Topic: What is the kinkest thing you would do...
TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 11:17 AM
yeah cool whip any where on her body but down south cus theres a detour
down there

TheShadow's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:14 PM
Lmao Terranceo, what you afriad of getting a little extra treat.

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:20 PM
Shadow, apparently he doesn't like pie!! Home is where the pie is!!


no photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:28 PM
where have you been young lady? Did you get my e-mail?

By the way keep talking about home and pie and we will need to
correspond even more. :-)

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:30 PM
naw peep this yall my first 10yrs ago we were together for a year it was
all good then 8mths in to the relationship she started getting yeast
infections you could smell the bitch threw her clothes that what made me
not want to that shit at all that was when i was 18yrs old now im 28yrs
old i think im starting to get a taste for it even though ive never done
it one of my fantizys is to do that with her panties on im a little

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:30 PM
naw peep this yall my first 10yrs ago we were together for a year it was
all good then 8mths in to the relationship she started getting yeast
infections you could smell the bitch threw her clothes that what made me
not want to that shit at all that was when i was 18yrs old now im 28yrs
old i think im starting to get a taste for it even though ive never done
it one of my fantizys is to do that with her panties on im a little

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:31 PM
so she didn't have pie...she was baking a loaf of bread!!


chica42ny's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:33 PM
Hey we learning how to bake here or what?

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:36 PM
man she was nasty but she was my first i scare a lot of women of women
off when i tell them that fantazy

TheShadow's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:49 PM
Terranceo,I would hate to see how you would be if you got hooked up with
a woman. Now that I think about it he probably would be clawing at the
door yelling for help. LMAO

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 06:57 PM
anymotherfucking ways some feamales dont even like that shit any that
was me asking for adivice from the ladys my name isnt gay ermon bitch

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:03 PM
It's not for everybody Terrance no biggie...sorry, we were all sortof
poking fun. Some women don't take good care of themselves. That's just
a fact, and if there is something like that going on with her, it's not
normal. I have no doubt being that young and having that sort of
experience would turn anybody off.


TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:05 PM
salvation jane i was just trying to see if im wrong for wanting to learn
but taking it slow cus ive never done it

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:13 PM
first and foremost be sure you are with a woman you have taken the time
to really get to know. Regardless, remember there shouldn't be anything
that smells "foul" there...if there is it ain't right and she has a
problem. Oral sex is a very intimate thing to do between two people as
is sex in general so be sure you are doing it with someone whom you
really care for and trust. If you have established caring and trust you
should be able to talk and be open with each other about anything.
That's the key to not only a good relationship, but sex within the
relationship as well.


TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:17 PM
yeah but i still dont know if im ready i was almost forced to do it one
time and i snapped on that girl

SalvationJane's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:21 PM
If that happened, you're not with the right girl. And if it's something
you aren't interested in then f*ck it. don't do it. There are so many
other ways to please a woman. My ex was the only man that I truly
enjoyed sharing that with. I'm not big on it. Don't worry about it, if
and when you are ready and the time is right you will know and more than
likely that will be because you found the one that's really right for


TheShadow's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:43 PM
Sorry Terranceo, Was just playing. When your ready you'll know in do

But I can tell you this. It can really be some fun. 69 hum

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:39 PM
you shouldn't even have to give the ole 2 finger test but to smell it
through the clothes is pretty nasty. i don't blame you terrence, i
wouldn't have either. if you ever find someone that you can do it with
it is a good experience but it is not something you should do if you
don't feel comfortable with.

has anyone ever tossed someones salad? lol is it really like lickin a
lifesaver? lol i'm sorry i just thought of that and i had to let it out
so i could quit laughing and let it go.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:47 PM
kingbreeze: didn't know they made brown lifesavers....LOL

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:48 PM
lol...don't mind me i'm just a little warped, that's all