Topic: Honesty when it comes to dating...
Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Tue 08/09/11 06:40 PM
A bit of sex thrown in too. Yeah ;)

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 06:44 PM

A bit of sex thrown in too. Yeah ;)

naughty girl

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 06:44 PM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 08/09/11 07:04 PM

A bit of sex thrown in too. Yeah ;)

naughty girl

Did I call you naughty girl twice?

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 06:59 PM

Actually, my issue was that some people seem to think that someone who states they're looking for a husband is more honest than someone who wants to get to know someone and see how things go.

I can't say that this person would necessarily have to be more honest, but a direct statement incorporating that level of sheer focus is definitely different enough to be eye-catching.

And I think, on some subliminal level, there could be a tendency for some people to read more honesty into it. I know that, when I read the posts about most definitely wanting marriage and kids, there was no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she was totally committed to that goal.

It does come across as more forthcoming than the usual vague, nebulous cliches that most people toss out as a matter of habit.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:07 PM

Actually, my issue was that some people seem to think that someone who states they're looking for a husband is more honest than someone who wants to get to know someone and see how things go.

I can't say that this person would necessarily have to be more honest, but a direct statement incorporating that level of sheer focus is definitely different enough to be eye-catching.

And I think, on some subliminal level, there could be a tendency for some people to read more honesty into it. I know that, when I read the posts about most definitely wanting marriage and kids, there was no doubt in my mind whatsoever that she was totally committed to that goal.

It does come across as more forthcoming than the usual vague, nebulous cliches that most people toss out as a matter of habit.

well stated sir

MisterAnderson's photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:13 PM

rant and just what is wrong with poetry?!?!

Absolutely, positively nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with flowers, either. flowers

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:16 PM
Every relationship has a different dynamic based on how long you've known the person, where you know them from, etc. I don't think it's dishonest to wait to bring up certain subjects. There comes a point when keeping something to yourself becomes dishonesty though. Where that point is exactly varies. But, if you are dating someone on a weekly basis, I think all the cards should come out onto the table.

MisterAnderson's photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:17 PM

Actually, my issue was that some people seem to think that someone who states they're looking for a husband is more honest than someone who wants to get to know someone and see how things go.

I'm all for people being upfront about what they want. However, that does not mean someone who goes about things a bit differently is necessarily being less honest.

You're making this about a specific person. It's not, really. It's more about how people think about the different approaches.

Gotcha, and I agree that going about things differently is not necessarily being less honest.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:24 PM

Every relationship has a different dynamic based on how long you've known the person, where you know them from, etc. I don't think it's dishonest to wait to bring up certain subjects. There comes a point when keeping something to yourself becomes dishonesty though. Where that point is exactly varies. But, if you are dating someone on a weekly basis, I think all the cards should come out onto the table.

I agree with this.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:24 PM

Actually, my issue was that some people seem to think that someone who states they're looking for a husband is more honest than someone who wants to get to know someone and see how things go.

I'm all for people being upfront about what they want. However, that does not mean someone who goes about things a bit differently is necessarily being less honest.

You're making this about a specific person. It's not, really. It's more about how people think about the different approaches.

Gotcha, and I agree that going about things differently is not necessarily being less honest.


misswright's photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:26 PM
I think the line between honesty and dishonesty is often blurred. Both terms are subjective. Everyone tries to make a good impression when first meeting a potential partner, so maybe you omit the total truth (call it lying if that makes ya feel better!) for fear of giving the wrong impression. In my experience, most people can't handle the absolute "truth"...

Some lies are easy to decipher. If you say "That chair is red." and it's actually green, well hello, that's a lie. But feelings and likes/dislikes are not so clear and concise, so this leads me to believe there are degrees of honesty/dishonesty when it comes to what we want/don't want in a relationship or partner.

If you're married and say you're single, you're being dishonest, no question there. But if you don't tell your date that you're sexually attracted to them on the first date because you don't want them to think you jump into bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry, are you being dishonest? I think not even though you ARE honestly attracted to them. Sure you could tell them, but what impression would that give? I would guess they would think all you wanted was a piece of *** when in reality, it could be that you haven't had sex in years and find very few men attractive enough to spawn that kind of sentiment. So what's a girl to do? "Lie", or tell the "truth"? And therein lies the dilemma.

True colors show through in time. At least, that's how it seems to work in my delusional little world.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:30 PM

I think the line between honesty and dishonesty is often blurred. Both terms are subjective. Everyone tries to make a good impression when first meeting a potential partner, so maybe you omit the total truth (call it lying if that makes ya feel better!) for fear of giving the wrong impression. In my experience, most people can't handle the absolute "truth"...

Some lies are easy to decipher. If you say "That chair is red." and it's actually green, well hello, that's a lie. But feelings and likes/dislikes are not so clear and concise, so this leads me to believe there are degrees of honesty/dishonesty when it comes to what we want/don't want in a relationship or partner.

If you're married and say you're single, you're being dishonest, no question there. But if you don't tell your date that you're sexually attracted to them on the first date because you don't want them to think you jump into bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry, are you being dishonest? I think not even though you ARE honestly attracted to them. Sure you could tell them, but what impression would that give? I would guess they would think all you wanted was a piece of *** when in reality, it could be that you haven't had sex in years and find very few men attractive enough to spawn that kind of sentiment. So what's a girl to do? "Lie", or tell the "truth"? And therein lies the dilemma.

True colors show through in time. At least, that's how it seems to work in my delusional little world.

