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Topic: Was I wrong to say this?
eileena9's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:13 PM

Try to snag that string cheese again and you gonna take back a bloody stump!!


EXACTLY!!!!rant .....laugh laugh

Believe me, sometimes my sister wants slap the crap out of her son too but NO ONE else is supposed to feel that way about him.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:16 PM
I'd like to say that he will regret it later but actually the memory
will undoubtedly fade in the haze of thousands of Nintendo games....


msharmony's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:20 PM
I think sharing is the buyers perogative and should never be assumed to be an 'entitlement' by others, regardless of relationship or reason.

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:23 PM
i think you were WAY more patient about it then i would be, eileena!

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:23 PM

I think sharing is the buyers perogative and should never be assumed to be an 'entitlement' by others, regardless of relationship or reason.

where's the "like" button when you need it? lol

eileena9's photo
Mon 08/29/11 06:32 PM

I think sharing is the buyers perogative and should never be assumed to be an 'entitlement' by others, regardless of relationship or reason.

where's the "like" button when you need it? lol

I keep looking for that button too!!laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 08/29/11 07:28 PM
eileena9 I agree with Krupa about your sister not raising her kids to be respectful of others property. It is only common courtesy to ask before taking something that is not yours. You did the right thing, after all family is family and if you can't be honest about something like this with them who can you.

krupa's photo
Mon 08/29/11 07:55 PM
Edited by krupa on Mon 08/29/11 08:01 PM

You need to break it down for your sister. If she thinks she and her sex trophies got at free pass...they are wrong. NO ONE RIDES FOR FREE!!!

She spawned with a tragic loser and humped out some nose mining little hellions with no concept of gratitude or respect....that is her failure. How dare she throw her lack of parental skills your way. If you take it...you are in the wrong.

Personally, I would put the boots to her, her worthless husband then beat the rest of them out of the house with the heaviest belt I got.

But, you won't.

Just saying, it is an option that ANY cop or sherriffs deputy would agree with.

I don't care if it IS your sister with her brood....she is showing you ZERO respect. If you can take that cause she is blood....I can't ever agree.

Blood means MORE respect........you give less respect to people at convenience stores. If she wants to talk down to you for her fat f*king kids....put em aside.

That is how my family does it. You give respect or f**k you.

eileena9's photo
Mon 08/29/11 08:19 PM
Edited by eileena9 on Mon 08/29/11 08:21 PM
After I told her son "no" for the iced tea and cheese, she turned around and said to her son "well there is sandwich meat so I can make you a ham and cheese sandwich!!".....Mom looked at her and said under her breathe "your SISTER brought the sandwich meat too." But there was plenty of that for them to eat so I didn't mindlaugh

I have told my sister that I don't buy food so I can throw it out so if they take it they better eat it...and asking the homeowner if they can go into the fridge and get something is only polite, my sister is older than me so she doesn't like when I correct her kids (she's older and knows "better" than me)...tough crap, I told her 16 yr old that the next time she sneaks out of the house at 1am when I am house-sitting them, I will call the police on her 21 yr old boyfriend. I don't think she will try that again. (That happened about a month ago...and my daughter and I brought our own food that weekend too, so we didn't eat their food)

no photo
Tue 08/30/11 02:06 AM
Honey you did the right thing. Your sister is doing a grave injustice to her own kids raising them like that. I have experienced that with my exes two son (that I helped raise for 10 years) I would buy things for my son (who was a toddler at the time) and my ungrateful spoiled stepsons(who learned their actions form their parents before I came into the picture, and lived with their mom)would not eat just soem potato chips, But the whole damn bag in one siting. I tried to explain to them that if they were hungry to make a sandwich and eat it, heat up a can of soup or pop a bag of popcorn. Instead their idea was to take an entire box of cookies and eat everyone of them, then move onto the next thing that struck their fancy.
I hope you don't get stuck in that situation again. I feel for you. I know you have a generous heart, But it is really tiresome and a pain when you buy something for your child and they never get a chance at it because of spoiled little brats.

oldhippie1952's photo
Tue 08/30/11 02:42 AM
You did the right thing eileena. Your sister has issues and should of brought her own string cheese (whatever the heck that is). Even your mom commented on it!

no photo
Tue 08/30/11 04:07 AM

I think you were absolutely right!!! It's one thing to share when you have it to give...it's another for others to take advantage of your kindness. I can't really blame the kids, but your sister should have understood and taught them not to waste (especially what belongs to others) and not help themselves.

As far as your sister goes (like I would have said to my sister in this situation), she should have bought her own food to contribute, as well.

You were nice enough to share but they took advantage and should have be thankful and she shouldn't have said anything to in the negative.

