Topic: If He only knew
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Sat 10/14/06 09:09 AM
the emptiness of not knowing
the hollowness of the sounds of no father rang in his ear
like a church bell his daddy nowhere to be found
He longed to play and do daddy things
but daddy never came
Mommie why he asked
Why does my heart hurt for Daddy
where can he be
my daddy loves me dosent he?
Kneeling down to the tiny boy layed curled like a cat on her bed
If only he knew he would love you,
If only he knew hed care, hed be there if only he knew
If only he knew hed cry for the lost time
If only he knew he would play ball with you till the sky turned grey If
only he knew
If only he knew hed kiss your booboo
if only he knew hed be here today
But sweetie,
Daddy doesnt know about you
but if he did hed love you like it was forever and a day
If your Daddy only knew

ptjoker's photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:49 AM
OH my god, what an amazing piece. I loved it and if that is anything
like the poetry you are trying to get published you should go far. Keep
it up and don't take no for an answer. You sound like a very fun and
energetic person. I see a bright future in your life.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 10:59 AM
Thanks I wont give up poetry is my life

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/14/06 11:23 AM
That went and grabbed my heart and did not let go. Very good keep on
writing you are very good at it.

Jimi366's photo
Sat 10/14/06 11:29 AM
This one really touched my heart too!
I know what it was like to have no
daddy around. Mine left me at my
grandparents one day and never came back.
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