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Topic: 60% Think Government Encourages Illegal Immigration
msharmony's photo
Tue 12/20/11 05:22 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 12/20/11 05:25 PM
Im sure

I suggest going after the motivation, the employers, make it more of an expense to hire illegals by forcing them to pay the illegals for work performed (before deporting them)


also pay to the government the reasonable wage for the job for all hours the immigrant worked



employers would think twice about going to illegals if it wasnt going to make them any profit and was going to cost them money instead...

Lpdon's photo
Tue 12/20/11 06:48 PM
You have to make the reward not worth the risk and you make the risk a real RISK not a slap on the wrist.

actionlynx's photo
Tue 12/20/11 06:53 PM
Like a criminal charge as an accessory to commit fraud?

Lpdon's photo
Tue 12/20/11 07:06 PM

Like a criminal charge as an accessory to commit fraud?

No, first you get rid of the Anchor Baby law and creat a law stating if you EVER get caught trying to enter the US illegally or if your caught in the US illegally you can NEVER be able to obtain citizenship, EVER.

Second you build a 3 level fence with barb wire, motion sensors cctv cameras and guard posts with snipers in every tower.

Then you allow the National Guard to patrol the border. You also transfer 30 or so UAV's with tunnel detecting capability to the Border Patrol and have non stop 24/7 flights across the border looking for illegals trying to cross.

Also you increase the Coast Guards fleet, manpower and give them the ability to check whatever vessel they deem necessary when they try to enter our ports looking for trafficking of people and drugs.

Also you give the Border Patrol Agents more flexibility to use deadly force if someone tries to fight or run when they stop them.

The you pass a series of laws and create "Hard Time" prisons just for illegals. Make them out in the middle of the desert and the inmates will have to do hard labor 10 hours a day and no luxuries like TV or radio. Anyone caught in the country illegally, entereing the country illegally or helping someone stay in the country ilegally will have to do LONG sentances in one of these prisons before being deported. Also every time your convicted of being in this country illegally your sentance will double in one of these prisons.

Also pass an English is the official language bill and not change our ways to make it easier for people to take advantage of us, if they come here they will speak our language and respect our customs or go home. Also to become a citizen they will have to be fluent in English.

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