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Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 3
luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:26 AM

Why Am I The biotchy last to post in this Biotchy place?
Look at the biotchy times.

We both biotchy posted at the same biotchy time.


You biotchy owe me a biotchy Coke!

What is a biotchy coke my biotchiness???
It is a biotchy drink, that they biotchy sell in the biotchy village for 2 shillings.

I must biotchy try it then
Only biotchy royalty can buy it, its so biotchy expensive.

When I die, you shall biotchy drink Coke TXbiotch!

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:31 AM

Why Am I The biotchy last to post in this Biotchy place?
Look at the biotchy times.

We both biotchy posted at the same biotchy time.


You biotchy owe me a biotchy Coke!

What is a biotchy coke my biotchiness???
It is a biotchy drink, that they biotchy sell in the biotchy village for 2 shillings.

I must biotchy try it then
Only biotchy royalty can buy it, its so biotchy expensive.

When I die, you shall biotchy drink Coke TXbiotch!

Well biotchy damn....I will have to biotchy wait then

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:40 AM

Why Am I The biotchy last to post in this Biotchy place?
Look at the biotchy times.

We both biotchy posted at the same biotchy time.


You biotchy owe me a biotchy Coke!

What is a biotchy coke my biotchiness???
It is a biotchy drink, that they biotchy sell in the biotchy village for 2 shillings.

I must biotchy try it then
Only biotchy royalty can buy it, its so biotchy expensive.

When I die, you shall biotchy drink Coke TXbiotch!

Well biotchy damn....I will have to biotchy wait then
It shant be very biotchy long...

I am biotchy falling apart, more each biotchy day.

Im just biotchy hoping to make it to the end of next biotchy week.

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:48 AM
Your biotchiness shall live forever

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 10:53 AM
With the wizard in the sky, but not biothchy here.

My clock is biotchy ticking.

Im not out of the biotchy woods yet.

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:08 AM
well no one is promised tomorrow

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:23 AM
Did you biotchy know you can only nudge 10 times in a row?

Wt biotchy hell???

no photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:24 AM
You might biotchy know that I basnastardly know that........:wink:

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:26 AM
I am pretty biotchy sure that you do biotchy know that blushing

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:44 AM

well no one is promised tomorrow
True, biotchy true.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:46 AM

Did you biotchy know you can only nudge 10 times in a row?

Wt biotchy hell???
Its just one more biotchy way, for "you know who" to be biotchy!

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:46 AM
But I am biotchy glad that you have not biotchy left our biotchy world biotchy yet

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 11:47 AM

Did you biotchy know you can only nudge 10 times in a row?

Wt biotchy hell???
Its just one more biotchy way, for "you know who" to be biotchy!

It sure the biotchy hell is

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 11/12/11 01:23 PM
are you biotches getting ready for my biotchy birthday? You've only a month and a half left. I'll be 30 on 12/20. drinker :banana:

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:33 PM

are you biotches getting ready for my biotchy birthday? You've only a month and a half left. I'll be 30 on 12/20. drinker :banana:
OMG, I biotchy feel so biotchy old now!

luv2roknroll's photo
Sat 11/12/11 04:35 PM

The royal biotchy dog Boogiebiotch, wants biotchy snuggle time,


I shall be in my biotchy chambers with the biotchy biotch.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 11/12/11 05:48 PM

are you biotches getting ready for my biotchy birthday? You've only a month and a half left. I'll be 30 on 12/20. drinker :banana:

I'll still be 25 on 12/20. :angel:

txmomof2's photo
Sat 11/12/11 05:51 PM
what happens when a biotch falls for a basnastard?

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 11/12/11 05:56 PM

With the wizard in the sky, but not biothchy here.

My clock is biotchy ticking.

Im not out of the biotchy woods yet.

Soon enough, you'll be DEEPER in the woods.....with log cabins, cows, horseses, squirreleses, deereses and making your own yarn. Well, ok......more trees and some random critters....

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 11/12/11 05:57 PM

what happens when a biotch falls for a basnastard?

She moves to Pittsburgh. laugh

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