On that note...my sister is the type that will give and give and let people walk all over her. She hates confrontation at all cost (even when it costs her)...I don't put up with it. If someone doesn't have enough courtesy, then I will let them know how I feel and put my foot down.

Good for you and stick to your guns. If they don't like it, you tell them to talk to me laugh . I hope you are safe!!!!!

PS...I think sometimes family will take advantage of other members of the family because they are blood. Still does make it right though IMO

OK, Grandma, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eat all your eggs ^.^

no photo
Tue 08/30/11 06:04 AM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Tue 08/30/11 06:10 AM
your sister was out of line, but I think it's good to remember that family visits can be be stressful and that one even more so because of the hurricane

your mom should prolly talk to your sister about bringing snacks to the next gathering

as it was your food, you were well within your bounds to tell them that they could not have a second serving of anything if the first serving had been wasted

eileena9's photo
Tue 08/30/11 12:26 PM

You did the right thing eileena. Your sister has issues and should of brought her own string cheese (whatever the heck that is). Even your mom commented on it!

String cheese is a stick of mozzerella cheese wrapped individually for snacks. It's the easy way to get kids some calcium without fighting them.:wink:

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 08/30/11 12:54 PM
is string cheese really worth all this discussion? I mean the storm killed 40 people and millions are without power, and you are worried about string cheese?


$.02 drinker

eileena9's photo
Tue 08/30/11 01:10 PM
Edited by eileena9 on Tue 08/30/11 01:11 PM
The discussion was about whether I should have said anything to my sister's children over them being rude and taking and wasting food, it just so happened that this happened the weekend of the storm.

If I wanted to talk about the destruction and loss of life, I would have posted something in "News, and current events" not the "General" Discussion area. I have family members who are still without power so I know all about the horrors of this storm.

actionlynx's photo
Tue 08/30/11 01:35 PM
Edited by actionlynx on Tue 08/30/11 01:37 PM
Actually yes, it is worth the discussion.

This sort of behavior is more common than many might believe. In fact, this is why at some get-togethers my friends and I began charging an entrance fee. Too many people come to enjoy the hospitality, but they bring nothing to contribute or offer to help clean up afterwards. Several will go snooping through cabinets, pantry, and fridge when stuff begins to run low rather than even asking first. And permission given once is often taken to be an invitation for "at will". The fact that this happened during a hurricane is besides the point. It is the rudeness and disrespect of others, especially family in this case, that is in question here.

Consider what might happen if that food needed to last 10 days to 2 weeks because many areas (like here in Connecticut) are expected to be without power for that long? Many businesses are without power up here. People are struggling just to find coffee, let alone a place to buy food right now. Over 90% of the stores and restaurants in my area are closed for business - which means you can't buy food without driving dozens of miles. Over 95% of the gas stations are closed - which means you can't afford to drive all over looking for gas and food. So "piggish" behavior during this time could actually go beyond just being rude. It could cause bigger issues.

I think Eileen had every right to speak her mind to her sister. After all, if she didn't say anything, how does she expect anything to change? Maybe it won't, but at least the problem was put forth and brought to attention. If her sister can't respect that, then next time I say padlock everything that isn't "up for grabs".

vet1's photo
Tue 08/30/11 06:58 PM
I think u did the right thing, I also am not down with the wasting of food. Ur sister should have brought food for kids, i dont mind sharing but I hate wasting!!!!! mad

delilady's photo
Tue 08/30/11 07:15 PM
Your sister is not doing her children any favors by not teaching them to respect others and their property. Someday these kids are going to go off to college, live in a dorm, take something of their roommates and get the crap beat out of them. Better they learn the lesson from their aunt than from someone who doesn't care if they put them in the hospital.

You were being a loving aunt by trying to protect them from that future trip to the hospital

You go Girl!!

krupa's photo
Tue 08/30/11 07:36 PM
"Someday these kids are going to go off to college, live in a dorm, take something of their roommates and get the crap beat out of them. Better they learn the lesson from their aunt than from someone who doesn't care if they put them in the hospital."

Actually, a former friend burglarized my home and robbed me while I was on vacation with my Mingle love.

As far as I am concerned, forget about undisiplined kids getting lucky enough to be beaten without mercy. I got a shotgun loaded with salt and metal shavings. I believe in shooting to maim.

A fellow worker caught a young guy (17-19) stealing change from a co-workers car and pitched a shitfit on him inside "Rescue The Animals" two doors down from work. They are our customers and we know the kids dad. (week before last) He was very apologetic.

So what? He step foot on our property again he will be beaten worse than his mamma would ever hit him. Then he will get beaten more.

The point of this is...if you raise a kid who takes without asking and just laughs it off. Expect your kid to end up missing.

For the love and preservation of kids...they need to be disciplined...cause we don't actually love them. You do.

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