Topic: if u r so bored... | |
let's talk about
why do we feel so apprehended when somebody else thinks different than we do? if we don't agree with a friend, is not just easier to agree to disagree. Instead of fighiting over that. Just a thought. What do u say? |
never hold a grudge....
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I don't remember every feeling apprehended when someone thinks different than I.
![]() But I do take issue with people who refuse to think. Like those who watch Michael Moore movies and take them seriously. |
I may feel a bit apprehensive....but that's just me
or even better
when somebody pushes us to think beyong our scheme or our mental frame? |
I like it when I am pushed to think beyond my own understanding, its challenging to me, opens my mind more to other possibilities.
If someone doesn't agree with me then thats fine as long as its done in a respectful manner, friends just know how far they can push it too. |
maybe you were being pushed to think beyond your scheme or mental frame
With some people it is possible to agree to disagree and keep the friendship. There are some people, though, that have the think like me or that is it. It is a sad thing when people can't be friends because you disagree about something that really and truly shouldn't be important.
I just love the dialogue
![]() How boring if everyone thought like me ... |
If everyone had that mentality, ArtGurl, then the world would be a better place.
even if somebody pushes me beyond my mental scheme. I need to find logic on it to open my mind
I would never expect anyone to always agree with me, I also like to hear their point of view and appreciaate it as well. that doesn't mean that because someone disagrees with you , that either one is right or wrong. I never lose a friend over diagreements. That is what communication is for.. ![]() |
sometimes there are things that you feel extremely passionate about and when i know this is true for a friend i do not push them into making a choice
that's the key
do not jeopardize a friendship just for a disagreement |
One of the things I treasure about the friendships I have is that my friends don't always agree with me and don't disrespect me for the way I feel nor do I disrespect them.
Like TLW and I, we don't always see eye to eye about certain religious things but we respect each other enough to allow each other to have those separate thoughts and feelings. |
cheers for my sister
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Sometimes, you just have to let a friendship go. It is a sad reality.
aye thank you my brother
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