Topic: Writing less? | |
I just want to say something here about the male stereotype re: this issue. While I can't question the perception of a lot of women, to the effect that men don't like to write much in e-mails, etc., I can say this is not the case for me. Anyone who has exchanged actual e-mails with me (and there are a few on this site) can tell you that I have no compunctions about composing entire books in an e-mail. I will go on and on forever (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) if I feel it's warranted. But I'm not gonna do it for "Hi, handsome" and "How are you?" ![]() In all fairness, I should add that I'm (apparently) not a "normal guy." I don't have any shirtless pics, and I don't have any pics where I'm holding up a fish. Is it wrong that every time I see those pictures I automatically think the fish is bigger? ![]() |
what? you don't like be perceived as handsome? ![]() quite honestly I can sympathize It doesn't really make much of an impression when it comes from a total stranger who hasn't even bothered to spend the three minutes it takes to read my profile, ya know? Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of compliments. But only if they're sincere. "Hi, handsome" is not sincere. "Hi, handsome" is "I want to get your attention and I'm either too lazy or too stupid to come up with anything that might actually include some LEGITIMATE CONTENT, so I'll try to appeal to your vanity and/or ego." And that just doesn't grab me at all. hey u r hot is a regular message that I pretty much ignore I'm like....really. a mother of 4 grown kids who's about 15lbs over weight and in her 50s. I'm hot, uh-huh Right, I mean, who says that unless they have an ulterior motive? "Hey u r hot" is not exactly deep. They might as well write "Hey i m a moron." well Lex it's not that I am not an attractive woman. I think I am. I have been told I am - but it means more coming from some of my male friends who know me whereas hey ur hot - oh please - it's pretty obvious pandering for casual sex , or as u said an appeal to vanity because nothing else is there I really think it is a mistake to dole out false flattery to a woman if a man's interest is genuine - a sincere compliment is always welcome, agreed! but, Hey ur hot - maybe I'll turn down the thermostat ![]() ![]() |
I just want to say something here about the male stereotype re: this issue. While I can't question the perception of a lot of women, to the effect that men don't like to write much in e-mails, etc., I can say this is not the case for me. Anyone who has exchanged actual e-mails with me (and there are a few on this site) can tell you that I have no compunctions about composing entire books in an e-mail. I will go on and on forever (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) if I feel it's warranted. But I'm not gonna do it for "Hi, handsome" and "How are you?" ![]() In all fairness, I should add that I'm (apparently) not a "normal guy." I don't have any shirtless pics, and I don't have any pics where I'm holding up a fish. Is it wrong that every time I see those pictures I automatically think the fish is bigger? ![]() In most cases, the fish could have written a better profile, too. |
well Lex it's not that I am not an attractive woman. I think I am. I have been told I am - but it means more coming from some of my male friends who know me Well, that's how I see it, too. I mean, who CARES what some stranger 87,934 miles away thinks, someone who knows nothing about you, hasn't made any effort to know anything about you, and who is probably sending out scads of scattershot messages hoping someone will fall for the tactic? "Attractive" -- for me -- is ultimately multi-level. I can see a great profile pic, but if the text reads like an explosion in the Scrabble factory, I'm not so attracted anymore. whereas hey ur hot - oh please - it's pretty obvious pandering for casual sex , or as u said an appeal to vanity because nothing else is there It's so totally transparent. And it's hard for me to believe that anyone ever actually falls for that, but....well, they're still tossing this drivel out there, so it must be working for somebody. I really think it is a mistake to dole out false flattery to a woman if a man's interest is genuine - a sincere compliment is always welcome, agreed! The key word being "sincere," and I'd just as soon avoid the whole boilerplate cliche-fest that seems to dominate the e-mails I've been getting recently. but, Hey ur hot - maybe I'll turn down the thermostat ![]() ![]() It's only been about the last 3 or 4 years that anyone ever told me I was hot. Where were they when I was younger? |
Just curious, if a guy writes less than you do in emails does that mean he doesn't care to get to know you better? ![]() |
He only likes to talk at night it seems too. Just want to add that in there.
