post your email address or phone number here, it doesn't mean someone will definitely call/mail you. Not straight away just like that. More sensible to chat here. There is no need to email away from Mingle2. This is why Mingle2 has individual email chat.