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Topic: Have the people you've met here...
no photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:03 PM
been the same in person as they are on here? Or were they different than you expected?

soufiehere's photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:26 PM
8 = Dead on.
2 = So different from their personas
that I am still not past it.

delilady's photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:29 PM
I have only met a few but they were who they portrayed themselves to be here.

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:32 PM
I have not dated anyone who I knew all that well beforehand except once, he was as expected as far as his persona, but so different from his photo that I nearly walked right past him

the rest - I really had no expectation as we hadn't talked that much anyway

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:52 PM
I met one person from here last December, and she was exactly the same person as she is on line. Which was a pleasant surprise, because that has not been the case with most of the people I've met from other sites.

The only other person I've ever met in person who used this site was one of my exes who signed up here to contact me back in 2007, but I had known her since 1999.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:07 PM

been the same in person as they are on here? Or were they different than you expected?

I've met no one from this site yet, people I've met on other sites have been about 50/50 so far.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:10 PM
i met a few some were right on some i was kind of shock they seem little diffeent

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:15 PM
I look nothing like my photos that I've posted to be honest, you wouldnt recognise me. They have been enhanced in photoshop a bit and they were taken when I was a bit younger and in good lightingblushing

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:19 PM

I look nothing like my photos that I've posted to be honest, you wouldnt recognise me. They have been enhanced in photoshop a bit and they were taken when I was a bit younger and in good lightingblushing

so you arent really THAT sexy?? laugh

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:21 PM

been the same in person as they are on here? Or were they different than you expected?

i've met 2 people from mingle...

1 of which was EXACTLY as he presented him self and we are really great friends. He's such a sweetheart and is SO concerned about my health (been sick for over a month for those who didnt know)... wouldn't trade his friendship for the world

the other faked his way thru almost a year before revealing his true colors, but i suppose that could have happened with someone i met in person...

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:21 PM
I've met six people here. 3 I didn't know so well, but when compared to the way they posted here, they were just like I thought they'd be.

The other 3 I had gotten to know well before meeting and they were just as I expected.

Everyone looked like their pictures as well.

JustSomeNerd's photo
Sun 09/25/11 08:24 PM
Met one person as a friend here twice. She was exactly as she presented herself.

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 09:34 PM
I met 6 people at a get together last March and they were all pretty much the way they are out for Krupa laugh

josie68's photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:22 AM
Only met one and he is exactly the same in person..

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:24 AM
Good to hear that most are being themselves here.

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:31 AM
In 2009 I did a car trip across country and met up with 5 people from here and all but one was what I expected, the other one just looked different... We had a blast!!!bigsmile

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:32 AM
I guess I have been lucky to have met people who looked like their photos for the most part? I've used another site for actual dating and even they all looked like their pictures. One guy lied about his height, which was silly, but that was about it.

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:35 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Mon 09/26/11 05:35 AM

I guess I have been lucky to have met people who looked like their photos for the most part? I've used another site for actual dating and even they all looked like their pictures. One guy lied about his height, which was silly, but that was about it.

height, I hear, is the number one lying point for gents.

I'm not a tall person, so height doesn't really matter for me. But, he was a little shorter than me, yet lied and said he was taller. How silly is that?

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 05:55 AM

Most are the same. One was the same in personality but used a picture that he didnt look like anymore, still, not a problem there. I appreciated his honesty outside the old photo.

One was pure lies. old photo, old lies. lies lies lies, like he was addicted to lies. When I started discovering the lies he started calling me a biotch. And that was the end haha. He would have continued seeing me forever, as long as I let him lie. I runed it.

I had an ex like that once too - I'd prolly still be seeing if I continued to let him get away with lieing and playing games, but ya, no thanks & he is not anyone from mingle BTW

tried to resolve those issues a few times but ya, he'd get hostile if I confronted him so it sounds to me more like you didn't ruin anything, you got out from under

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 06:00 AM

I guess I have been lucky to have met people who looked like their photos for the most part? I've used another site for actual dating and even they all looked like their pictures. One guy lied about his height, which was silly, but that was about it.

I have had that happen, and we met for pizza so fortunately I was not in heels....silly thing is, he was about 5-6 or 5-7, I am only 5-5, and just under that really - more like 5-4 & 3/4. So I am not tiny but I am at a height where most guys won't have to worry about it

kinda ironic - he was such a nice person tho that I let it slide as an insecurity (his) but I am glad I was in flats - we had a nice time - went for a walk, had pizza & watched a movie

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