well Lex it's not that I am not an attractive woman. I think I am. I have been told I am - but it means more coming from some of my male friends who know me Well, that's how I see it, too. I mean, who CARES what some stranger 87,934 miles away thinks, someone who knows nothing about you, hasn't made any effort to know anything about you, and who is probably sending out scads of scattershot messages hoping someone will fall for the tactic? "Attractive" -- for me -- is ultimately multi-level. I can see a great profile pic, but if the text reads like an explosion in the Scrabble factory, I'm not so attracted anymore. whereas hey ur hot - oh please - it's pretty obvious pandering for casual sex , or as u said an appeal to vanity because nothing else is there It's so totally transparent. And it's hard for me to believe that anyone ever actually falls for that, but....well, they're still tossing this drivel out there, so it must be working for somebody. I really think it is a mistake to dole out false flattery to a woman if a man's interest is genuine - a sincere compliment is always welcome, agreed! The key word being "sincere," and I'd just as soon avoid the whole boilerplate cliche-fest that seems to dominate the e-mails I've been getting recently. but, Hey ur hot - maybe I'll turn down the thermostat ![]() ![]() It's only been about the last 3 or 4 years that anyone ever told me I was hot. Where were they when I was younger? ![]() the messages are a sorting process - that's nothing new really...but as far as the OP goes - I'd say how much someone writes probably has more to do with that person than their gender - to an extent anyway In my experience guys will write a little more as time goes on if we decide to keep in touch |
Just curious, if a guy writes less than you do in emails does that mean he doesn't care to get to know you better? ![]() Bingo. But I think that can both ways. It takes two to tango so to speak. It could mean though that he is better with oral communication than the written word. For example, my dad had the gift of gab when he was talking about inconsequential matters. But when he had to get technical his writing and oral skills regressed because he had to think more about what he had to say than just saying it through talking or the written word. And then some people just don't have that much to say. I know if something peaks my interest or curiosity it can have an effect on my written or oral conversations. For example, I have just recently got tired of playing with my operating system and am having fun using it. Bleeding edge operating systems and stable operating system seem to have this dichotomy to them of newer not always being better I have found. |
I like to break things and am always impressed with things that I can't break. I think that is why dad gave me the anvil and told me not to break it.
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Edited by
Wed 12/21/11 06:55 PM
Just curious, if a guy writes less than you do in emails does that mean he doesn't care to get to know you better? ![]() It means a number of possible completely incongruent things as the real reason for his reticence, and we and I and you and nobody can tell what it means. And you knew that before you asked the question. And you are probably right, if your question is a rhetoric-like one, but only probably right, with some amount of probability. Actually I truly didn't know, that is why I posed the question. Though, I did have some curious ideas on what it might be. Always nice to get a few perspectives still. ![]() Time to read some Nom Chomski or take time out to figure it out on your own: 1. Language is not itself. 2. You and I and everyone else constantly makes judgments and general opinions. The idea is to update them as one goes along. You can't have a "null" concept of someone else after even a few moments together or reading a few of her lines. You must have some sort of concept of her. If she forces you to change your mental model of her, you do that. 3. Cultural hypes sometimes oppress good, functioning and very helpful psychological/lingual/conceptual tools and weapons a person uses in making sense of his or her immediate (or distant) environment. We now frown at "generalizing" but this is stupid to cast all generalizations away. I wish we would understand each other's generalizations as though they had been introduced by the phrase, "generally speaking", which allows for exceptions. Since all general descriptions fit under a bell curve it is not at all sinful to generalize, as long as all involved realize that the generalizing concpet is applicable in only a large number of cases, but not all. 1. In fact, there used to be a movement in philosophy, by a group whose members called themselves "natural language philosophers". These people realized that while language can be made exact, and precise, it is not possible in all cases, and in some cases a speaker or a listener has to compensate for imprecisions in the text. On the other hand, imprecisions are likely to be misunderstood by those whose associative processes were different from those of the speaker. The upshot is a stylistic system in a language where precision and poetry of the language, exactitude and immense reliance on metaphoric expressions, are in a mix that is most easily comprehensible for a reader or listener to understand the meaning to be conveyed by the speach or text. It also means that it is futile to aim at perfect understanding of the intended meaning of the text, as there will always be a thread of target-hit discrepancies between any given text (target) and any listener or speaker's understanding of it (hit or miss). |
Is it wrong that every time I see those pictures I automatically think the fish is bigger?
