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Topic: Are woman (and some men) more shallow then there say
ybcat1's photo
Wed 08/17/11 01:21 PM
I agree, I think most people don't even get pass the photo to read a persons profile because they've judge that people not to be their type anyway. I won't lie I have done it many times. For instance, if I see a guy who is he!!a fine in my opinion, I will not bother looking at his profile because I've judged him to be conceited and he'd look at me as not being his type.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 08/17/11 01:34 PM

when i read womans profile there nealy always say personalty and making them laugh is more importent tham looks but as soon as there see picture there say you not what iam looking for so it is looks as there nealy always never chat and find out if you funny and have a good personalty idd love so here from you all on why there do this ? thank for reading

Methinks it is not your picture that makes them back away.
The 'Intimate Encounter' headline can preclude them even
looking at your picture.

Also, profiles can serve as a culling tool, you read until
you find something off-putting.
I never read anything past the age, if it is not right.
Then their location, click.
If you seem undereducated (can hardly tell what you are saying)
or lazy, or, any number of things, people are going to pass.

As those above have said, getting to know someone in the
forums, opens up your personality, which can be lacking
in a profile.

Simonedemidova's photo
Wed 08/17/11 04:17 PM

I think in general men are more shallow but women are more vain. I think that goes hand in hand though. Like women are vain because men are shallow. rofl

(this of course is a generalization and does not cover all people)

You are very wise young grasshopperlaugh laugh drinker

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 08/17/11 11:07 PM
Yes, yes, and yes. Most of the time. No matter which gender you are.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/18/11 01:30 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/18/11 01:33 AM
IN 2d, EVERYTHING is visual

from a picture to the words you read, so ID say its quite natural for the mind to 'set aside' what the eyes like looking at

in 3d(real time), there is personality, body language, style, class(or lack of), mannerisms,all things that can be equally attractive to someone who has the opportunity to observe them for a while

so I would say, for me, in real life I have been attracted to all physical types because of their personality moreso than their appearance

on the internet, I dont have the time to get to know eveeryones personality and figure out if Im attracted to it, so I initially shorten the list by picking out what is physically attractive(pictures),

and then I shorten THAT list by looking for things like whether they are single, OVER The age of 30, or whether we share the same values, hobbies, interests, goals,,,,etc,,,

I have to skip plenty of physically appealing profiles because once I read them it is obvious we wouldnt be a good match...

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