Even without saying they're attracted to their date for fear of what the date thinks, accepting a second date would give it away.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:31 PM
I'm not the best on this subject...but, if you meet someone.'s a date, hookup, possible ltr. You and this person MUST communicate what's going on. First state of business...use a condom!!!! Friendship, I found csn lead to a great, loving to to man...woman to woman!!!

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:37 PM
Honesty is the most important thing. I'm HIV Poz. I tell that to everyone...friends and surprises. I still want someone to love me!!!

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:39 PM

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:41 PM

Truly, when looking for a significant other, how can we really know what we want before we have it? Sure we have a list of what we don't want, what we can live with and how other people should act but still. If you found what you want in somebody before and let them get away, that is tragic.

Maybe we should'nt ask those questions to potential suitors all of the time. Maybe we should just go with it and try to enjoy the moments we have together and learn about each other. I can't define what I want without first having it. There are so many different types of people that I would fit very well with.

Maybe we should find what we need.

So the next time a lady asks me what I want, I'm going to take her by the hand and say "I don't know what I want, but what I need is you". Let's see how that works out.

Truly, when looking for a significant other, how can we really know what we want before we have it?


love this, monier - Mon, this is PERFECT.

I like to leave things open,

I get guys afraid to say they want me tho cuz they think I will say no, and I might - then again, I might not, I might say yes

and that is how I think things should go

and actually only talk to one person at a time seriously, and I request the same...tho when "seriously" starts is negotiable.

and I have been lied to on that....and have learned that it is, however, all that I can do - it;s like my only requirement as u were asking about requirements - except that if "he" isn't wanting that also - well - I will lose interest. The ONE thing I do not like is a man who is not sure that I am the ONE

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:51 PM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 08/09/11 09:54 PM

I think the line between honesty and dishonesty is often blurred. Both terms are subjective. Everyone tries to make a good impression when first meeting a potential partner, so maybe you omit the total truth (call it lying if that makes ya feel better!) for fear of giving the wrong impression. In my experience, most people can't handle the absolute "truth"...

Some lies are easy to decipher. If you say "That chair is red." and it's actually green, well hello, that's a lie. But feelings and likes/dislikes are not so clear and concise, so this leads me to believe there are degrees of honesty/dishonesty when it comes to what we want/don't want in a relationship or partner.

If you're married and say you're single, you're being dishonest, no question there. But if you don't tell your date that you're sexually attracted to them on the first date because you don't want them to think you jump into bed with any Tom, Dick, or Harry, are you being dishonest? I think not even though you ARE honestly attracted to them. Sure you could tell them, but what impression would that give? I would guess they would think all you wanted was a piece of *** when in reality, it could be that you haven't had sex in years and find very few men attractive enough to spawn that kind of sentiment. So what's a girl to do? "Lie", or tell the "truth"? And therein lies the dilemma.

True colors show through in time. At least, that's how it seems to work in my delusional little world.

Saying the truth will separate the men from the boys. When you say the truth is up to you, but if it's a real man that cares about people he will take what ever you say with the trust it was said with.

One thing that women should be cautious of is that deceit censor that guys have. If they are told "there's something else you should know about me" too many times it makes a tape that usually doesn't get erased easily.

On the attraction issue the guy is more than likely waiting for you to say something out of being polite to you. They know that your tired of getting hit on for meaningless sex so they usually wait for you to open the attraction door. Again if it's a mature fellow he's not going to read it wrong. If the wrong guy thinks the wrong thing, well he's wrong for you. I've had women do the attraction thing to me both ways and the slow approach went right over my head. I prefer a woman say it and I'll take it as it is.

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 09:58 PM

Honesty is the most important thing. I'm HIV Poz. I tell that to everyone...friends and surprises. I still want someone to love me!!!

Right on bro! Welcome to mingle!

misswright's photo
Tue 08/09/11 10:28 PM

On the attraction issue the guy is more than likely waiting for you to say something out of being polite to you. They know that your tired of getting hit on for meaningless sex so they usually wait for you to open the attraction door. Again if it's a mature fellow he's not going to read it wrong. If the wrong guy thinks the wrong thing, well he's wrong for you. I've had women do the attraction thing to me both ways and the slow approach went right over my head. I prefer a woman say it and I'll take it as it is.

Ha! You just sorta proved my point. So the guy is just being polite when all he wants is meaningless sex? Why not just say that? I would have more respect for the guy that walks up to me in a bar and says "Hey baby, I wanna take you home and screw the hell out of you and never call you again" than the guy who asks you out that night, kisses you on the cheek after the dinner date, says he wants to take it slow and then dumps you after you finally give it up once you've developed feelings for him. All he really wanted was meaningless sex but he wanted to be polite about getting it! The second guy is more of a bastard than the first in my book.

As for me personally, I'm blunt. If I want to sleep with you on the first date, fifth date, five months after we meet, whenever, you'll know it. I'm not ashamed of my feelings and I try to be as clear as I can be in my intentions. Like you said, if the guy is offended, he's not the guy for me. I keep on keeping on and someday I'm going to find someone that's on the same page and wants what I want. I get accused of being brutally honest though and I always plead guilty as charged. I'd rather lay my cards on the table and lose than hold my tongue and wonder what could have been. One of my favorite sayings is "A hungry closed mouth will never get fed."

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:44 AM
For me, personally, I have always put everything out there right up front. That's why my profile has always had my medical condition on it, even when I was actively looking for someone to date. But, I don't think it's dishonest to withhold personal information for a short period of time. If you ask someone out a third time's time to start talking.