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I like to break things and am always impressed with things that I can't break. I think that is why dad gave me the anvil and told me not to break it. ![]() My dad gave me a will. Which is sort of the same thing as getting An Vil from him. |
He only likes to talk at night it seems too. Just want to add that in there. ![]() |
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Wed 12/21/11 07:29 PM
no, it means he is a guy... ^^This. If he's not interested, he'll stop emailing completely. |
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Wed 12/21/11 07:38 PM
He only likes to talk at night it seems too. Just want to add that in there. ![]() Yeah. Its always around the same time too. Sometimes an hour later or so. lol I think its weird that I find that the most predictable. |
I like to break things and am always impressed with things that I can't break. I think that is why dad gave me the anvil and told me not to break it. ![]() My dad gave me a will. Which is sort of the same thing as getting An Vil from him. True. I have heard if there is a will there is a way. Which does go along with the topic quite nicely. ![]() |
It means he's guy=I don't know what that means. You guys tell us not to think in stereotypes yet I keep seeing stuff like that from girlfriends and the such. Ok here it is, I’ll try to explain... Women and men communicate differently. It has been studied and proven that women (in general) do use more words in a day than most men. (Though not significantly more.) The big difference comes when men feel (whether warranted or not) a change in the direction of the conversation or on a more personal level, the relationship. Women tend to want to talk through problems and men seem to pull back. (withdraw). Also if it is a subject that men don’t really want to talk about, or care about, they will show you their disinterest by giving you short but to the point answers to get away from a topic. It’s not unlike when a woman asks her husband how his day was. Men, in general will simply reply with an overview, or grade if you will, “ahhh work is work”, or something like,” it was ok”. Women on the other hand will actually tell you details of their day and explain to you why it was good or bad. While it may take you two paragraphs to explain something or to get your point across the guy you are talking to may only feel the need for a few words and as a guy sees all the other stuff as unimportant, even though it leaves room for you to have to fill in the blanks. In his mind there are no blanks. It boils down to the different ways we draw attachments; emotionally, romantically, platonically, it makes little difference, we are just wired differently. Then again, it could be (in your case) that he really wants more than “as friends” with you and this is how he is dealing with the realization that you are not interested. Remember, he is a guy and therefore has a male ego. Which when it comes right down to it, are far more fragile than most of us will EVER admit. Hmm, I do like this insight. Yet again, just because I am female I am being lumped in with other women you may know based on your personal experience. While it is true women, not all enjoy long spurts of talking about shady topics, doesn't make it the trademark trait. I tend to not go that route unless he wants to chat about it as well or he brings it into the discussion. I really don't care to chat about my problems either. LOL That's what blogs/girlfriends and family are for. I am trying to get to know people so doing that may scare them away. I'm more than likely open to talking about music, art history, old/modern movies and the like. I really don't get too personal with people in the beginning stages of getting my feet wet. The overview I am assuming is men stating things in facts? I've heard of this before. You forgot to say, "the women I've met." Again, that isn't me. I won't go into long diatribes of my day's events. I will most likely sum it up as if it were a lead before the article. He may or may not what to hear the whole thing. Based on what he says next I'll give my take and so on. Yeah, being so different will and eternally make things a lot more challenging than need be. Won't stop me from my inquisitive nature popping up in the meantime. Who knows? With the distance it would be a little more trying to be conducting anything beyond more than an amiable acquaintance. I leave things up to chance sometimes. I feel like nothing is more malleable than the male bravado. Hmmm, you really took offence at that? Did you miss the words “in general”? I’m not sure how you