Topic: Cussing.....
teadipper's photo
Sat 01/21/12 08:36 PM
Edited by teadipper on Sat 01/21/12 08:37 PM

It means nothing if I swear swear but if you hear me say Jesus Christ or Jesus Mary Joseph, you need to come running naked and dripping wet out of the shower because if I am using the lord's name if vain, somebody is dead we know, the twin towers are gone, baby has been murdered or something along those lines.


You are a smart chick, tea dripper. When a lightning strikes, it always goes for the better and closer electrical conductor. So to have a wet, dripping person (and therefore a good conductor) beside the Dipper, is a good policy for the dipper when she expects to be smitten by the Lord.

BTW, this time there were two ferociously black and blind wolves born to a woman. When you typed "Jesus, Mary Joseph" in the post of yours.

Drew, I love you but you are such a little weirdo. LOL. You are so out there. I sometimes wonder if it's like the movie Eraserhead and if I was f'd up on drugs or alcohol suddenly I would actually comprehend what you were saying as most of the time I am just too dim witted. LOL. I think you need to call into Joe Crummy's Water Bong theatre because they would understand you better than me. My mind is just not that expansive. Love you though.

Dan99's photo
Sun 01/22/12 04:57 AM
Every 8.37 words i used to say was a swear word, at the moment this has increased to every 5.49 words. I have recently become a dad, so i am getting my swearing in now while he is too young to understand.

no photo
Sun 01/22/12 08:24 AM
I am always curious about those who do nothing but swear for no actual reason. I know a couple of people who do that, and cannot hold everyday conversations without injecting several swears through out it. I often wonder is it just an impulse, or just a certain image they want?

Cheer_up's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:15 AM

Do you do it?

I got a list in my head of the people who I know here....I kinda wanna know.

Do you only do it under bad circumstances or do you use it all the time?

For is like using salt and pepper man. I swear WAY more in actual life than I do here. (they spank and censor here...but, that is atually a good thing)

When they say "cuss like a sailor"....that is my excuse. I served on a ship...there was alot of cussing wih 5,000 women, no alcohol. Trust me...there is cussing.

Well i see if you were on a ship and a sailer with just 5000 dudes dam and no lady's or booze you have a right to cuss lolllllll rofl must of been ruff then bro .... but me i been on a sail boat lolll but with lady's on board and a cold beer in my hand so i don't cuss much cheers :thumbsup:

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:38 AM
Edited by wux on Sun 03/18/12 11:41 AM

In general, with the exception of schn*t & Daam. In a sailor. Oh yea...does dirty bedroom talk count?

"I love ya, baby... gimme more... oh, yeah--- if you don't stop scratching my back this instant I'm going to throw you off the gddmned balcony, you azzole! Understood?!! Now... where were we??... Oh yeah... Yeah, baby, do it, I luv it when you do that... more... harder... ooo...."

Corkycat's photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:51 AM
Want to know the origins of the "F" and "C" word? They're old Anglo Saxon words which were once not classed as vulgar.

In days of old, when knights were bold he would come home from the Crusades, unlock the chastity belt and whisper in her ear...

"How I have missed thee. Are thou ready to f***, fair maid?" while carrying her off to the bed chamber...

...only to find that it had healed up to which he shouted "C***"!!!

Seriously, they are old Anglo Saxon words.

I swear a lot but only with people I know well. I won't swear infront of children or when I'm in company.

Here in the UK just about everyone cusses.

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 06:49 PM
Edited by wux on Sun 03/18/12 06:55 PM

Want to know the origins of the "F" and "C" word? They're old Anglo Saxon words which were once not classed as vulgar.

In days of old, when knights were bold he would come home from the Crusades, unlock the chastity belt and whisper in her ear...

"How I have missed thee. Are thou ready to f***, fair maid?" while carrying her off to the bed chamber...

...only to find that it had healed up to which he shouted "C***"!!!

Seriously, they are old Anglo Saxon words.

I swear a lot but only with people I know well. I won't swear infront of children or when I'm in company.

Here in the UK just about everyone cusses.

Glorious country!! Here in Toronto everyone spits. First they hark, then harken, then there is a pause of a certain length during which I clinch my fists, my jaw and my eyelids, and get as far as "Hail Ma..." then comes the patoooooiiiy.

I want to kill each and every spitter personally, with my bare hands, by making them lick up their own spittle off the sidewalk or the cashier's counter, or their children's shirt collar, and then holding it down in their throats until they stop gurgling and randomly fighting with their limbs.

Everybody spits, regardless of sex. For some reason, I find it especially disgusting when the Chula comes up deep from the throats of old, wizened, pruny little chinese ladies.

