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Topic: Hurt me if you can.
barun1959's photo
Tue 11/22/11 12:19 PM
When some body pokes stick into my open wound I feel hurt.
Though I think feeling hurt due to others action reflects our
own poor/weak mental state.
What causes you feel hurt? explode

pyxxie13's photo
Tue 11/22/11 12:28 PM
I get upset when there are empty promises. Someones word is very important to me. :angry:

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/22/11 12:32 PM

Though I think feeling hurt due to others action reflects our
own poor/weak mental state.

Yes and no. Yes, it is a refelction of your own poor/weak mental state (I would have used the term "ego") if you are easily hurt by others. Unkind remarks or finding out that others don't like me rarely hurts me because I have matured past worrying about those things.

However, if you spouse suddenly wakes up one day and says, "I no longer love you and I"m leaving" or a parent says to a child, "You are worthless" then I think that would hurt. And, the pain would not be a reflection yof your poor/weak mental state.

BenniRed's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:26 PM
Being lied to/deceived.

wux's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:42 PM
Edited by wux on Tue 11/22/11 01:44 PM

I get upset when there are empty promises. Someones word is very important to me. :angry:

Pyxxie, assuming that poking a stick into an open would of yours hurts you, assuming you agree with the opening post; then what would happen if somebody promised to poke you in your open wound, but never did?

Would you feel hurt, due to a promise not kept, or would you feel pleasant, due to the lack of physical hurt?


Edit: here I used "promise" as every threat is a promise of something nasty to happen. A threat is not a promise of something good to happen, but it is a promise nevertheless.

josie68's photo
Tue 11/22/11 01:50 PM
Lot's of things can hurt me temporarily, however when i push aside my injured feelings It's easy to let it go. it's normally only that my ideals have not been met by someone .
Being hurts a part of life, accept it and enjoy it, it makes it heaps easier

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Tue 11/22/11 02:40 PM
i think the thing that hurts me the most is when people say the meanest things too u u try an forgive them but then they do it too you again i been through that all my life i guess that is the part of life

krupa's photo
Tue 11/22/11 04:36 PM
I ain't smart enough to realize when people are being insulting to me. So, It rarely happens with me. But, when it does, I just tell them that they are short, fat and hairy...that shuts em up.


no photo
Tue 11/22/11 04:40 PM

I ain't smart enough to realize when people are being insulting to me. So, It rarely happens with me. But, when it does, I just tell them that they are short, fat and hairy...that shuts em up.

what's wrong with short and hairy? huh

krupa's photo
Tue 11/22/11 04:45 PM
You look like Abe Lincoln.

He may have freed the slaves but, I don't think he had alot groupies.

no photo
Tue 11/22/11 04:54 PM
well, I may not free the slaves, but I got a lot of groupies.

krupa's photo
Tue 11/22/11 04:55 PM
That' true. Wasn't sure if you were payng attention. :)

Tulareman's photo
Wed 11/23/11 01:22 AM
I have been hurt all my 58 years on this earth. I have learned to get over things easy and move on.

catgo65's photo
Wed 11/23/11 05:29 AM
I try and surround myself with positive and joyful people, therefore negative and hurtful words shouldn't be a part of happier people's lives. I stay far away from drama!!

barun1959's photo
Wed 11/23/11 11:07 AM

Though I think feeling hurt due to others action reflects our
own poor/weak mental state.

Yes and no. Yes, it is a refelction of your own poor/weak mental state (I would have used the term "ego") if you are easily hurt by others. Unkind remarks or finding out that others don't like me rarely hurts me because I have matured past worrying about those things.

However, if you spouse suddenly wakes up one day and says, "I no longer love you and I"m leaving" or a parent says to a child, "You are worthless" then I think that would hurt. And, the pain would not be a reflection yof your poor/weak mental state.

A strong mental person, even after getting hurt will search for the reason. smokin

barun1959's photo
Wed 11/23/11 11:33 AM

I get upset when there are empty promises. Someones word is very important to me. :angry:

How many of us can claim our selves a man of a word ? explode

no photo
Wed 11/23/11 12:25 PM

When some body pokes stick into my open wound I feel hurt.
Though I think feeling hurt due to others action reflects our
own poor/weak mental state.
What causes you feel hurt? explode

Being alone all the time, sometimes.

krupa's photo
Wed 11/23/11 04:18 PM
I think that maybe the truest statement I have ever read Lex.

krupa's photo
Wed 11/23/11 04:22 PM

I get upset when there are empty promises. Someones word is very important to me. :angry:

How many of us can claim our selves a man of a word ? explode

Raises hand...


Just ask me.....I'll tell you all about it. But it is better to just live as a man who is a man of his word.

no photo
Wed 11/23/11 04:29 PM
I think we choose what kind of person to be early in life - and as we mature strengthen that path

the path to hurt or not to hurt

it is a choice - which one you will be

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