Topic: did you know?
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Thu 08/25/11 01:20 AM
did you know you can opt out of vaccinations for many reasons?

do you know that vaccines contain mercury and other harmful things

did you know you can raise your kids immune system with vitamins and

nutrients with no side effects

josie68's photo
Mon 09/19/11 05:06 AM
Edited by josie68 on Mon 09/19/11 05:08 AM
Yes its a choice we all make and a risk we take,
I had a friend growing up who was in his 40's and couldnt walk as he had suffered from polio as a child, do you realise that before the polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported each year in the United States.I had another girlfriend whose 7 year old died from chicken pox, rare but still a complication.. 11000 children used to be hospitalised before the vacine was released in the us in 1995 and around 150 died each year.

My son got meningitus at 6 month, it left him deaf and with no muscle control.In the US meningitis once killed 600 children each year and left many survivors with deafness, seizures, or mental retardation. Now that has been reduced by more than 98 percent. I wish that the vacine had of been available in australia when my son was a baby.

And as for measles if the vaccines where stopped almost every child would catch it in their lifetime .just in the US 3 in every 1000 children would die, in under developed countries it would be more. it would average out that around 2.7 million deaths worldwide per year would occure.

I understand that everyone has a choice, but please before you go telling everyone about their choices, inform thenm honestly of what can hapen to their children if they do not vacinate them.. Especially if they live near people who come from others countries where the diseases are still rampant..

I havent put statistics in for small pox whooping cough and many other diseases but whole communities used to be wiped out when these diseases went through, most people no longer realise how deadly these things where.
And for a few people to stop doing it probably wont make a huge difference, however if everyone stopped the epidemics that the vacinations stopped would start again, simply because the viruses still exist and are out there.

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/19/11 05:26 AM
YES, I have a niece who lives totally natural with her and her chlds diet and opts out of vaccines

you can sign paperwork to opt out because it really just puts your own child at risk over other children

but it is perfectly legal as an option and takes alot of research and dedication to pull off successfully in terms of building the child up without it,,,

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Thu 09/29/11 10:00 AM
Edited by volant7 on Thu 09/29/11 10:01 AM
i see that most people would rather get their children shots instead of feeding them nutritious and healthy foods to raise their immune system

josie68's photo
Fri 09/30/11 01:12 AM

i see that most people would rather get their children shots instead of feeding them nutritious and healthy foods to raise their immune system

Actually no that is not the point, my children ate organic healthy home grown food, they where very healthy.

yet one is deaf from menigitus. If he had of been immunised he would not be deaf and he would not suffer from and of the other condition he was left with.

Not everyone can afford to eat everything healthy, millions of children used to die, diet will not protect a child if these disease start again.

Yes right now it is not a huge threat but it is still out there.

Yes you have a valid point that you can buil up your immune system, but sufficiently to protect against these diseases.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/13/11 10:59 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Thu 10/13/11 11:07 AM
There has been so much balogne put out there about vacinations and their supposed side effects by people who don't know what they are talking about. That it is is really sad even criminal in my view.

Yes; some vscinations have elements that in too high a doses would not be good; just like drinking too much water or eating too much good food is unhealthy. In comparison to the dose these elements while necessary are negligible in their risk.

BUT and this is a HUGE qualifyer if those elements allow a child's own body chemistry to absorb and develope an immunity to a disease that can cause devastateing consequences even death I think a parent and society have the right, EVEN the responsibility, to demand that it be given.

A lot of people make a huge deal about mercury in vacinations when it is a naturally occuring element in our chemical make up. And you can get a lot more mercury from other routine sources in our environment to mention only one of the Boogie Man tactics that anti vacinnation zealots like to latch on to.

It is always important to know the source of your medical information. And to know what influences that are played against the information they give.

In a world where commuicable diseases are spread through so many ways we are not even aware of it is ridiculos to think that you are going to create a safe environment where your child will not be exposed.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/13/11 12:28 PM
I know healthy children who are immunized and those who arent,, its a matter of choice and one is no better or worse than the others and both are usually made by parents who want 'healthy' children.

I hate when parenting styles are demonized

immunizing vs not immunizing
breastfeeding vs not breastfeeding
spanking vs time outs

parents by and large do the best we can and try to do what we think is best for OUR child and OUR situation

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/13/11 01:26 PM
I agree parents do have to make their own choices but unfortuneately those choices carry very high costs to children and society in general at times.

