Topic: Being Late
msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:15 PM
I dont care much about being on time to time

being on time to something that is actually on a schedule, is a different matter

if someone expects me at 7, but I Get there and have to wait until 730 for them to be ready, I may learn its not so imporant to be 'on time' for that person

in short, punctuality is a matter of respecting others time, but I respect others time only so long as they respect mine,, I have an issue with being on time so someone can waste mine,,,for whatever reason

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:18 PM

I dont care much about being on time to time

being on time to something that is actually on a schedule, is a different matter

if someone expects me at 7, but I Get there and have to wait until 730 for them to be ready, I may learn its not so imporant to be 'on time' for that person

in short, punctuality is a matter of respecting others time, but I respect others time only so long as they respect mine,, I have an issue with being on time so someone can waste mine,,,for whatever reason

So, when they learn that you're going to show up a half hour late, they're going to take longer to get ready because they don't expect you to be on time.

krupa's photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:37 PM
That ain't acceptable.

You wouldn't put up with it as an acceptable standard.

If you say 15 MEANS 15 minutes. Why ain't that doable?

If you were on a job, you better mean what you say. Cause anyone can say crap that they don't mean.

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:40 PM
I'd be pretty annoyed at someone who showed up late all the time. If they were more than a few minutes late often without a phone call, I'd probably stop inviting them out.

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:43 PM

I dont care much about being on time to time

being on time to something that is actually on a schedule, is a different matter

if someone expects me at 7, but I Get there and have to wait until 730 for them to be ready, I may learn its not so imporant to be 'on time' for that person

in short, punctuality is a matter of respecting others time, but I respect others time only so long as they respect mine,, I have an issue with being on time so someone can waste mine,,,for whatever reason

So, when they learn that you're going to show up a half hour late, they're going to take longer to get ready because they don't expect you to be on time.

that would be a red flag that they care nothing about my time, and we probably wouldnt hang out that much

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 03:55 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Sun 08/28/11 03:56 PM

I dont care much about being on time to time

being on time to something that is actually on a schedule, is a different matter

if someone expects me at 7, but I Get there and have to wait until 730 for them to be ready, I may learn its not so imporant to be 'on time' for that person

in short, punctuality is a matter of respecting others time, but I respect others time only so long as they respect mine,, I have an issue with being on time so someone can waste mine,,,for whatever reason

So, when they learn that you're going to show up a half hour late, they're going to take longer to get ready because they don't expect you to be on time.

that would be a red flag that they care nothing about my time, and we probably wouldnt hang out that much

And what you said above about not caring about being on time as well is a red flag. If you show up late and find no problem with it, but have a problem with someone else being late, you're being a hypocrite.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/28/11 04:40 PM

Sorry, I am that one always on time :-)
Simply because I never presume that my
time is more valuable than anyone else's.
I agree , I'm never late....if I can help it whoa

me three

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/11 04:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 08/28/11 04:45 PM

I dont care much about being on time to time

being on time to something that is actually on a schedule, is a different matter

if someone expects me at 7, but I Get there and have to wait until 730 for them to be ready, I may learn its not so imporant to be 'on time' for that person

in short, punctuality is a matter of respecting others time, but I respect others time only so long as they respect mine,, I have an issue with being on time so someone can waste mine,,,for whatever reason

So, when they learn that you're going to show up a half hour late, they're going to take longer to get ready because they don't expect you to be on time.

that would be a red flag that they care nothing about my time, and we probably wouldnt hang out that much

And what you said above about not caring about being on time as well is a red flag. If you show up late and find no problem with it, but have a problem with someone else being late, you're being a hypocrite.

I think there was a misunderstanding, I said I can respect others time AS LONG as they respect mine, so I start off with punctuality being a priority, UNLESS or UNTIL I find that when I am punctual (respecting their time) they still require me to WAIT(not respectful of mine)

in which case, I Will no longer see being punctual for them as a priority

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 04:58 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. :smile:

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sun 08/28/11 05:18 PM
Im always ontime. It shows disrespecto not be ontime.its not righto waste peopls time.

mssilverfox's photo
Sun 08/28/11 05:36 PM
Always on time here, usually a little early but will call if I'm held up...:smile:

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 05:41 PM

Sorry, I am that one always on time :-)
Simply because I never presume that my
time is more valuable than anyone else's.
I agree , I'm never late....if I can help it whoa

That is true.

Now...tell them how you kill mailboxes for fun you twizted bastahhhhd.

Don't force me to post pix.

ManO is always on time to avoid the work but, mack on the bunnies and SLAUGHTER innocent mail boxes while raping pidgeon to help out a Mingler. (Pidgeons keep raiding her feeder.....don't Blame Man O....those pideons earned a good raping.
guilty of all the above pitchfork

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 08/28/11 05:49 PM
If I make it to work before the boss, I'm not late. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 05:52 PM

If I make it to work before the boss, I'm not late. bigsmile

illumastorm's photo
Sun 08/28/11 06:35 PM
i am either on time or early!!! no excuse for being late, that just shows lame respect for who ever is waiting for you. unless your in an accident but you can still call them to let them know. people that i have to wait on that have no excuse get the royal treatment and i tell what i think. if it ever becomes legal to shoot someone i'll have my guns worn out in the first day .

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/11 06:46 PM

i am either on time or early!!! no excuse for being late, that just shows lame respect for who ever is waiting for you. unless your in an accident but you can still call them to let them know. people that i have to wait on that have no excuse get the royal treatment and i tell what i think. if it ever becomes legal to shoot someone i'll have my guns worn out in the first day .

there are exceptions (sometimes called excuses) to everything,,,

there is a reason to have lame respect for those who have lame respect for us

and not everyone can call when they have been in an accident,

and some dont have cell phones to call if they are en route and face some delay,,,

illumastorm's photo
Sun 08/28/11 07:24 PM

i am either on time or early!!! no excuse for being late, that just shows lame respect for who ever is waiting for you. unless your in an accident but you can still call them to let them know. people that i have to wait on that have no excuse get the royal treatment and i tell what i think. if it ever becomes legal to shoot someone i'll have my guns worn out in the first day .

there are exceptions (sometimes called excuses) to everything,,,

there is a reason to have lame respect for those who have lame respect for us

and not everyone can call when they have been in an accident,

and some dont have cell phones to call if they are en route and face some delay,,,

true... i stand corrected. but i still hate being late and people that are late for no good reason.

no photo
Sun 08/28/11 07:33 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Sun 08/28/11 07:36 PM

i am either on time or early!!! no excuse for being late, that just shows lame respect for who ever is waiting for you. unless your in an accident but you can still call them to let them know. people that i have to wait on that have no excuse get the royal treatment and i tell what i think. if it ever becomes legal to shoot someone i'll have my guns worn out in the first day .

there are exceptions (sometimes called excuses) to everything,,,

there is a reason to have lame respect for those who have lame respect for us

and not everyone can call when they have been in an accident,

and some dont have cell phones to call if they are en route and face some delay,,,

Very few people don't have cell phones these days.

Blackito's photo
Sun 08/28/11 07:58 PM
I noticed some people talked about respect of each other's time a couple of time.

I only want to specify the perception of a lateness may differs so much depending of the cultural origins of that person.

To respect somebody you need to understand his culture and the way of perceiving things first.

I am usually on time and specially with new relatives and I'm always when it is about professional appointments.

Before getting offended for somebody's lateness or any different behavior you must understand the perception that person has of it may differ from yours.

Why your perception should be THE GOOD ONE?

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 08/28/11 08:06 PM

If I make it to work before the boss, I'm not late. bigsmile