(Everyone is a lady in North America, as long as they are women. Men can't be ladies, the best they can aspire for is "queen". This is queer for a continent which has long been experimenting with egalitariasm and equality before the law (no birhtrights, but god save your skin if you're black. This is my new criticism of the USA, but I know I can't do it alone. I can't change their bigotted, racist, hateful culture all by myself. I am quite worked up about the Obama impeachment -- what about that murderous George W Bush, he was the one they should have tarred and feathered in my opinion.)


The f and the c words are pervasive all across the board of germanic languages. Anglo-saxon and English are part of them, but they can be found in German, in Dutch, Danish, etc. in smaller amounts as well. The D word is, too, and such words as woman, through, thine, angst, Angstrom, Olaf Grunglungssteinbergerblumenbaumfeldheim, and wall, eggs, in, to,... in fact, it's hard to find a sentence in any English text that has no words of old germanic origins.

wux's photo
Sun 03/18/12 06:57 PM
I cuss like a sailor when I hit my finger with a hammer, when the screwdriver's tip slips out of the screw's slot, or when find out I misspelled a word.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:37 PM
Every once in a while it is one of those OHHELL days!! lol

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 09:46 PM
Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whoa :angel: rofl rofl rofl

speedbug89's photo
Sun 03/18/12 10:05 PM
Hmm... ya i cuss mostly when im frustrated. i live alone so im much worse than i was a few years ago.

Sun 03/18/12 10:51 PM
I used to think I didn't swear at all until someone videotaped me and my bandmates. Every other word was f%^& this and f$^* that. I have since made a concious effort to not to swear,but it's not going that f%$&ing well.

no photo
Sun 03/18/12 11:54 PM
I'm not a cusser, but I have a new worker who cusses up a storm, so I have been having fun heckling him. The guys were shocked to hear me.

I've heard some do it and it fits them, others it makes them look less educated for some reason.

SanneHan's photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:09 AM
I cuss like a sailor (Thanks for giving me the correct word - right over here we usually say "like a harbor prostitute", which actually fits me better ;) ) at times... but that's usually among friends and at fitting times. I know when to hold my tongue back... But if I do, everythng's fine. It gets dangerous when I'm BEYOND cussing... and I just *LOVE* to insult people without them noticing it at first, if they really get on my nerves...

no photo
Mon 03/19/12 12:32 PM

I am always curious about those who do nothing but swear for no actual reason. I know a couple of people who do that, and cannot hold everyday conversations without injecting several swears through out it. I often wonder is it just an impulse, or just a certain image they want?

Are there only specific reasons to swear? Is there a list somewhere?

krupa's photo
Mon 03/19/12 05:26 PM

lolllllll rofl must of been ruff then bro .... but me i been on a sail boat lolll but with lady's on board and a cold beer in my hand so i don't cuss much cheers :thumbsup:

You suck!


That was funny, still sucked.


krupa's photo
Mon 03/19/12 05:28 PM

Want to know the origins of the "F" and "C" word? They're old Anglo Saxon words which were once not classed as vulgar.

In days of old, when knights were bold he would come home from the Crusades, unlock the chastity belt and whisper in her ear...

"How I have missed thee. Are thou ready to f***, fair maid?" while carrying her off to the bed chamber...

...only to find that it had healed up to which he shouted "C***"!!!

Seriously, they are old Anglo Saxon words.

I swear a lot but only with people I know well. I won't swear infront of children or when I'm in company.

Here in the UK just about everyone cusses.

You are probaly right Honey. I only know the Monty Python definition of the word "F**K".....I got it on my mp3 player and it is hilarious.

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:29 PM

lolllllll rofl must of been ruff then bro .... but me i been on a sail boat lolll but with lady's on board and a cold beer in my hand so i don't cuss much cheers :thumbsup:

You suck!


That was funny, still sucked.

rofl :thumbsup: laugh was fun there too lolll

RKISIT's photo
Mon 03/19/12 06:35 PM
I only cuss all the time but no worries people,it's only permanent

wux's photo
Mon 03/19/12 08:23 PM

I used to think I didn't swear at all until someone videotaped me and my bandmates. Every other word was f%^& this and f$^* that. I have since made a concious effort to not to swear,but it's not going that f%$&ing well.

You play for a Scottish pipes and drums band, or for a Salvation Army Streetcorner Charity band?

I heard somewhere that Johann Sebastian Bach used to say, "Gefickte heilige Maria" when his writing quill broke and made an inklbotch on his original Rosenheim-lace shirt sleeve. He had to soak it up with his white wig.