interpreted anything I said as directly pertaining to you. I was speaking in terms of typical. I guess I didn’t realize the need to explain that typical does not mean all inclusive. I didn’t forget to say “the women I’ve met” because this has nothing to do with my personal experience. It is based on research and yes, stereotypes. Nowhere in here did I say you personally did this or that, or that, because you are a woman you ramble on incessantly; I was merely offering an explanation aimed at his responses to you and measuring them against the widely accepted differences between the sexes when it comes to communication. My third paragraph was hypothetical; since I don’t know either of you and I am not privy to your emails, all I have to go on is the limited information you gave. So again, I was calling upon the research groups and their findings. (women talk to build relationships: men talk to report information) I was not in any way, shape or form finding fault or passing blame here, I’m sorry you took it that way and felt the need to defend yourself. |
Hmmm, you really took offence at that? Did you miss the words “in general”? I’m not sure how you interpreted anything I said as directly pertaining to you. I was speaking in terms of typical. I guess I didn’t realize the need to explain that typical does not mean all inclusive. I didn’t forget to say “the women I’ve met” because this has nothing to do with my personal experience. It is based on research and yes, stereotypes. Nowhere in here did I say you personally did this or that, or that, because you are a woman you ramble on incessantly; I was merely offering an explanation aimed at his responses to you and measuring them against the widely accepted differences between the sexes when it comes to communication. My third paragraph was hypothetical; since I don’t know either of you and I am not privy to your emails, all I have to go on is the limited information you gave. So again, I was calling upon the research groups and their findings. (women talk to build relationships: men talk to report information) I was not in any way, shape or form finding fault or passing blame here, I’m sorry you took it that way and felt the need to defend yourself. Not really taken offense just the way you worded it was funny. And since I can't hear you and this is the internet you have to explain what you mean. Well typical could also mean "in your words/opinion" as well. What you're "used" to. Typical also ties in with certain stereotypes. I was just saying since the word of choice you've used more than others is "I" meaning you're deriving what you say from personal experience to offer advice from. It just sounds like it to me. What kind of research is this? Maybe a source would be nice. A link? A book? This could clear up the confusion in the beginning and make sure you were really being general as opposed to just offering your take on the subject. Which is great too. But you were bringing stats into this so it requires a lot more than you presented. Again, I'd like to see this somewhere. I want to believe this but for right now I'll view it as its just your opinion without facts. I just want to understand you better. Not feeling you passed direct blame. Just some of what you said may need to be slightly explained since I'm learning this thing as I go. |
Edited by
Wed 12/21/11 11:45 PM
Just curious, if a guy writes less than you do in emails does that mean he doesn't care to get to know you better? ![]() I'll parrot what some here have already brought up. I think, in general, women are the chattier, more wordy bunch, but there are exceptions to the rule I do acknowledge (so don't pounce on me). In your specific situation, without us knowing exactly what has gone on between you two in these emails, it's really hard to say. It could be he's had a long day at work and isn't in the mood to ponder the meaning of life, or maybe he's chatting up five other women at the time and trying to juggle that, who knows? Probably be better to ask him. Some people tend to over-analyze things But the other day i called him on something that offended me and he came crawling back even though i was almost done talking to him. I think if you're to the point that you're almost done talking with him, your original question is moot. May as well give him the cold shoulder now. It might be fun to see if he tries to kiss up to you again to try and win your favor. The poor sap |
no, it means he is a guy... ^^This. If he's not interested, he'll stop emailing completely. I think its already in the process of being stopped. Funny I pretty much thought things were going back to normal. |