One selfish act or unintentional contasct can expose hundereds of people to illness and suffering. Measels is a clssic example and so is whooping cough which is almost epidemic in some areas of California at this time.

Even one medically dependent child can be a terrible burden on small community hospitals and school systems that are already collasping from under funding.

The absence of immunization can spell a lifetime of suffering for many. While not the worst always for the parent it surely is heart wrenching when a failure to immunize results in guilt, financial bankrupcy from catestrophic medical debt, exhaustion from extraordinary care demands, divorce, ostrization, state dependency, and even loss of custody to name only a few of the complications parents suffer directly for this decision.

While it may sound like demonizeing a parenting style/decsion it is stateing facts that any responsible parent should be given when making such a far reaching and life altering decision.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/13/11 02:06 PM
thats a big if though and the lists of ifs are exponential when it comes to parenting

My niece raises her child without immunization, they are a vegan family and very healthy and happy,,,I dont feel her way is any better or worse than mine where we get immunized ,,,its all about finding a balance one can maintain that works for THEIR family,,,

josie68's photo
Wed 10/19/11 12:40 AM

thats a big if though and the lists of ifs are exponential when it comes to parenting

My niece raises her child without immunization, they are a vegan family and very healthy and happy,,,I dont feel her way is any better or worse than mine where we get immunized ,,,its all about finding a balance one can maintain that works for THEIR family,,,

I dont think its about not having choices but being informed correctly, at the moment it is not a huge threat as the majority of parents have their children imunised, however if everyone stopped, the diseases would once again destroy communities and so your neices and nephews would be in danger regardless of their healthy life style.

It's a little like not wanting to smoke because you may get lung cancer and arguing that you have smoked for years and havent got it.
The threat is still there.

msharmony's photo
Wed 10/19/11 12:46 AM
I think its more natural to not smoke than to smoke, I think its also more natural to have 'natural' immunity than man made immunizations. But each parent does have to make their own choice, and because it is the acceptable norm and doesnt APPEAR to be having averse affect, I opt to use vaccines.

I have alot of respect for my niece for doing the EXTRA work involved in building immunity the natural way with my nephew and I think if everyone did it, THE PROPER WAY, we wouldnt have anymore disease than we do now. BUt the rub is doing it the proper way, which not everyone knows how to or can afford to do.

no photo
Wed 10/19/11 10:05 AM
In Montana you can not put your kids in Public Schools unless they have all thair shots.
They have to be Home Schooled!

msharmony's photo
Wed 10/19/11 03:49 PM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 10/19/11 03:49 PM

In Montana you can not put your kids in Public Schools unless they have all thair shots.
They have to be Home Schooled!

Not that homeschool is a bad thing, but Im curious when Montana switched to such a practice, as in 2009 they had the option to waiver

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 10/19/11 04:46 PM

In Montana you can not put your kids in Public Schools unless they have all thair shots.
They have to be Home Schooled!

Not that homeschool is a bad thing, but Im curious when Montana switched to such a practice, as in 2009 they had the option to waiver

You can put your kids in ANY school without the shots. My oldest boy was born in Montana and started school there. They just tell ya that they can't go without the shots but there are ways around it.
I did have to sign papers that if there was any outbreak of any of the dis-eases that my boys would not be able to go to school during the breakout..which was fine with me.

I got exemptions for all 3 of my boys, wasn't about to put that crap in their tiny bodies!!!!!!! The states were Montana, Delaware and Utah and Delaware was the hardest one to get. I had to go with a 'religious' reason for doing so there.

no photo
Wed 10/19/11 05:04 PM

In Montana you can not put your kids in Public Schools unless they have all thair shots.
They have to be Home Schooled!

Not that homeschool is a bad thing, but Im curious when Montana switched to such a practice, as in 2009 they had the option to waiver

You can put your kids in ANY school without the shots. My oldest boy was born in Montana and started school there. They just tell ya that they can't go without the shots but there are ways around it.
I did have to sign papers that if there was any outbreak of any of the dis-eases that my boys would not be able to go to school during the breakout..which was fine with me.

I got exemptions for all 3 of my boys, wasn't about to put that crap in their tiny bodies!!!!!!! The states were Montana, Delaware and Utah and Delaware was the hardest one to get. I had to go with a 'religious' reason for doing so there.

That's cool to know.I know that they would not let my kids even start school without proof of youngest is in her last year.So she has all of them.But my neice still has a problem with it!
I will give her this link!biggrin

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Fri 10/21/11 09:31 AM
Parents Should Allow Us To Play Soccer And Date A Hot Girl